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Jane Fendelman

Coach | Verified Coach Claimed
Jane Fendelman, Coach in Phoenix, AZ


Jane E Fendelman, MC counselor, author, speaker, has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Education 1982 and Master of Counseling Degree 1993. She is an individual, marriage/couples, and child-family expert and is a twice certified Hospice Worker, Grief Counselor, Critical Incidence Debriefing Specialist and an Omni-Denominational Minister.
Jane is the founder of the Fendelman Metanoia Counseling Method for transformation. Metanoia is a total reversal in thinking or a spiritual awakening.
Jane Fendelman is also listed in Best Marriage Therapists in Phoenix


Jane Fendelman received a bachelor’s (BS) degree from the Southwest Missouri State University .


Services Provided Via:

  • In person
  • Phone
  • Internet meeting

Works With:

  • Individual
  • Couples
  • Family
  • Group

Working With Marriages for:

  • 25 Year(s)

Hourly Fees Range:

  • $150 - $200

Language(s) Spoken:

  • English

My Articles

Difference Between Feminine and Masculine Energies in a Relationship


Difference Between Feminine and Masculine Energies in a Relationship

Yes, we are spirit. We are spirit manifest. We have manifested bodies to learn to do the Earth walk. Act like an Earthling, act like a lady or gentleman. ...
Where Does Love Come From?


Where Does Love Come From?

People are our mirrors. Our ugliness and our beauty is reflected to us through them. When you are with your children or your beloved) and you are feeling ...
Embrace Your Dark Side for Better Parenting


Embrace Your Dark Side for Better Parenting

Have you ever noticed how your child appears to have different personalities that emerge at different times? We all have a dark side our dark force, i.e., ...
Respond Not React to Your Thoughts and Feelings


Respond Not React to Your Thoughts and Feelings

Plato said, There is an old fable about God trying to reconcile the strife of opposites, and how, when he could not, he fastened their heads together. ...
The Albino Deer- A Fascinating Story About Loving Yourself


The Albino Deer- A Fascinating Story About Loving Yourself

In ancient times there was a legend of the Albino Deer. It s a story about loving yourself and accepting yourself as you are. It was said that any hunter ...
How to Replace the Need for External Approval With Self Approval-Essential Parenting Advice


How to Replace the Need for External Approval With Self Approval-Essential Parenting Advice

The grocery store experience! Your child has the psychological advantage in public places by virtue of the fact that you have a deeply ingrained need for ...

Office Location

Jane Fendelman, MC 1328 E Clarendon Ave Phoenix, Arizona,
Phoenix ArizonaUnited States 85014