Beverly Hills   ›   Eileen Fein

Eileen Fein

Breathwork Therapist | Verified Breathwork Therapist Claimed
Eileen Fein, Breathwork Therapist in Beverly Hills, CA


Eileen has a Bachelor's of Arts in Psychology and a Master's of Science in Clinical Nutrition from NYU. For more than 15 years she has worked as a patient advocate, supporting patients in their journey, including speaking at FDA Advisory Committee Meetings. Eileen has trained in breathwork and participated in UCLA's Mindful Awareness Research Center programs.

Eileen Fein is also listed in Best Marriage Therapists in Beverly Hills

Language(s) Spoken:

  • English

My Articles

My Videos

Meditation For Creating Intimacy

Meditation For Creating Intimacy

Intimacy is the closeness shared between couples that strengthens their relationship. But, with roadblocks such as arguments, followed by anger and resentment,...
Meditation for Renewing Love in Relationships

Meditation For Renewing Love In Relationships

In this guided Breathwork meditation you will use the power of your breath to breakthrough resentments and renew the love you have as a couple.
Meditation with Experience Sharing - Pathway to Healthy Relationship

Meditation With Experience Sharing - Pathway To Healthy Relationship

Sharing experience is an important part of any healthy relationship. In this guided Breathwork meditation you will use your breath to break through resentments...
Meditation for forgiveness

Meditation For Forgiveness

There is latent shame behind the anger and stress you experience. You need to let go of this shame in order to live your life to the fullest. Release shame...

Office Location

9909 Robbins Drive, Studio C,
Beverly Hills CaliforniaUnited States 90212