15 Signs of a Healthy Relationship Between Couples

As we grow, we all witness many different versions of what relationships look like.
These examples come from our parents and older family members, from friends, teachers, the media, books, and stories.
Then, as we grow older, we begin to form our own relationships and watch as our friends do the same.
If you have ever found yourself wondering about the health of your own relationship or are not quite sure what areas you and your partner need to work on, you’ve come to the right place.
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In order to help couples better understand the signs of a healthy relationship, it is important to know the traits of a healthy relationship that define a positive relationship, and suggest that there is complete honesty in relationships between a couple.
There are several things to look for in a relationship. Here are fifteen signs your relationship is working and qualifies as a strong relationship.
This article on signs of a good relationship is from a licensed couples counselor out of Fair Oaks, and Sacramento, California.
This resource on a growing relationship was created to help you discover the areas of your relationship that are strong and the areas that might need some tending to.
Read on to find out the fundamentals of a relationship, and signs of a successful relationship.
15 signs of a healthy relationship between couples
1. There’s a lot of communication
One of the signs of a healthy relationship is open communication. It is key in strong relationships.
Both partners must have strong communication skills, or at least be open to learning them, for a relationship to be successful.
This allows both partners to express their thoughts and feelings, to listen openly when the other is talking, and to be able to ask for clarification on things, they aren’t understanding.
2. You trust each other
One of the signs of a healthy relationship between couples is the ability to have a place where both partners feel safe.
This can only happen when trust is present and both of you feel supported, are able to talk freely and openly, and don’t question the other’s intentions or behaviors.
3. You’re honest with each other
Relationships are full of ups and downs, but the ability and willingness of both partners to be completely open and honest with one another, no matter what is vital if a relationship is going to last.
4. You support each other
A good indicator that a couple will succeed or one of the signs of a healthy relationship is when both the partners lean on each other and support each other during both the easy and the difficult times.
You’re on the right track if you are your partner’s biggest cheerleader and they are yours.
This creates true partnership and camaraderie within the relationship.
5. You’re friendly and affectionate to each other
In long-term relationships, one of the signs of a healthy relationship is keeping the affection alive.
Showing each other with genuine care and attention and doing small acts of kindness for one another “just because” are both signs that your relationship is working.
6. You like each other
This may seem obvious or even silly, but you’d be surprised how many couples don’t actually like each other or want to spend time together.
You should genuinely enjoy one another’s company and want to spend time together often.
7. You miss each other when you’re apart
Distance makes the heart grow fonder, or at least it should.
When you and your partner are away from each other for an extended period of time, and really miss one another, chances are affection is present and you’re on the right track.
8. There’s mutual respect
It’s been said that two people don’t “find the one”, they find someone they respect and they “make that person the one”.
When a relationship is built on mutual respect, both partners feel encouraged and supported to form opinions, have ideas, and take action, even when they don’t necessarily agree with one another.
To facilitate a healthy relationship, respect your partner.
9. You’re playing with one another
Couples that play together are happier together.
When you and your partner are comfortable around each other, feel free to be yourselves, and get goofy and playful, it’s a sign your relationship is working.
10. You’re intimate and sexy
Intimacy plays an important part in a healthy relationship.
Couples should enjoy being sexually intimate with one another as well as be able to connect deeply in a vulnerable and emotional way.
11. You maintain separate identities
You’re different people and you like it that way. Individuals in healthy relationships don’t become the same person.
Instead, they see each other’s unique differences, keep their own personal identities intact, and have a life outside of the relationship.
12. You’re on the same team
One of the signs of a healthy relationship is that the couple should feel that their partner has their back and vice versa.
More so than in other relationships, partners should be teammates and have an “it’s us against the world” mentality.
When you are both on the same team, are able to ask each other for help, and feel supported in both the large and small life decisions, it’s a good indicator of a healthy relationship.
13. You maintain relationships with friends and family
You are both honest about the fact that one person can’t possibly meet all of your needs (nor should they be expected to).
In a relationship, it’s important that partners don’t rely on each other for everything and continue to value relationships with friends, family members, co-workers, etc.
14. You have the same core values
It’s a good idea for two people in a relationship to sit down at some point and discuss what both partner’s life values are.
Do you agree on lifestyle choices, politics, religion, etc.?
For most relationships to work, both partners must be on the same page with major values and beliefs.
15. You have a shared vision of the future
If you want to be together for the long-term, it’s important to make sure you’re moving in the same direction and want the same things out of life.
With all of this in mind, remember that each relationship is unique; not every one of the signs of a healthy relationship will be present in every partnership.
However, they are good things to be aware of and if you see some areas where you can improve, don’t worry! Now you know what to focus on in order to build a relationship that is healthy and strong.
If you would like help or guidance, visit here to learn more about couples counseling or to book an appointment today.
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