West Bloomfield   ›   Julie Ohana

Julie Ohana

Culinary Art Therapist | Verified Culinary Art Therapist Claimed
Julie Ohana, Culinary Art Therapist in West Bloomfield, MI


Julie Ohana, LMSW and culinary art therapist has a private practice in West Bloomfield, Michigan.She received her B.A in Counseling from SUNY Empire State College in 2001, and earned her M.S.W from Yeshiva University's Wurzweiler School of Social Work in New York City in 2004. Julie has worked with a wide-ranging population. She has worked in the fields of inpatient substance abuse treatment, as well as outpatient mental health treatment. Julie has many years of experience working with adolescents and their parents. Julie has a strong passion and firmly believes in the power of the Family Meal.

Julie Ohana is also listed in Best Marriage Therapists in West Bloomfield

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  • English

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Office Location

2140 Walnut Lake,
West Bloomfield MichiganUnited States 48323