Sexual Harassment of Men: Types, Effects & Symptoms

Sexual harassment affects men just as deeply as it does women, yet their voices are often ignored.
It’s time to confront this uncomfortable truth and acknowledge that men can be, and are, victims too.
This article explores the realities of men’s sexual harassment, its various forms, and its profound impacts.
Sexual harassment of men and women is a widespread issue in many societies. While people typically react strongly against harassment when it involves women, the response is often very different when men are the victims.
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Does this mean sexual harassment of men doesn’t happen? Absolutely not.
It simply means that society tends to downplay or dismiss these incidents. When men report being harassed by women, they’re sometimes told they should feel lucky or are not believed, with the assumption that men are always stronger and capable of preventing such situations.
This reveals a significant imbalance in how we treat and acknowledge sexual harassment against men.
In this article, we’ll uncover the realities of men’s sexual harassment, its different forms, and the profound effects it can have. By bringing this issue to light, we aim to create understanding and support for all victims in equal capacity.
What is sexual harassment?
One common question is, what is sexual harassment? Or what does sexual harassment mean? To fully understand the effects of sexual harassment on men or the types, you should know and understand the sexual harassment meaning.
According to Rape Crisis Organisation in the UK, “sexual harassment is any unwanted sexual behavior that makes someone feel angry, offended, scared or humiliated…”
In addition, sexual harassment describes any sexual activity that occur without consent. It also involves violent sexual conduct. Other types of sexual harassment may include sexual assault, rape, attempted rape, unwanted sexual or physical contact, or touch.
There is an alarming case of sexual harassment all over the world. Often, victims are told that they are too sensitive and should be able to overlook a “little” touch from someone or a stranger. Other times, survivors of sexual assault are described as “unreasonable” or “can’t take a joke.”
These statements are all shades of wrong and should never be told to victims of sexual harassment, regardless of their gender.
Due to such statements, sexual harassment continues to grow.
As reported by a news agency, The UN Women reports that almost four in 10 women have experienced sexual or physical violence from someone in their lifetime. In a 2013 report by the UN Women, 99% of women have experienced sexual assault.
Similarly, 44% of women are married off before their 18th birthday in Nigeria, the giant of Africa. Finally, according to Stop Street Harassment (2014), 65% of the women surveyed had experienced sexual assault.
These revelations indeed put women at the center of sexual assault, but the truth is men also experience it.
Based on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) research, 1 in 4 women and 1 in 7 men will experience sexual harassment in their lives.
Also, based on The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey in 2015, the National Sexual Violence Resource Centre (NSVRC) reports that about 24.8% of men in the US experienced some form of sexual violence in their lifetime.
Nationwide, 43 percent of men reported some form of sexual harassment in their lifetime. Meanwhile, About one in four male victims of rape or attempted rape experienced it between the ages of 11 and 17 first.
The most painful part of these childhood sexual assaults is that the male survivors are more likely to be assaulted again in adulthood.
5 major effects of sexual assault on men
Men are popularly regarded as strong, brave, and emotionally stable, amongst other things.
It’s why men’s sexual assault isn’t taken seriously when reported by some individuals. Some people make a jest at men who openly talk about sexual assaults.
However, sexual assault on men isn’t a lighter topic. The lack of necessary help for male victims of sexual assault has some repercussions. There are effects of sexual assaults on men contrary to what you may believe.
Men’s harassment or sexual harassment of men can take a toll on sexual, physical, and behavioral health of the sufferer. Here are some major effects of sexual assault:
1. Physical effects
One of the effects of sexual assaults is on physical body. Sexual harassment can result in many disturbing physical conditions in men. For example, men who have been raped may suffer from chronic anal and pelvic pain, body pain, digestive problems, and arthritis.
Also, rape or uncompleted rape survivors may be at risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases. That may also affect their psychological and emotional health.
2. Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
How to know if you’ve been sexually assaulted and facing its aftermath? You start showing certain PTSD signs.
PTSD is a mental health condition after a traumatic event like sexual harassment. It causes several symptoms after a person experiences sexual assault. PTSD is common among sexually harassed examples in men.
According to research, rape is a trauma likely to lead to PTSD in men or women, although men are less likely to report the assault.
Some of the symptoms of PTSD may include insomnia, flashbacks of the sexual assault, re-experiencing the traumatic event, avoiding reminders of the incident, having constant negative thoughts, and getting startled easily. Also, victims may experience constant headaches, body aches, nightmares, and fatigue.
3. Sexual health
Another significant effect of sexual harassment on men is their sexual health.
After experiencing sexual assault in any form, the victims may find it challenging to enjoy sex with a partner. For instance, they may have low libido, reduced sexual behavior, or hate sex entirely.
In addition, some victims of men’s sexual harassment may experience fear and anxiety during sexual contact even with someone they like.
One reason is that they still carry the guilt and shame from the traumatic incident. This, in turn, interferes with their desire for sex, even though they are interested in someone.
4. Emotional and psychological impact
Sexual assault can leave men feeling isolated, ashamed, and depressed.
They may struggle with self-worth and trust issues, impacting their relationships and daily life.
The stigma surrounding male sexual assault often prevents them from seeking help, exacerbating their emotional distress and leading to long-term mental health challenges.
5. Behavioral changes
Men who have been sexually assaulted may exhibit significant behavioral changes. They might become withdrawn, exhibit aggressive behavior, or develop unhealthy coping mechanisms like substance abuse.
These changes can affect their personal and professional lives, making it difficult to maintain relationships and perform daily tasks effectively.
What are the different kinds of sexual assault done on men?
Although sexual harassment to men connotes unwanted or forced sexual contact, it cam come in different forms.
The type that individual experiences will determine the effects and how treatments are administered. Here are some of the types of sexual assault men might encounter:
1. By Women
Women often perpetuate the top male sexual harassment.
At a young age, some men may encounter harassment by older women. Other men may either be harassed by their girlfriends or wives later in life.
However, they don’t dare to report it.
For example, at the workplace, some women pass offensive sexual statements to men in a “joking” manner. Also, some women make sexual advances to men, even when they know the men are uncomfortable.
Unfortunately, many of these behaviors don’t pass as crimes.
A lot of people don’t believe that a woman is capable of doing such an act due to the societal perception of masculine power.
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They often forget that sexual assault can happen to anyone, regardless of age, sexual orientation, and gender identity.
Consequently, they become a laughing stock or are called weak for not appreciating such behavior.
2. By men
Strangely enough, men can also be the ones sexually assaulting their fellow men.
Although sexual preference is personal and everyone should have the right to theirs, obtaining sexual pleasure by force or intimidation is absolutely wrong.
Many men have had forced gay encounters in their lives. Consequently, they feel humiliated afterward.
Men harassment by other men can be in the form of rape, attempted rape, gang rape, sexual slavery, enforced nudity, and being coerced or intimidated to perform certain sexual acts with others.
3. Stalking
Like women, many men have also experienced stalking by either men or women who wish to have sexual conduct with them.
According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention CDC, stalking occurs when someone threatens or harasses another person repeatedly, causing fear and anxiety.
The act is usually done by someone the victim knows or used to be intimate with in the past.
According to the National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (NISVS), 1 in 17 men have experienced stalking in their lifetimes. Also, many of these men are victims of male sexual harassment before age of 25.
Some of the signs of stalking include watching the victim, unwanted following and approach, showing up unannounced at the victim’s house or their location, using technology to monitor their victim’s location and activities, sneaking into victim’s homes, workplaces, cars with the intent to cause harm or scare them.
Other signs of stalking include unwanted calls, texts, emails, voice messages, and presents. It is best to report any cases of stalking that you have noticed to keep yourself safe.
