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MidWest Center for Personal & Family Development
MidWest Center for Personal & Family Development
MidWest Has Many Specialists |
Does it feel like you have the same fights or conversation over and over again? Does it feel like you spouse or partner never listens. Are you two going through some major life-transitions or changes, like having a baby, loss of job, divorce, teenage trouble, a child going through the terrible two’s? Or are dealing with major issues like substance abuse, anger, or even violence in the relationship?
Relationships, whether between married couples, non-married couples, or partners all have their challenges … and sometimes it feels like there is nowhere to turn!. Are you feeling you’ve hit the end-of-your-rope and it’s time to make some major changes? Marriage counseling, or couples counseling has helped even the most troubled relationships … so there is hope!
Marriage therapy and relationships counseling focuses on improving communication, bringing back trust into your relationship, and can help you improve your conflict resolution skills.
MidWest Center is also listed in Best Marriage Therapists in Saint Paul
- Abuse & Trauma
- Addiction
- Aggression And Violence
- Anger Management
- Anxiety
- Behavioral Issues
- Blended Families
- Breakup
- Child Therapy
- Communication
- Depression
- Divorce
- Family Conflict
- Fertility
- Gender & sexual identity
- General marriage
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
- Grief
- Life Coaching
- Life events
- Marriage
- Parenting
- Postpartum Depression
- Religious
- Women\'s Issues
- Abuse
Types of Therapy:
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Behavioral Therapy
- Couples Therapy
- Play Therapy
Services Provided Via:
- In person
- Phone
- Internet meeting
Works With:
- Individual
- Couples
- Family
- Group
Working With Marriages for:
- 32 Year(s)
Free Phone Consultations?
- Yes
Hourly Fees Range:
- $100 - $150
Accepts Insurance?
- Yes
Language(s) Spoken:
- English