25 Signs He Is Thinking About You and What to do next?

One of the main aspects of a relationship is to keep the love flame burning and charm alive. Who wouldn’t want to see signs he is thinking about you when you’re busy?
The real hard work is not merely finding the courage to spill out those 3 magical words but giving the relationship constant nurturing.
Considering men and women are entirely different species, it is essential to understand the alternative point of view, find common ground and keep the effort two-way.
The book Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus talks about how men think and, likewise, the different emotional needs of a woman.
As a woman, you might wish for a magic potion to understand what your man might be thinking, to make him constantly crave for you and have him go crazy.
Well, let’s bust the myth.
To peep into his heart and know what your man is thinking, the rule is to understand his perspective.
Psychologically, men and women think differently, and in a relationship, it becomes essential to work on this fact.
So, here are 25 signs he’s thinking of you. Drive him crazy with the following tips in mind, and be sure he can’t stop thinking about you.
25 signs he is thinking about you
“Is he thinking about me? What does it mean when a guy says he thinks about you? I just want to know if he misses me as I do.”
Most of us would wonder if a guy is thinking about us or not, but unlike women, men show their emotions differently.
That is why sometimes women feel like they aren’t being missed or their boyfriend lacks the “sweetness” we expect them to have.
Here are the signs he’s thinking about you.
- You always talk via chat or text
Men, in general, would rather talk than stay online and text or chat. Sometimes, they would reply in one word or after a few hours.
So, if a man texts you early in the morning and before he falls asleep and maintains a conversation with you, then you’re one lucky girl.
That’s one sign that this man is thinking about you and even has strong feelings for you.
- He reacts to your social media posts
Does your man like your posts, react on your reels, and even comments? Oh! You should know that this man is thinking about you.
He’s one of the first people to drop a comment and give a like or a heart to your posts, whether it’s your couple photo, a funny meme, or a sentimental post about love.
It may not be a grand gesture for some, but it’s definitely an effort to show you he’s thinking of you.
- You’re friends on social media
Did you know many couples don’t follow each other on social media?
So, if you are friends with your partner on social media platforms like Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram, consider this a win!
It means that your partner loves to see your activities even on social media and, thus, proves that he’s thinking of you – a lot. Only a guy who loves his girl and constantly thinks of her would be proud of this.
- He’s always happy when you are together
When your man sees you, his face lights up! He smiles, and his personality becomes bubbly and bright. His reaction reveals one thing: he’d been thinking of you when you’re not around.
Like a child, once he sees you, he lights up, and he’s overjoyed. Doesn’t it feel good to know that you’re the reason your partner smiles?
- He hugs you every chance he gets
One of the signs he is thinking about you is he hugs you every chance he gets. You’re in his thoughts, always. So when he sees you, he hugs you.
Men aren’t great in words. They won’t say, “Babe, I missed you so much, and I have been thinking of you.”
Instead, they would hug you, caress your hair, or kiss you. Besides, you can feel his love through his hug, right?
Dionne Eleanor, Relationship and Empowerment Mentor, says
Sometimes, a hug can speak volumes more than words ever could. It’s a bridge between two hearts, a silent confirmation that you’re always on his mind.
Related Reading: 9 Different Types of Hugs and What They Mean
- No distractions when you’re together
One of the things that you’ll learn when you undergo couples therapy sessions is that you must know how to prioritize your partner.
When you are together, it’s polite not to open social media, talk on the phone, or play mobile games. Please focus on the moment, and that’s proof that you’re thinking about your partner and her feelings.
So, if your partner does this, he thinks about you.
- He asks you questions
Does he ask you many questions? Well, it’s pretty obvious, right? It’s because he wants to get to know you better. From what you love to watch and what your favorite food is to what you are afraid of.
“Does he think about me when asking that many questions?”
The answer is a big yes! He wants to learn many things about you, which proves he has always thought about you.
Meanwhile you can watch this video to learn more about what questions one should ask to know someone better.
- He values your opinion
Whenever there’s something to buy, decide on, or just something that involves the both of you, does he ask for your opinion?
If yes, that’s one sign that he’s thinking about you.
It’s not all about hugs, kisses, and lovemaking. It’s also about opinion and respect. If your partner asks what you think or want, this means that this person thinks about you.
Related Reading: 30 Signs He Cares More Than He Says
- He still remembers all those tiny details
He knows you don’t like certain vegetables and fruits, or maybe he knows you love watching cooking shows.
Men usually forget these minor details instantly, or they may not be a big deal to you, but that he remembers these only means one thing – he thinks about you a lot.
