Hagerstown   ›   Crystal Rice

Crystal Rice

Counselor | Verified Counselor Claimed
Crystal Rice, Counselor in Hagerstown, MD


Crystal Rice is licensed as a graduate social worker (LGSW) and is certified in Advanced Trauma Treatment. She has worked as a therapist and coach and is skilled in creating an atmosphere of trust, collaboration and the possibility of change among couples. She believes in working with people’s strengths and offers honest feedback and ideas, also addresses unhelpful behavior patterns.

Crystal Rice is also listed in Best Marriage Therapists in Hagerstown

Language(s) Spoken:

  • English

My Articles

The Big Divide: When is it Time to Divorce?


The Big Divide: When is it Time to Divorce?

Is my marriage over? Should I get a divorce? How to know when to divorce? Signs you are ready for divorce? Feeling exasperated by a failing marriage. Well, ...
The Illness of Cheating: Why Do People Cheat in Relationships?


The Illness of Cheating: Why Do People Cheat in Relationships?

There is a common saying that infidelity is rarely the main issue that it instead is a symptom albeit a very hurtful one) of some other troubles. I m sure ...
The Ex Files: When You’re Still Haunted by the One that Got Away


The Ex Files: When You’re Still Haunted by the One that Got Away

Most people remember their first love with nostalgia and fondness. But if you aren t in a relationship with that person now, you might be suffering from ...
How to Get the Spark Back in Your Relationships After Kids


How to Get the Spark Back in Your Relationships After Kids

In the beautiful chaos of raising children, it s easy to lose sight of the love that started it all. You and your partner, once inseparable, now find yourselves ...

My Videos

How To Keep Intimacy Alive When Your Relationship Is On The Rocks

How To Keep Intimacy Alive When Your Relationship Is On The Rocks

Keeping intimacy alive when your relationship is going through a rough patch can be difficult. In this video check out 3 simple ways to reignite intimacy...

Office Location

240 South Potomac St.,
Hagerstown MarylandUnited States 21740