Aurora   ›   Janelle Johnson

Janelle Johnson, LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor | Verified Licensed Professional Counselor Claimed
Janelle Johnson, LPC, Licensed Professional Counselor in Aurora, CO


Janelle is an experienced Licensed Professional Counselor, she established Life Balance Counseling private practice in Aurora, Colorado August 2011. She works with a vast population. She specializes in anxiety, grief, loss, ADHD, and relationship conflict. She guides clients so they may achieve balance in their lives by accessing resources, fostering healthy relationships, managing stress, using healthy coping skills, sustaining self-worth, and value. She completed her master’s degree in Counseling from Regis University. She is a member of the American Counseling Association, Rho Upsilon Chi- Chi Sigma Iota, and the Colorado Black Chamber of Commerce.
Janelle Johnson is also listed in Best Marriage Therapists in Aurora


Language(s) Spoken:

  • English

My Articles

5 Areas of Loving Your Partner Intentionally


5 Areas of Loving Your Partner Intentionally

There are 5 areas of loving intentionally we will look at when loving your partner, or spouse The choice to love Loving with a purpose The motivation to ...
Boundaries in Blended Families


Boundaries in Blended Families

Consistent blended family rules within families and during transitions set a precedence of what is normal, and expected. This is considering all parties ...
How To Help Your Partner Deal With Demise Of Someone Close


How To Help Your Partner Deal With Demise Of Someone Close

When your spouse has faced a significant loss, death of someone close to their heart, it is very natural for them to feel heartbroken. In this emotional ...

Office Location

3190 S. Vaughn Way Suite 550,
Aurora ColoradoUnited States 80014