25 Relationship Resolutions That You Can Make To Strengthen Your Bond

The majority of us intuitively understand the value of having close, supportive relationships for our overall happiness and well-being. However, to fully enjoy your relationships, you must understand how to make and stick with good relationship resolutions.
In addition, human relationships play a major role in our mental health and how long and strong we will be in a few years to come.
Scientific studies show that people who are more socially connected to family and friends are happier, physically healthier, and live longer than people who aren’t. Hence, you should make good relationship resolutions to keep your amazing partner in your life for a long time.
In this article, you will learn how you can start making resolutions that can improve your relationships.
What are relationship resolutions?
Relationship resolutions are essential decisions that strengthen a relationship or connection between lovers. In addition, relationship resolutions can be a firm will or determination to take a relationship to the next level.
Good relationship resolutions play a pivotal role in helping you establish and consolidate your love life. This means that one of the best ways of improving or strengthening the bond between a couple is by making resolutions.
However, we’re not only talking about romantic bonds here. Every type of human interaction depends on the relationship resolutions we make to keep them alive.
Also, relationship resolutions may differ depending on the subjects involved. For example, relationship resolutions may be couple resolutions for a new year or a resolution of respect for a man or woman.
10 new year resolutions for couples to keep the flame burning
One of the basic ways to keep the love flame burning in a relationship is by making new year relationship resolutions. New year relationship resolutions give you something to look forward to in your relationship and also convince your partner that you’re doing your best to be a better person.
That said, these new year resolutions for love should help you spice up your relationship again.
1. Have a consistent date night every week
You may get this advice from your counselors during couples counseling.
You might assume that you already spend enough time together if you live with your partner or see them often. Although it sounds cliche, quality time (not necessarily the quantity of time), is what matters. Aim to go on a date once every week.
Ideally, you should go out somewhere, but if that isn’t possible, attempt to simulate that exotic experience at home or wherever you are.
Put the kids to bed, use beautiful plates, dress up, and tuck your phones away. If you and your partner are in a long-distance relationship, you can schedule Skype dates to do things like watch a movie or have supper together.
Also, if you are both busy, you may want to consider scheduling this ahead of time so everyone is aware of the date, time, and location to be used for these intimate dates. If that’s not feasible, choose the night that will serve as your date night at the beginning of each week.
Related Reading: 20 Mind-Blowing Sunday Date Ideas
2. Spend more time as a couple with friends and family
This is one of the most important relationship resolutions you can make with your partner. Spending time with family and friends together might help your relationship reach new heights.
Being around loved ones will strengthen you both as a pair, and your inner circle will come to know your partner even better; it’s a win-win situation.
3. Learn about what your partner is passionate about
Both of you most likely share different interests. You don’t have to like the same things or do everything together; that would get monotonous. However, occasionally doing something you may not enjoy just because your partner likes it is one way to show them you truly care.
Doing this can expose you to a new aspect of your partner and bring a new spark to your love life. Also, wouldn’t it be nice to just learn a new skill the next time you have some time on your hands?
4. Do something new and exciting every month
Novelty is one thing you should strive to keep in your relationship for a long time because it keeps your love life going.
One of your couple’s goals for the new year should be to do something new together each month. This can involve visiting a new city, experiencing a new dish, or engaging in a novel hobby.
The more adventurous, the better. This will release dopamine, serotonin, and adrenaline – and improve the love/admiration you have for your partner.
Try out this fantastic hack! Create a list of 12 things you both want to try, six for each of you. You may even call it your relationship plan. They should be written in strips and placed in a jar. Pick one each month and commit to carrying it out together.
5. Be careful with your words during arguments
Being angry affects how you interact with people and yourself. Hence, you must always be cautious not to curse at one other or be unduly harsh to each other.
Many studies have indicated that how couples fight is the best predictor of how long their relationship will last. Treat your significant other with love all the time, even through the worst of conflicts!
Whatever is spoken during an argument can never be undone, and it nibbles away at your relationship. Hence, don’t say things you don’t mean. Don’t say rude or hurtful things you’ll regret later. Never use curse words.
6. Let the little things go
Your partner will annoy you many times. When this occurs, ask yourself, “Will I remember this tomorrow?” and let it go. Address it if you would or if it is a recurring issue. While at it, attempt to figure out why it’s bothering you and fix that.
Too often, we get agitated about trivial matters when there is are more significant issues that need to be trashed.
7. Concentrate more on being intimate and romantic
One of your relationship resolutions should be to unban public displays of affection. Don’t be ashamed to hold hands and kiss your partner on the lips when you’re in public. Frequently cuddle.
Write a love letter to your significant other. Increase the number of spontaneous romantic gestures in your life. Fill this year with passionate gestures to your lover and you’ll be glad.
Other new year relationship resolutions to keep the love flame burning include;
- Always help your partner feel secure
- Hold hands or hug your partner during an argument
- Always deliver an over-due apology
- Always be positive toward your relationship
Related Reading: The Key Differences Between Love and Intimacy
25 relationship resolutions to strengthen your bond
All kinds of relationships can be stirred up and strengthened. However, everyone must be willing to do the work involved. Here are 25 relationship resolutions that will strengthen your bond.
1. Plan and capitalize on time spent together
Great relationships necessitate staying in touch and spending quality time together. So, at the absolute least, keep in touch with your partner. Go on weekly dates, text them often to let them know you’re thinking of them. As much as possible, make out time to just stay with them.
2. Take equal responsibility for the relationship
One resolution for couples you should adopt is to quit the blame game. If there is a problem, admit your role and work together to find a solution. The relationship will not thrive unless both parties work on it.
