17 Telltale Signs of a Woman With Trust Issues & How to Handle It

Does it look like a particular woman in your life finds it hard to trust you even when you’ve not done anything to make her doubt you? This can mean that she has trust issues, and you might not be the only one suffering due to her mistrust.
In this article, you will learn the signs of a woman with trust issues. Knowing these signs will help you know how to build trust with a woman. It might be a long and challenging process, but she will eventually come to trust you and other people.
What do trust issues mean?
Trust issues meaning refers to a state of mind where an individual finds it hard to trust people, both in their lives and strangers that they meet.
When a woman has trust issues, she can hardly trust people because her trust has been broken before. She may have lost her sense of security and safety, and this will make her expect the worst from everyone.
In this research conducted by Lindsey M. Rodriguez and other authors, you will learn all you need to know about distrust/trust issues. It reveals the connection between trust, anxious attachment, jealousy, and partner abuse.
17 signs of a woman with trust issues
For a relationship to thrive, trust is one of the vital ingredients that must not be missing. When two partners are in a relationship, it is important to trust one another so that the relationship can last. However, if there are relationship trust issues, one party might find it hard to believe the other partner, even if they are sincere.
Here are some of the signs of a woman with trust issues:
1. She is overly protective
One of the ways to know women with trust issues is when they are too protective. You will notice that their protective instinct is on overdrive regarding anything concerning you. She always ensures you are safe even when the signs are clear.
Additionally, someone with trust issues will always want to know your whereabouts to assure themself that you will not get harmed. When you notice that her protectiveness is becoming a burden, you can be sure she has trust issues.
2. She is suspicious of friends and family
Another way to spot one of the signs of a woman with trust issues is when she does not trust family and friends. You may discover that she is always gearing for the worst from them. She does not believe that their intentions are pure, even when the signs are clear.
A woman with trust issues always believes that blood relatives and close friends should not be singled out when it comes to having ulterior motives. Therefore, anytime she relates with them, she does so with a distant attitude to reduce the chances of getting hurt.
3. She tries to avoid intimacy
One of the signs of trust issues in a relationship is when a woman refuses to get intimate with you. Sometimes, the reason might be that she does not trust your intentions.
She suspects that she might become vulnerable if she gets intimate with you. And she is aware that some people take advantage of vulnerable individuals.
Therefore, she will always be on guard, ensuring that she does not get intimate so that she will not get hurt. She might claim to love you, but showing it becomes very difficult for her because she fears intimacy. This is one of the ways to learn how to know when a woman has trust issues.
4. She brings up issues from the past
To know if your girlfriend has trust issues, one of the ways to tell is when she refers to past issues. When she does this regularly, you will know that she still has some reservations about those issues, even if they’ve been settled.
You may find her bringing up those issues because she is unsatisfied with them. Such women are reminded of those issues because you may have done something in the present that is quite similar. Hence, this will reinforce whatever decision they had about that past issue.
5. She loves snooping
One of the trust issues symptoms to always look out for is snooping. When a woman has trust issues, she will start asking questions when something is beyond the usual. For instance, if you stay out late for some extra minutes, she may want to know every detail.
If you are evasive with your answers, she might get pissed because you deny her the security of knowing the complete information. Additionally, she might start overthinking when you don’t give her all the details.
6. She checks your phone constantly
When looking for the signs of trust issues, one of the things to check is when she regularly goes through your phone. You will notice that she keeps checking your phone to see if there’s a new person in your life.
When she notices that you are conversing with someone new, she may begin to ask more detailed questions about them. At this point, she may think you are cheating on her, and she may want some closure.
A woman with trust issues will check your messages on all social media platforms to know what you are doing online.
7. She stalks you online
If she’s not in the same physical location as you, one of the signs of a woman with trust issues is when she constantly monitors you online.
A woman with trust issues will likely keep engaging with your posts across all social media platforms, and she might call you some Pet Names there so that people will know that she has a special place in your life.
You may discover that she will not give you any breathing space online because she doesn’t want anyone to take her place in your life.
8. She doesn’t like you hanging out without her
One of the signs of a woman with trust issues is when she prefers to go everywhere with you. If you want to hang out anywhere, she ensures she is present.
Most times, this prevents you from meeting new people who might be potential partners. When she hangs out with you in public, she ensures she is all over you so that no one would approach you.
9. She likes overthinking
A woman who has trust issues will automatically overthink. When she discovers something strange, she will read different meanings to it. If you don’t clarify her thoughts, she will keep thinking until she finds a suitable landing ground.
Overthinking is one of the signs of a woman with trust issues. This is why many love having partners who can hold detailed conversations. With such partners, the chances of overthinking reduce because their partners would reveal everything they need to know.
10. She doesn’t keep solid relationships
One of the signs of a woman with trust issues is she doesn’t know how to build solid relationships. All the time, she would think of those who are loyal and disloyal to her. If any of them makes a mistake, she most likely gives up on that relationship.
