27 Telltale Signs a Guy Likes You & What to Do

You like a particular young man. He likes you. You are both on the same page, so starting to date is super easy, and your communications are clear and unambiguous. A fantastic relationship is born!
Wouldn’t it be great if love were that simple? Unfortunately, it most often is not.
Because we are human, we often are not the best communicators, especially when expressing our interest in someone we are attracted to and knowing signs a guy likes us.
And if the guy you fancy is rather shy and introverted, it makes things worse as the signs he likes you more than a friend might be too subtle.
So, how to know if a guy likes you? And what are some obvious signs a guy is into you?
How do guys hint that they like you?
Understanding ways guys hint they like you can help you respond to them appropriately. Their feelings for you can consciously or subconsciously change how they act around you and in relation to you.
They may become more pleasant in their interactions with you and more open to a plan or conversation. They may be more indulgent and try to win over your favorable opinion or attention through their actions and words.
Dropping hints is a way to let you know that they like you and are interested in pursuing things with you. It allows you to reciprocate their feelings after thinking about whether you like them.
27 telltale signs a guy likes you
The ways guys tell you they like you can be obvious or subtle, but they give you a chance to react appropriately to their developing feelings towards you.
If you wonder, “Is he into me, “read for answers. Listed below are some signs he likes you more than “just friends:”
1. Extending conversations
One of the most common signs a guy likes you is when he smiles every time he sees you and asks lots of questions to prolong your conversations.
Let’s say you cross this guy in the hallway of school or work. You stop to talk. His face lights up, and he has a broad smile plastered across it.
That’s a strong indication he likes you. If he didn’t, he looked a bit annoyed and irritated. He probably wouldn’t even stop to talk.
Now you two are face to face, and he’s peppering you with questions, anything to keep the conversation going. “How was your weekend? Got plans for this week? Have you seen the latest Spielberg movie?”
Small talk, sure, but he wants to keep you engaged as long as possible. He likes you!
2. Eye contact
One of the key signs a man likes you is that if a guy is interested in you, he makes eye contact with you. (This isn’t true for super shy guys or guys uncomfortable with eye contact in general.)
Studies have shown the merit of analyzing eye contact and how we use it to communicate our emotions and intentions in romantic or sexual relationships.
So, if he likes you, his eyes will linger on your face, eyes, and mouth. He’ll smile as he listens to you talk. You’ll see how delighted he is just looking at you, soaking you in.
If he isn’t interested in you, his eyes will dart all over the room while he is talking to you, like he is looking for “the next best thing” or a way to get out of the conversation.
3. Body language
You can tell a lot about how a guy feels about you by observing his body language when he is with you.
verbal modes of communication, can reveal the attraction that you feel for someone.
Does he turn towards you and not angle his body away from you? Are his feet pointing towards you? Do his movements mirror yours? For instance, if you cross your legs, does he cross his?
These small things are “tells” and signs a guy is interested in you. They tell you that he likes you.
4. Being direct
Another sign a man likes you is when he asks you straight out if you are in a relationship.
“Do you have a boyfriend?” is a good indicator of his interest in dating you. He is assessing the situation to see if you are free and available.
When you tell him no, you might follow up with “But I’m very open to interviewing new candidates for the position!” or some other playful invitation to show that you are interested in him, too!
5. Touch
If you are looking for subtle signs a guy likes you, look at whether he finds subtle ways to touch you as he just can’t help it.
It might be touching your arm as he talks to you, enforcing his point. He might brush stray hair out of your face. He might take your hand, pretending to be a palm reader.
When a guy is interested in you, he has a primal need to touch you or reach out to you physically.
If his touch is inappropriate, tell him that that is not ok. Even if you like him, he shouldn’t be allowed to access your body in any way that makes you feel uncomfortable.
6. He remembers your conversations
One of the signs a guy likes you is he hangs on to every little thing you share with him. After he talks with you, he goes over your conversation in his head. This keeps you close to him.
So don’t be surprised if, when you meet again, he’ll follow up on something you said the last time you talked.
It’s his way of showing that he listens to you, which is a great sign for your future relationship.
7. He defends you
One of the significant signs a guy likes you is when you find him defending you in different social, professional, or personal situations.
Some guys may defend you consciously to let you know that you matter to them. Other guys may instinctively become protective of you once they start liking you.
8. He offers to help you out
If a man likes you or if a boy likes you, he would want to show you how supportive he is.
Remember decades ago when a boy would offer to carry a girl’s books home from school?
Nowadays, his offer to help you might be more IT-orientated, like helping you set up a new app or game on your phone or configure your new computer.
Or, if you are having an issue with a class, he might offer his expertise and help tutor you.
9. He introduces you to the people important to him
A guy who introduces you to his group of friends is giving clear signs that he’s totally into you.
He is proud that you are hanging out with him and wants to show you off to his mates. Does he invite you home to meet his parents?
He’s got a serious crush on you!
These nine tips on how to tell if a guy likes you will surely help you read the signs a boy likes you and make your romantic journey more playful.
10. He asks plenty of questions
If a guy is interested in you, he will likely try to engage you in conversation.
They’ll seem like they want to get to know you and, in some cases, might seem to go out of their way to do so.
He will be interested to know what you like, what you dislike, what you do in your spare time, what you do on weekends, who are your close friends, what’s your family like, where you grew up, where you have traveled, what do you plan to do in the next few years.
Yes, he will be inquisitive because he wants to know all about you. This is a subtle yet sure-shot sign he likes you.
11. His behavior is different around you
Does he seem to act cool or quiet when he’s around you, but when he doesn’t know you are there, you’ve seen him behave differently, or if he’s confident, he might puff out his chest a little when you approach?
If so, he’s probably trying to make himself appealing to you. This is also one of the obvious signs he likes you a lot.