Related Reading: What Exactly is an Equal Relationship?
3. Participate as a cheerleader
Be your partner’s biggest cheerleader. Be so supportive of their goals and ambitions that they get to a point where they know that you always have their back. Encourage your partner to reach their full potential regardless of what life throws at them. Affirmations are a powerful way to show that you care.
Suggested video: What to do when you partner is unsupportive:
4. Keep personal information private
At some point, your partner will start sharing their deepest fears and thoughts with you. Understand that this is an act of trust, and you cannot afford to dash that level of trust they’ve committed to you.
Don’t betray them by telling others about their dark secrets. Many relationships have been shattered as a result of exposed secrets.
4. Celebrate your similarities
Many relationships begin because of a shared interest – a favorite sport, a love of reading, a taste for great wine, or an insufferable boss. Go to your favorite baseball club or the local library book sale together to celebrate what brought you together in the first place.
6. Try new things together
What fresh adventures can you have with your partner? It might be as simple as visiting a new local coffee shop or as daring as bungee jumping. In any case, trying new things together remains one of the amazing couple resolutions that can strengthen your bond.
7. Spend quality time together
Romantic relationships, like any other connection, can get stuck in a rut if all you do is complain to your partner about how terrible your day was every time you see them. Change things up. Go out and do something you both enjoy.
It’s wonderful to have a partner with whom you can open up and share your deepest frustrations. However, it doesn’t always have to be all doom and gloom. Sometimes, spending quality time sharing about the good things in life.
8. Strive for Balance in Your Relationship
Entering a relationship for selfish reasons and/or being a person who is always on the receiving end is a recipe for loneliness. Serve and encourage your partner as well. Sometimes, don’t ask for anything but make sure you’re there when they need you.
What can you do to help them? How can you assist? What can you add to their life or day to make it more enjoyable? You’ll enjoy your relationship better when you add this to your list of relationship resolutions now.
9. Communicate openly and truthfully
Every relationship will crash without effective communication. Communication with another individual might take time – and trust! As your relationship blossoms, spend time understanding your partner’s communication style.
Do they prefer to be left alone when they’re angry? Would they rather talk it out at once? Do they tend to keep things locked up until you probe? How do they respond when you try to have deep conversations with them?
Having these at the back of your mind will help improve your relationship resolutions and strengthen your communication skills as well.
10. Be the type of friend you want others to be
You desire friends who are truthful, kind, compassionate, fair, sincere, and intellectual. Being that person first will increase your chances of attracting those types of friends into your life. This affects more than just your relationship life.
11. Be understanding
Attempting to grasp things from your partner’s perspective can help you communicate and understand each other more effectively. Sometimes, get off your high horse and examine things from your partner’s viewpoint.
Related Reading: How to Improve Understanding in a Relationship
12. Give compliments generously
Regardless of what you may have been told, your partner still wants to hear you say that they look dashing when they dress up. Show your appreciation by complimenting your partner as often as possible. Don’t assume that they know. Say it.
Have they done something that you admire? Inform them!
13. Accept responsibility and apologize
When you make a mistake, own up to it. Learn to say sorry. When your partner is offended, all they want is for you to (genuinely) apologize. It demonstrates that you are aware of the error and, hopefully, will not repeat it.
14. Let go of hurt
Did your partner hurt you? Have you talked about it? Were apologies exchanged? Allow yourself to let go and go on! If you don’t, the hurt will linger and affect the connection you have nurtured all these years.
Is that what you really want?
15. Be adaptable
It is natural to be concerned about changes. Change and progress are possible in healthy relationships. Being teachable is one of the relationship resolutions that will keep your love life enjoyable for a long time. When you adapt, your partner will be able to trust your genuineness.
16. Be trustworthy
When you give your word, do all you can to stick to it. If you accept a responsibility, see it through. Healthy relationships are one in which all partners know they can count on what their significant other has told them because they’ve proven themselves to be trustworthy.
17. Be grateful for your partner
Another important relationship resolution you should take is to express more gratitude toward your partner. Remind them how important they are to you and tell them that you won’t trade them for anything else.
18. Listen to understand, not to respond
It is easy to fall into that harmful loop where you listen just to prepare a powerful comeback. However, this shouldn’t be the case. Listen to understand their pains and hurt when you talk with your partner. This way, you can improve your behavior in the relationship.
19. Discuss your career goals and ambitions
Sometimes, you may want to sit and talk about your career plans with your partner. Where do you see yourself in a few years? What new levels would you have unlocked by then? Let them share their dreams with you as well. Afterward, plan your actions together.
This simple activity can boost your relationship and strengthen your bond as well.
20. Less phone time
The use of mobile gadgets is quickly eating into the genuine relationships we can build with the people that matter to us. This is why people can sit beside themselves but still be miles apart.
One relationship resolution you should make now is to spend less time on mobile gadgets and more time with your partner. This simple act will improve the quality of your relationship and boost your communication.
What are the two things you can do to improve a relationship?
Communicate with empathy and let go of the need to point fingers at your partner. When they do something that hurts you, be honest to communicate your feelings with them but also give them some room to redeem themselves.
Also, being your true self helps in a relationship. Why try to be someone else when getting into a relationship? Let your partner see and connect with the real you.
A healthy relationship is beneficial in all aspects of your life. When you’re with someone you love, you’ll live a stronger, healthier, and happier life. However, relationship resolutions are necessary to keep the flames of your passion alive.
In this article, we have gone over the most common resolutions that will improve your relationship if you apply them now. Please pick out the ones that apply to you and start working on them now.
If you are unsure how to get started with setting realistic relationship resolutions, consider hiring a marriage counselor to help you.
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