At any slight suspicion of betrayal, she will shut the individual out of her circle because she doesn’t want heartbreak.
11. She avoids commitment
One of the ways to know a girl with trust issues is when she tries to avoid getting committed at all costs.
Someone with trust issues knows that commitment also makes her vulnerable, and she may not be ready to share that part of her with anyone. Therefore, when it feels like she is supposed to get committed to any relationship, she will most likely pull out.
12. She holds grudges
Most times, women with trust issues have had their trust broken. Hence, it would be difficult for them to trust anyone even though they go the extra mile. Such women usually find it hard to allow people to break into their circle because they don’t want to encounter the same painful process.
So, if you offend her slightly, she might hold grudges because she knows you will likely repeat it.
13. She is a loner
Another way to spot a woman with trust issues is that she prefers to stay alone instead of being around people.
One of the reasons for this is that she has probably figured out that staying alone reduces the chances of bothering people who will break her trust. Hence, the fewer people around her, the less likely it is to have her trust broken.
14. She lives in fear of abandonment
Women with trust issues are always scared of being abandoned. They are always scared of being shut out or abandoned in their relationships.
When they get an emergency or strange message from their co-workers, spouse, boss, etc., they always think the worst has happened. Therefore, they are always prepared to let go when they suspect something has happened.
15. She focuses on people’s weaknesses
Focusing on people’s weaknesses is one of the signs of a woman with trust issues. She may find it hard to see the good in people because she is likely too focused on the negatives. Instead of playing to their strengths and building better relationships, she will prefer to back off and shut them off.
16. She struggles to communicate openly
A woman with trust issues may find it challenging to communicate openly and honestly with her partner.
She might hold back her feelings, thoughts, and concerns, fearing that sharing them could lead to vulnerability and potential betrayal. This lack of open communication can hinder the growth and emotional intimacy in the relationship.
17. She constantly seeks reassurance
Individuals with trust issues may need constant reassurance from their partners. They seek validation and confirmation of their partner’s love and commitment. This can manifest as frequent questions like, “Do you still love me?” or a need for frequent displays of affection to ease their insecurities.
Incorporating these additional signs into the content can provide a more comprehensive understanding of trust issues in a relationship and how they manifest in a woman’s behavior.
To help you understand more about how lack of trust affects a romantic relationship, check out this research study by Abdulgaffar O. Arikewuyo and other authors. This study is titled Influence of lack of trust on romantic relationships.
Why do women have trust issues? 7 reasons
Women, like men, can experience trust issues for various reasons. Trust issues are typically rooted in past experiences, insecurities, or personal challenges. Here are some common reasons why some women may have trust issues:
1. Past betrayals
When someone experiences betrayal in a previous relationship, it can create lasting emotional wounds. This betrayal could involve infidelity, dishonesty, or the breaking of significant promises. These experiences can lead to trust issues in future relationships, as the individual may fear a repeat of the same pain and heartache.
2. Childhood trauma
Childhood experiences play a significant role in shaping an individual’s ability to trust.
Traumatic events in childhood, such as neglect, physical or emotional abuse, or parental abandonment, can lead to deep-seated trust issues. Adults who went through these traumas might have difficulty trusting others due to a fear of being hurt or rejected, mirroring their past experiences.
3. Low self-esteem
Women with low self-esteem may struggle to trust because they doubt their own self-worth. They may believe they are undeserving of love or respect and, as a result, may be skeptical when someone shows interest in them.
Low self-esteem can make it challenging to believe that someone genuinely cares about them.
4. Insecurity
Insecurity about one’s appearance, abilities, or personality can create trust issues.
Individuals who feel insecure may find it difficult to accept that someone is attracted to them or genuinely interested in a relationship. They might question the intentions of others, assuming that the person cannot truly find them desirable.
5. Control issues
Some people develop trust issues because they have a need for control in their relationships. They fear the unpredictability of emotions, actions, or the future of the relationship. This desire for control can lead to skepticism, as they find it hard to trust that things will work out without their intervention.
6. Attachment style
Attachment theory suggests that early childhood experiences with caregivers influence how individuals form relationships in adulthood.
Women with an anxious attachment style may fear abandonment and cling to their partners, making them prone to jealousy and trust issues. Those with an avoidant attachment style may avoid emotional intimacy and find it challenging to trust others due to emotional detachment.
7. Unresolved emotional baggage
Past unresolved emotional issues, like grief, trauma, or conflicts from previous relationships, can resurface in new relationships. Unresolved feelings or unhealed wounds may make it difficult to fully trust a new partner, as these past experiences can cloud judgment and lead to overthinking or mistrust.
While dating a woman with trust issues, it is essential to remember that trust issues are complex and can be influenced by a combination of these factors.
