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Christy Maxey
Christy Maxey, LPCC
Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor |
After 20 years as a therapist in private practice, I have transitioned into Personal Development Coaching. I help people get the relationship with themself right, so they can have healthy relationships with others. Most relationships don't survive because we are not taught the tools necessary to sustain long term relationships and because we are too dependent on our partner for our own self-worth and happiness. We have also not been taught how to increase our own self-worth.
Most people who came to my therapy practice did not have a mental illness. They were hard-working, intelligent, successful people who needed to learn personal development skills. You will learn life-long skills that will help you feel more confident and have a healthier relationship with yourself, thus healthier relationships with others.
Christy Maxey is also listed in Best Marriage Therapists in Phoenix
Christy Maxey received a bachelor’s degree from the Arizona State University and completed her MA from the Arizona State University.Specialities:
- Marriage
- Intimacy
- Pre-marriage
Services Provided Via:
- In person
- Phone
- Internet meeting
- Zoom Meetings online
Works With:
- Individual
- Couples
- Building Online Classes and Personal Development Membership Groups
Working With Marriages for:
- 20 Year(s)
Free Phone Consultations?
- Yes
Hourly Fees Range:
- $150 - $200
Language(s) Spoken:
- English