West Hollywood   ›   Kathalynn Davis

Kathalynn Davis

Life Coach | Verified Life Coach Claimed
Kathalynn Davis, Life Coach in West Hollywood, CA


Kathalynn has studied both Eastern and Western philosophies and teachings. She has traveled across the globe to meet with many of the world's most renowned teachers, swamis, avatars and healers and have integrated their various processes and techniques into her own synergistic and unique approach. Her undergraduate major was in world religion with a minor in philosophy. In addition, she has a Masters form Columbia University (MSW) , a Life Coach certification from New York University and she is a certified Sedona Method Coach.

Kathalynn Davis is also listed in Best Marriage Therapists in West Hollywood

Language(s) Spoken:

  • English

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Office Location

One with success,
West Hollywood CaliforniaUnited States 90069