Working through trust issues often involves self-reflection, communication with one’s partner, and potentially seeking the support of a therapist to address the underlying causes and develop strategies for building trust in current relationships.
How do you help a woman with trust issues: 9 ways
If you are thinking of how to date someone with trust issues, one of the ways to help them is by communicating openly.
Helping a woman with trust issues is easy when you know the right things to do. This is what Jessica Riley’s book provides. In this book titled Trust Issues, partners will learn how to manage the anxiety, insecurity, and jealousy in their relationships.
In the meantime, here are some tips that can do to help a woman who has trust issues:
1. Be open and honest
Create an environment of trust by being open and honest in your communication. Share your thoughts, feelings, and experiences with her. Show that you’re willing to discuss any concerns she may have. This openness sets a positive example for her to follow in building trust.
2. Listen actively
Active listening involves not only hearing the words she says but also understanding the emotions and concerns behind them. Offer empathy and validation by saying things like, “I understand why you feel that way,” which can help her feel acknowledged and valued.
3. Respect her boundaries
It’s crucial to acknowledge and respect her boundaries. If she needs space or time to process her feelings or if she sets certain limits on topics of conversation, honor these boundaries. Respecting her boundaries demonstrates that you care about her comfort and well-being.
4. Consistency
Wondering how to help someone with trust issues?
Trust is built through consistent behavior and actions. Be reliable and consistent in your words and deeds. Keep your promises and commitments, which will reassure her that she can depend on you.
5. Support her healing
If her trust issues are rooted in past trauma or unresolved emotional baggage, encourage her to seek professional help. Offer your support in finding a therapist or counselor who specializes in trust issues and emotional healing.
6. Reassurance
Reassurance is essential to help her feel secure in the relationship. Regularly express your love and commitment to her. Reiterate your dedication to making the relationship work, especially during moments of doubt.
7. Avoid defensiveness
When discussing trust issues, avoid becoming defensive or dismissive. Instead, approach conversations with empathy. Understand that her feelings are valid, even if you don’t agree with them. Avoid blaming or arguing, as this can exacerbate trust issues.
8. Be patient
Building trust takes time, and you may need to be patient as she learns to trust you. Understand that it’s natural for her to have doubts and concerns. Give her the time and space she needs to rebuild trust in her own way.
Watch this video to learn more about how patience can be a superpower:
9. Work together
Trust-building is a collaborative effort. Have open and honest discussions about your relationship. Address her concerns and develop strategies together. This teamwork can create a sense of security and a shared commitment to building trust.
So, how to deal with trust issues?
Remember that helping someone with trust issues is a process that may involve setbacks. Continue to demonstrate your commitment to her and the relationship. If trust issues persist and significantly affect the relationship, consider seeking professional help to navigate and address the underlying issues.
Commonly asked questions
Here are the answers to some pressing questions that help you get more clarity on trust issues that a woman may have:
What causes a girl to have trust issues?
Trust issues in girls often stem from past betrayals or traumas, such as infidelity, emotional abuse, or abandonment. Childhood experiences and low self-esteem can also contribute. These factors shape their ability to trust in future relationships, leading to skepticism.
How do you treat a girl with trust issues?
Treating a girl with trust issues involves patience, open communication, and empathy. Establish trust through honesty, active listening, and respect for boundaries. Encourage professional help if necessary, reassure her, and work collaboratively to build trust together.
Can you love someone and not trust them?
It’s possible to love someone while struggling to trust them. Trust issues can strain a relationship, but love can coexist. Rebuilding trust through communication, consistency, and reassurance is essential for relationship health.
Should I date a girl with trust issues?
Dating a girl with trust issues is possible, but it requires understanding, patience, and a willingness to support her. Assess your commitment to helping her heal and building trust. Seek professional guidance if trust issues significantly impact the relationship.
Should you stay in a relationship without trust?
Staying in a relationship without trust can be challenging. Trust is a foundation for a healthy connection. If trust issues persist and efforts to rebuild trust are unsuccessful, it may be necessary to reevaluate the relationship’s viability and consider seeking counseling or therapy.
In a nutshell
After reading this article, you now know how to spot the signs of a woman with trust issues. Treat her with care and understanding when you discover her trust issues. Tell her that you know her situation and that you’re ready to help her improve.
Understanding and addressing trust issues in a woman is a complex and delicate process. Recognizing the signs of trust issues is the first step towards fostering a supportive and empathetic environment. Trust issues can stem from a range of experiences, and the causes can be deeply rooted in past traumas, insecurities, or attachment styles.
Handling trust issues requires patience, open communication, and a commitment to rebuilding trust. It’s crucial to remember that trust issues do not define a person, and with the right support and understanding, healing and growth are possible.
Ultimately, nurturing a safe and trusting relationship is a shared responsibility, and it can lead to a deeper and more fulfilling connection between partners.
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