5 Practical Steps to Save Your Marriage From Ruin

In almost every marriage comes the time when you wonder how to save the marriage when you feel hopeless. You might be bored, annoyed, frustrated, hurt, betrayed, or disappointed.
Whatever the reason, many couples come to a point when they feel they cannot go on together anymore. Nonetheless, if you still feel that there is a reason why you should work on saving your relationship, it’s not too late.
Every marriage can be put back on track only if there is a will to do so. If you follow the steps to save your marriage mentioned in this article, you can take your relationship in a more positive and healthier direction.
How to tell when a marriage is beyond repair?
Before moving on to how to save a marriage, we should learn to determine when a marriage is salvageable and when it’s just beyond repair. And this might be more complex than one would think. Because, in practice, couples surprise their therapists all the time.
Some couples come to the therapist’s practice with seemingly minor issues, such as leaving the toilet seat up, and they get divorced.
On the other hand, you might meet your therapist when your marriage seems like the tenth ring of hell and you are looking for steps to save your marriage.
Yet, with appropriate guidance, luck, and goodwill, the couple puts their efforts together and manages to save their relationship.
So, what decides whether the couple will make it or not? It seems that it’s not the problems themselves.
Although, of course, there is a correlation between the severity and depth of problems in marriage and divorce rates. However, the loss of hope and optimism sentences a marriage to ruins.
In other words, whatever the issues might be, they won’t necessarily lead to a dissolution of marriage unless you’ve both started to feel hopeless about the prospects of your marriage because saving a marriage requires commitment.
To fully apply steps to save your marriage, you need to be willing to dedicate yourself to the process and to believe in the outcome.
What can cause a marriage to fall apart?
Before you learn ways of saving your marriage, it is important to understand why your marriage might be in a difficult spot.
Marriages are usually meant to be long-term commitments that require consistent effort and openness to change things that are not working for the relationship. Both should be open to considering the required steps to save your marriage.
To understand more about the causes that would force you to learn how to save a marriage that is falling apart, click here.
5 steps to save your marriage
Working on saving the marriage isn’t an easy task. It requires a lot of dedication and effort.
Following the steps to save your marriage won’t be easy, and you will probably feel that giving up is the best solution. However, if you decide, upon careful deliberation, that it’s worth saving, don’t give up because it’s hard.
And it is this dedication that will be your first and most important tool for saving the marriage. You’ll need other tools as well. You will need a lot of deep and genuine empathy for your spouse and improve your communication skills.
Learn to listen and express yourself. You will need a clear mind and refreshed perspective on things. Finally, you must combine compassion, love, and affection with analytical skills and hard work.
Here are five steps to save your marriage that can take your marriage in a more positive direction:
1. Make a list of all the issues
Are you trying to learn how to save your marriage when you feel hopeless?
Various unresolved issues usually weigh down any marriage close to being over. And if you wish to save the relationship, now is the time to make a list of what’s causing the troubles and solve every point on that list.
Related Reading: 30 Common Relationship Problems and Solutions
2. Renew your capacity to fight for your marriage
One of the five ways to save your marriage is to re-energize your fight to save your relationship. Taking a minute to reflect can help you with this.
Research shows that the way that a couple fights can determine its success in a significant way.
You cannot rebuild your marriage if you’re exhausted with anger, self-loathing, frustration, resentment, and sadness. So, take some time to regain energy and work on yourself. Only if you’re on the top of your game will you also manage to fight for your marriage.
3. Stop the cycle of toxic arguments
An essential thing you need to do is to give up on the never-ending fights and stop the negative exchange. Nip the sarcasm and the verbal aggression in the bud.
Studies indicate that conflict resolution patterns can predict divorce between couples. So, it is helpful for couples to develop healthy ways to resolve conflicts in their relationship.
Breaking the vicious cycle of toxicity is one of the important steps to a better marriage that cannot be overlooked or undermined. Without this step, you would be in an endless loop of toxicity until the marriage breaks down completely.
Related Reading: 45 Warning Signs of a Toxic Relationship
4. Eliminate the major deal breakers in marriage
What to do to save your marriage?
Before you move on, agree on eliminating aggression, affairs, and addictions from your relationship. These are the three major issues that don’t go with a successful and healthy relationship, and you need to get rid of all three.
Check out this video to learn what your non-negotiable relationship deal breakers are:
5. Learn and recommit to each other
It’s never too late to start over. Learn communication skills, remember how to show affection, recommit to your new marriage and say it aloud.
Learning how to save a hopeless marriage involves being open to learning new ways of interacting and being a good partner in a relationship. This helps iron out the issues and bring in more positive practices.
How to fix and save your broken marriage
Trying to save your marriage may seem daunting and confusing if you don’t understand the nature of the underlying problems within your relationship.
Once you understand the cause behind your marital problem, you can make relevant changes that address these issues and bring about a positive change.
If you are looking for ways to fix your marital problems, click here.
Can a destroyed marriage be saved?
A marriage can be saved if both partners are open to making changes and willing to work towards a future together. However, the right guidance may also be needed to guide the couple in the right direction.
Couples can try Marriage.com’s Save My Marriage Course to learn practical steps to effectively address the issues in their marriage.
However, there are certain marriages where too much damage has been done. Despite the best intentions and guidance in these marriages, some couples still need help to make things work. And that is okay!
Final takeaway
To save your marriage, tap into your hope again, and learn to believe in your marriage again first. Follow the above-shared tips and rebuild love and harmony into your marriage that you both entered into with a shared sense of love, joy and togetherness.
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If you feel disconnected or frustrated about the state of your marriage but want to avoid separation and/or divorce, the marriage.com course meant for married couples is an excellent resource to help you overcome the most challenging aspects of being married.