We only remember details when we think of that person because we like them. That makes sense, right?
- He makes time for you
“Does he think about me when he tries to make time for us to be together?”
People will only make an effort for those people they value and think of constantly.
He may have work or a pending deadline, yet he goes to your home for a quick snack. He thought of you and squeezed in time to be with you. Isn’t that sweet?
- He thinks you’re funny
When you are together, there is no dull moment. Your boyfriend laughs at your silliest jokes and shows how much he enjoys your time together.
If a man finds you funny and shows you how much you make him laugh, then he’s a keeper.
It only means that his heart is yours. It’s also one of the signs he is thinking about you when he remembers the silly jokes you’ve shared.
- He looks you in the eye
“Is there a way to know if he can’t stop thinking about me?”
Check if your man looks you in the eye. Unlike others, he doesn’t focus on your figure and assets. Instead, he connects with your soul by looking at you when you’re together.
You will feel it because it’s different, and you know it’s real. That is one way you know he couldn’t stop thinking about you.
- All the focus is on you
When you’re around him, does your man make you feel you’re the only person there? Aside from looking at you and not checking his phone, you feel as though you’re in a romantic place and no one else matters.
Sounds cheesy or dreamy for some, but it’s one way to tell that this person can’t get enough of you and that you are constantly on his mind. Now that you’re together, you’ll savor each moment.
- He keeps you updated
“I can’t stop thinking about him. Does he feel the same?”
While we do not really mind readers, there is one way to know for sure. Does your special someone updates you all the time? He sends you messages about what he’s up to and what he plans on doing.
If so, then that’s your answer. If he remembers to send you a message and update, you only mean that you’re in his mind constantly.
- He loves to know things about you
Another of our favorite signs he can’t stop thinking about you is when he’s curious about you and bugs you about anything.
He would then ask you a question out of the blue, which would be the start of a long conversation.
This is proof that you have crossed his mind often, and when he remembers something, he’d call you up and start asking.
- He loves to joke around
Your special someone always tries to make you smile. He would try to crack a joke, tickle you, and make funny faces and so many antics that you sometimes think are childish.
Don’t get mad. This means he’s thinking of you and misses you so much that when you’re together, the only outlet is to make you smile.
- He shows you his vulnerable side
Sometimes, your boyfriend might feel down or sad. Instead of keeping everything to himself and being quiet, you notice him pouring his heart out.
Did you know this is one sign he can’t stop thinking about you? Why is this connected?
It’s because even in his not-so-good mood, he thinks about you and knows you’ll be there for him. Don’t be surprised if he opens up to you.
Dionne Eleanor adds,
Men may often hide their emotions, but when they do share them, it’s a sign of trust and connection, indicating that you’ve been on their minds more than you think.
- He doesn’t flirt
Aside from being loyal, you know that he’s always thinking about you when he doesn’t flirt with anyone. Some men can easily forget that they are committed and would love to flirt around.
A man who truly values his woman will think of her in situations like this and will set boundaries.
- He would do you favors
“Can he feel me thinking about him? I wish he would. Sometimes, I really need him.”
Some say that people who are in love are more intuitive to each other. He may not know when you want him to be there for you, but if you see him attempt to do you favors, it’s as close as it gets.
He may bring you chocolates when you’re on your period. He may do the chores when you’re sick. Those little things are meaningful gestures that he’s thinking about you.
- You know his friends and family
A man who thinks about you all the time will most likely bring you to his friends and family. Why is this so?
It’s because they know what you would feel when he does. He knows what will make you happy and secure, and these gestures prove that you’re in his mind.
- He wants you to be safe
“Does he think about me? He’s so strict!”
Sometimes, your partner may seem to be strict with you, but instead of seeing this in a negative light, why not see it as his way of thinking about you.
He wants you to be safe and thinks about your safety.
Related Reading: 20 Signs a Guy Is Protective of You
- He knows when you’re not okay
You can call it instinct or maybe because of love. Your man knows when you are not okay. Suddenly, he would call you and check on you.
Do you know why he knows this? It’s because he’s been thinking about you, and somehow, maybe, he could sense that something is wrong.
- Visits you unexpectedly
This goes the same when your partner or boyfriend visits you unexpectedly. It’s as simple as he’s been thinking of you and misses you a lot.
Men wouldn’t usually write you a long love letter. Instead, he will just visit you and hug you.
- Dreams about you
You may have heard about this theory that when you constantly think of someone, you dream of them. It makes sense, right?
If your man dreams about you – a lot, then it means he’s been thinking about you.