4. Workplace harassment
Men can also experience sexual harassment in the workplace, often from colleagues or superiors who misuse their power.
Instances of men being sexually harassed include inappropriate touching, suggestive comments, or coercion into sexual activities in exchange for job security or advancement.
Such harassment can create a hostile work environment and significantly impact a man’s career and mental health.
5. Online harassment
With the rise of digital communication, many men face sexual harassment online and become victim of cyber male harassment.
This can take the form of unsolicited explicit messages, cyberstalking, or being coerced into sharing intimate images.
Online harassment can be just as damaging as physical harassment, leading to anxiety, depression, and a sense of violation.
Cyberbullying and harassment are fast-growing crimes targeting youngsters. Know more about it through this informative video:
7 symptoms associated with male sexual assaults
Like their female counterparts, men also show some signs of the aftermath of their sexual abuse.
Sadly, when men report the trauma they experience after getting assaulted by women, their symptoms are often downplayed by professionals and people who ought to listen.
Nonetheless, men go through some signs associated with sexual assaults. These include:
1. Emotional disorder
Men who are sexually abused at any point in their lifetime experience anxiety, PTSD, and depression more than those who have never been abused sexually.
This affects their behavior and other significant areas of their lives, like work and relationships.
2. Eating disorder
According to the American Psychiatric Association APA, eating disorders are characterized by severe, unusual, and persistent eating behaviors and associated distressing thoughts and emotions.
It includes abnormal eating behaviors that affect a person’s physical or mental health.
In addition, Eating disorders can include unhealthy eating habits, such as an obsession with food, body weight, or body shape.
Some signs of an eating disorder include food binges, Eating slowly, lack of appetite, vomiting, overexercising, purging, and severe food restriction.
Although Eating disorders can affect any gender at any point in life, they’re increasingly common in men. That’s because these people may not seek treatment at lower rates or may not report their eating disorder symptoms.
3. Substance abuse
Another sign of men sexual assault or sexual harassment of men is constant substance abuse.
Men being sexually assaulted have a high chance of alcohol and drug use. That’s because these substances tend to provide temporary relief to their problems.
For example, the probability of alcohol and drug problems is higher in men who have been physically and sexually abused, according to research.
Men can also experience unwanted sexual advances or behaviors in various settings.
Here are some commonly thought-of questions about sexual harassment of men.
Can men be sexually harassed?
Yes, as we have explained above, men can be sexually harassed.
A large proportion of victims of rape attempted rape or forced sexual conduct or violence comprise of males. Sexual harassment of men is not an alien concept for the society anymore.
How do you tell someone to stop sexually harassing you
Start by telling the person to stop, saying you don’t like the behavior.
If they refuse to stop, you can involve a more considerable authority, the police or any security agency. Also, you may file a restraining order against the perpetrator to keep them away.
Can a man file for harassment?
Yes, a man can absolutely file for harassment.
It’s important to recognize that harassment is not gender-specific and every individual deserves to feel safe and respected.
If you’re experiencing harassment, don’t hesitate to seek help and report it. Your well-being matters, and you have the right to protection.
How to support the male victims of harassment
Supporting male victims of harassment involves listening without judgment, validating their feelings, and offering reassurance.
Encourage them to seek professional help and remind them they’re not alone. Be patient, respect their privacy, and stand by them through their healing process. Your empathy and support can make a significant difference.
Reach out for help
Sexual harassment of men doesn’t have the same attention and notice when compared to women’s harassment. Nonetheless, it happens more often than you thought.
Many don’t hear about it because society hardly believes that men can be harassed due to power, stereotype, and masculinity. Therefore, many men don’t report sexual harassment when they experience it.
Unfortunately, the effects of sexual harassment of men can be devastating and cause some damage. This article has explained sexual assault meaning the types and effects of sexual assaults.
If you still experience the trauma of sexual assault as a married person, you should consider couples counseling.
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