Will My Relationship Work Out Quiz?

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 2749 | Updated: Aug 24, 2022
 Will My Relationship Work Out Quiz?

Relationships can be messy and stressful. It's a ride that goes both up and down, and it can be hard to figure out how long it will stay down or stop altogether. 

Anxious thoughts may disturb you and make you nervous about the fate of your relationship. addressing these doubts can help you have a healthier relationship which makes you feel more secure and more protected.

So, will your relationship stand the test of time? Take this ‘Will my relationship work out’ quick quiz to find out if your relationship will survive the storms or fizzle out.

Questions Excerpt

1. Have you experienced hardships in your relationship before?

A. Yes, multiple times

B. Yes, sometimes

C. No/ Yes, but we always overcome the challenges

2. Do you and your partner fight over the smallest things?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Sometimes

C. No / Rarely

3. Do you still have strong feelings of love for your partner?

A. Yes

B. A little bit

C. No, not really

4. Have you and your partner made serious future plans together?

A. Yes, lots!

B. Only a few

C. No, none

5. Are you optimistic about your future with your partner?

A. Yes!

B. A little, I guess?

C. No, not optimistic at all.

6. Have you and your partner tried or are willing to try couple’s counseling?

A. Yes

B. Not sure

C. No

7. Do you and your partner try to compromise and reconcile after fights?

A. Yes, many times

B. Yes, sometimes

C. No / Rarely

8. What's your philosophy about relationships?

A. Relationships need hard work to survive

B. Relationships should be smooth and passionate

C. Relationships should be fun and easy

9. How often do you and your partner fight/ argue?

A. All the time

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

10. How often do you and your partner share good moments and happiness?

A. Most of the  time

B. Sometimes

C. Rarely

11. Do you feel comfortable sharing your feelings with your partner?

A. Not really

B. Sometimes

C. Yes, most of the time

12. Can you see yourself together with your partner for the rest of your life?

A. I'm not sure about this

B. Sometimes

C. Yes, for sure

13. Does being around your partner give you comfort and solace?

A. Rarely

B. Sometimes

C. Yes, for sure

14. Does your partner share their deepest fears with you?

A. In rare moments

B. Sometimes

C. Yes, all the time

15. Do you miss your partner when they are not around you?

A. In rare moments

B. Sometimes

C. For sure

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