Columbus   ›   Karen S. Waugh

Karen S. Waugh

Counselor | Verified Counselor Claimed
Karen S. Waugh, Counselor in Columbus, OH


Karen is an experienced psychotherapist and licensed substance use counselor, who has been in private practice in Columbus, Ohio, for over 15 years. She is a social worker and clinical supervisor, she uses psycho-dynamic and cognitive behavioural therapy to treat her clients. Karen has a bachelor's and master's degree from The Ohio State University, College of Social work.

Karen S. is also listed in Best Marriage Therapists in Columbus

Language(s) Spoken:

  • English

My Articles

Love and Marriage:  Premarital Considerations

Pre Marriage

Love and Marriage: Premarital Considerations

Before you commit your life to another, consider this Love has absolutely nothing to do with the success or health of marriage. In twenty years of work ...

Office Location

Waugh Counseling Services
3805 North High Street, Suite 310,

Columbus OhioUnited States 0