Wexford   ›   David O Saenz

David O Saenz

Psychologist | Verified Psychologist Claimed
David O Saenz, Psychologist in Wexford, PA


Dr. Saenz is a veteran Psychologist with 40 years of experience in the field. In those 40 years he has: conducted over a thousand disability, personal injury, and court ordered/forensic evaluations; provided individual and group therapy in correctional and inpatient settings; worked as a community psychologist, been a CEO and organizational consultant, served as an adjunct professor, and established a thriving private practice. Dr Saenz has presented numerous workshops at the national and international level and has been described as a highly energetic, entertaining, very informative, knowledgeable, wise, and most importantly, as a seasoned and compassionate therapist.
David O is also listed in Best Marriage Therapists in Wexford

Language(s) Spoken:

  • English

My Articles

5 Signs That You Are Married to a Sociopath Husband


5 Signs That You Are Married to a Sociopath Husband

Has your relationship with your partner changed to an extent where you don t know who he is anymore? Do you often wonder Is my husband a sociopath? or ...
The Sirens’ Call: Emotional Abuse in Marriage (Part 1 of 4)


The Sirens’ Call: Emotional Abuse in Marriage (Part 1 of 4)

NOTE Both women and men experience emotional and physical abuse. In this article series, the male is presented as the abuser with the recognition that ...
How to End the Cycle of Emotional Abuse-Part 3


How to End the Cycle of Emotional Abuse-Part 3

Empaths, or those who tend to be sensitive, thoughtful, considerate and warm spirited, are often the ones sought out and even cultivated by the emotionally ...
How to End the Cycle of Emotional Abuse-Part 4


How to End the Cycle of Emotional Abuse-Part 4

There are stages to the process of leaving an abusive relationship. If there are children and co parenting will be required, the dynamics change dramatically. ...

Office Location

Brooktree Center Office Park 1000 Brooktree Rd, Suite 209,
Wexford PennsylvaniaUnited States 15090