Broomfield   ›   Lesley Goth

Lesley Goth, EMDR

Psychologist | Verified Psychologist Claimed
Lesley Goth, EMDR, Psychologist in Broomfield, CO


Lesley is a certified EMDR therapist. She helps adolescents and adults with all types of emotional issues, and supports them in finding true intimacy in their relationships. She also helps people suffering from eating disorders, trauma and PTSD. She did her Bachelor’s in Psychology from Skidmore College in NY in 1990, and did her Master’s and PsyD in Clinical Psychology at the California School of Professional Psychology (Alliant University) in 1994.
Lesley Goth is also listed in Best Marriage Therapists in Broomfield


  • Divorce
  • General marriage
  • Infidelity
  • Intimacy
  • Life events
  • Mental conditions
  • Pre-marriage
  • Sex

Language(s) Spoken:

  • English

My Articles

What You Must Know about ‘Parent Alienation Syndrome’


What You Must Know about ‘Parent Alienation Syndrome’

Dave was around 9 or 10 when his parents got divorced. He was not too surprised as there was a lot of tension and conflict in the home, nevertheless, the ...
Suggestions For Successfully Blending Families


Suggestions For Successfully Blending Families

Blend, blend, blend . This is what the gal said to me who was doing my makeover. She had dotted foundation all over my face then took a sponge and rubbed ...
Menopause And My Marriage


Menopause And My Marriage

I hate menopause! But then, I also kind of love it. Sure, menopause is a bitch. I m grumpy, bloated, can t sleep, and feel like I don t even know who I ...
Going Beyond Love: How to Nurture True Intimacy in Relationships


Going Beyond Love: How to Nurture True Intimacy in Relationships

You may have struggled in a relationship and thought that the love between you is simply not enough to keep it together. Why isn t love enough? Since childhood, ...

Office Location

13654 Xavier Ln,
Broomfield ColoradoUnited States 80023