Sleepy Hollow   ›   Dr. Barbara Kapetanakes

Dr. Barbara Kapetanakes

Psychotherapist | Verified Psychotherapist Claimed
Dr. Barbara Kapetanakes, Psychotherapist in Sleepy Hollow, NY


Dr. Barbara has a Masters in Education and a doctorate in Psychology. She is practicing as a licensed psychologist in Sleepy Hollow since 1999. Barbara specializes in working with adolescents, couples going through divorce and with individuals of all ages struggling with anxiety and depression. Barbara is now formally offering divorce meditation services and is working alongside with legal professionals to guide couples in the process of splitting assets, parenting and moving forward.

Barbara Kapetanakes is also listed in Best Marriage Therapists in Sleepy Hollow

Language(s) Spoken:

  • English

My Articles

Ways to Grow in the Art of Communication


Ways to Grow in the Art of Communication

In my job as a therapist, people often ask me Can you help us? This question often comes up when the goal is couples therapy, when I have two individuals ...
Six Reasons Why Your Relationship May be Suffering


Six Reasons Why Your Relationship May be Suffering

We ve all known the struggle of being in a relationship and trying to make it work. Many of us complain to our friends and family when our mates are causing ...

Office Location

239 North Broadway,
Sleepy Hollow New YorkUnited States 10591