Harrisburg   ›   Andrew Schmitt

Andrew Schmitt

Counselor | Verified Counselor Claimed
Andrew Schmitt, Counselor in Harrisburg, PA


Andrew Schmitt, LCSW, is a facility director for Mazzitti & Sullivan Counseling Services. He graduated with a Master of Social Work degree from Rutgers University in 2001 and received his LCSW in 2004. He has been in the field of outpatient counseling since 2001, working in a variety of settings and levels of care. Andrew has a passion for program development and appreciates the diverse populations and individuals he has been able to work with over the years.

Andrew Schmitt is also listed in Best Marriage Therapists in Harrisburg

Language(s) Spoken:

  • English

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Office Location

3207 North Front Street,
Harrisburg PennsylvaniaUnited States 17110