- Reminds you that he loves you
When a man can’t stop thinking about you, it would only make sense that he also reminds you how much he cares for you and loves you.
Also, it’s not always about the words; rather, his actions may also remind you how much you mean to him.
4 things to make him crazy about you
I want him to think of me often. Is this even possible?
Try these four tips to make him crazy about you.
1. Let your guard down
Vulnerability is about consciously choosing to be expressive and lay your heart out just as it is. In University of Houston Professor Brené Brown’s 2010 TEDxHouston talk, The Power of Vulnerability, she says,
Staying vulnerable is a risk we must take if we want to experience connection.
We advocate being vulnerable enough to open up about yourself and drive away all inhibitions. Being hurt, frightened, or happy is a part of our existence, and there should be no shame in being uncensored.
However, do not overcompensate to make a place in his heart.
There’s no affirmation etched in stone about how to make your man go crazy, but expressing your joys, goals, and passions freely surely goes a long way in strengthening the bond.
Vulnerability is attractive. It is one of the building blocks of the relationship and will inevitably lead your man to think he is holding power in the relationship as much as you do.
By being vulnerable, you subtly draw him closer to you emotionally and help him bring out his boyish charm. And if you are wondering how to make him keep thinking of you, he needs to be assured through your gestures that he can open his heart too.
Rather than keeping the rope in your hands, hold one end of the rope and have him hold the other end. He’ll appreciate it.
True connection blooms when you let your guard down and allow yourself to be vulnerable. By sharing your genuine self, you invite him to do the same, creating a bond that makes him think of you often and deeply.
comments Dionne Eleanor
2. The mirroring effect
If you want your man to think of you, one of the effective ways is to catch his attention by matching him at a subconscious level.
This will reflect your efforts for him and, at the same time, add an element of fun into the relationship. He’ll find this romantic gesture extraordinarily appealing and won’t stop thinking about you.
Mirroring happens a lot at subconscious levels too. It becomes an active practice in a relationship with time and builds a solid foundation.
When you have a definitive idea about the way he thinks, you both begin mirroring each other on an emotional level as well.
Emotional mirroring, however, will take its own sweet time when you both begin to read each other’s minds and see through expressions.
There shouldn’t be any hurry. Make sure you’re not trying to be desperate to get him to love you. Don’t be a pushy salesperson.
3. Be true to yourself
The one thing men appreciate the most in women is sincerity. If you want him to think about you all the time, you must present yourself in a sincere and genuine fashion.
Not being true to yourself is one of the most common mistakes women tend to make.
A man does not want a woman to think the way he does, to like the things he likes, to act as he acts. If this was the case, he would marry himself.
Men do not want women to stifle their own opinion because they might conflict with them; instead, men love women who can express their point of view and who are original.
One of the main advantages of staying true and honest is that it will give him a way to express his thoughts too.
Once he finds that space where he can place his trust on you, he will always think of you.
Men don’t want to know women who will fidget at the thought of showing their authentic selves. So, in order to get your man thinking you are the one, stay authentic.
4. Be kind
Kindness is a universally appealing quality, studies show. Research also shows that kindness is linked to an ability to form social alliances. As the famous poet Maya Angelou said:
People will forget what you said and did, but they’ll never forget how you made them feel.
So on that first, second, third, or any subsequent dates, he may not notice and remember the dress you wore, but he will remember if you were kind and polite with him and any other person you interacted with.
So be kind, and you can be sure that he is always thinking of you in the nicest way possible.
The point is…
Men find self-confident and opinionated women refreshing and irresistible. If you want your man to think you are different, then express yourself how you are.
If he is looking forward to committing in the long run, playfulness, independence, and affection are some of the additional qualities he would appreciate.
Sometimes, expressing your emotions plain and raw makes you who you are. So be that woman, act as you want and let him see all of your glory and flaws if you want him to think of you all the time.
What does it mean when a man is thinking about you?
What does it mean when a guy says he thinks about you? When a man thinks about someone, this person is obviously special to him.
Men won’t really be vocal about this. He won’t say that he’s been thinking about you, but you’ll definitely notice through his actions. If you’re already friends with him, this may be a sign that he wants to court you.
If you are already lovers, then this means he’s definitely head-over-heels in love with you.
Men and women have different ways of showing that they love, treasure, or miss someone. We need to make this clear so that you won’t feel like your boyfriend isn’t interested in you or is not thinking about you.
Most probably, he’s already showing signs he is thinking about you, and it’s showing through his actions. So, appreciate the small ways your man shows you how much he thinks about you.
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