Eagan   ›   Bryn Collins

Bryn Collins

Psychologist | Verified Psychologist Claimed
Bryn Collins, Psychologist in Eagan, MN


Bryn Collins is a Licensed Psychologist in private practice in Eagan, MN. She is the author of the books; Emotional Unavailability (Harper, McMillan) and the forthcoming Emotionally Unavailable Family. Her areas of specialization include Anxiety; Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; Relationships; Crisis Intervention; Families or people under stress from divorce or custody issues; Abuse Survivors; Survivors of Relationships with Narcissists; Bipolar Disorder and more. Her approach in working with clients is one of open exchange and generation of solutions.

Bryn Collins is also listed in Best Marriage Therapists in Eagan

Language(s) Spoken:

  • English

My Articles

Good Communication Basics


Good Communication Basics

Couples will often come to my office complaining of communication problems in their marriages. That can mean anything from grammar issues to total silence. ...

Office Location

4660 Slater Road, Suite 128,
Eagan MinnesotaUnited States 55122