12. He smiles a lot
While some guys may smile a lot in general, it can be a sign that a man is interested in you if they are particularly shy and smile when they catch your eye. He might be trying to show you that he likes you.
If you’ve thought to yourself, “his face lights up when he sees me,” you can treat it as one of the key signs a guy likes you and is interested in you.
13. He tries his best to impress you
Out of all the signs he likes you, this is a tricky one! Why? Because he tries his best to impress you in the best way he knows. He may do something you like, but it can also be something that you don’t.
But if you see a guy making efforts for you suddenly, then it’s best to be upfront and ask him – You’re doing this for me? What’s this all about?
14. He asks for your number
I think it’s safe to say that unless there is some other reason for a guy to contact you, if he’s asking for your number, then that’s a green light that there is interest there. There isn’t a bigger sign he likes you than this.
He asks for your phone number, which is one of the important signs a guy likes you, as it showcases he wants to open more channels of personal communication with you.
15. He reaches out to you on social media
Unless he’s an old friend, then the chances are that if a guy is adding you on social media, there’s a chance that he might be showing signs he is interested in you and wants to learn more.
If he messages you and keeps initiating a conversation, it’s probably a green light. It’s one of the clear signs a guy likes you.
16. He asks if you have a boyfriend
If you have been thinking about how to know if a man really likes you after asking this question, the answer is right there in front of you.
It is a good sign that a man likes you if he asks you about your dating life. When a man is direct with these questions, he probably wants to know if you’re single and if he is free to make a move.
17. He touches you occasionally
Does he gently touch you as he holds a door or in general conversation? It has to be a sign he is interested in you romantically.
This is a clear sign he’s interested. At the same time, observe whether he is physically affectionate with other people. Then it’s a different thing.
Of course, many guys will hold a door open for a lady, but touching them simultaneously is a little more intimate. He could also tease you by poking, tickling, and offering to massage your neck, which are probably more apparent signs of flirtation, though.
18. He shows occasional low-key jealousy
You notice him stiffening up and seem to be a little unhappy when you are talking to other guys.
He might try to interrupt or even glance at you, occasionally watching to see what’s happening. It is one of the signs that he is into you.
Nothing gives out the signs a guy likes you more than jealousy. Men are territorial, and this sign is easy to spot.
Watch this video to learn more about creating jealousy and insecurity in dating from Relationship Expert Susan Winter:
19. He remembers facts about you
Wondering how to know when a man likes you what are the signs? Well, most guys are focused on important things, so he is interested in you if he remembers details about you.
It shows that he listens to what you say and observes what you do. Little things about you will matter to a person if they like you.
20. He banters with you
Bantering is a British slang for teasing and research shows that couples indulge in banter to create levity and laughter in their relationship.
They are playful and tease the person they are interested in. If a guy is ‘bantering’ with you and doing some of the other things on this list, too, then it’s probably a form of flirting. This is another sign he likes you and not just as a friend.
Unless you see him doing that with everybody, it’s just his nature. Otherwise, it is a sign he likes you.
21. He only seems to have eyes for you
Guys can be visual beings; it’s natural for them to check out other girls and get caught, too! But if he’s locked in on you and is not checking out anybody else, you are the only focus of his attention. His undivided attention is a sign he likes you.
When he stares at you while you are around him, you can conclude that he is smitten with you. He may not even realize that he is staring at you, but you will often notice his gaze on you if he truly likes you.
22. Mirroring your energy
Pay attention to whether he mirrors your energy and enthusiasm. If you’re excited or happy about something, and he responds in a similar way, it indicates that he is attuned to your emotions and enjoys sharing those positive moments with you.
23. Initiates plans
If a guy is interested in you, he will take the initiative to make plans and spend time with you. Whether it’s suggesting a coffee date, inviting you to an event, or planning a casual hangout, his willingness to make arrangements shows he values your company.
24. Offers compliments
Wondering when a guy likes you, what are the signs? Well, he will likely give you genuine compliments. These compliments may range from praising your achievements to admiring your personality or appearance. Compliments show that he is paying attention to the details that make you unique.
25. Teases in a playful manner
Light teasing can be a sign of affection. If he playfully teases you, it’s a way for him to create a connection and express his interest. Pay attention to the tone and context to distinguish playful teasing from anything that might be hurtful.
26. Shares personal details
A guy who likes you will gradually open up and share more personal details about himself. This could include his dreams, fears, or even past experiences. Sharing personal information signifies a level of trust and a desire to connect with you on a deeper level.
27. Notices changes in your appearance
If he consistently notices and acknowledges changes in your appearance, such as a new hairstyle or outfit, it indicates that he pays close attention to you. This attention to detail suggests that he is genuinely interested in you.
Remember that these signs are not foolproof, and individual behaviors can vary. It’s important to consider the overall context and look for a combination of these signals to get a clearer picture of someone’s feelings.
What to do if you like a guy who likes you back? 5 tips
If you like a guy who likes you back, it’s an exciting situation! Here are five things you can consider doing:
1. Communicate your feelings
Be open and honest about your feelings. Let him know that you appreciate his company and that you have developed feelings for him. Clear communication is key to understanding each other’s intentions and expectations.
2. Spend quality time together
Plan activities or outings that allow you to spend quality time together. Whether it’s a casual coffee date, a movie night, or a walk in the park, spending time together can deepen your connection and provide opportunities for meaningful conversations.
3. Build emotional intimacy
Share more about yourself and encourage him to do the same. Building emotional intimacy involves discussing personal thoughts, feelings, and experiences. This can create a stronger bond and help you understand each other on a deeper level.
4. Take things slow
While it’s exciting to discover mutual feelings, it’s important to take things at a pace that is comfortable for both of you. Enjoy the process of getting to know each other better without rushing into anything. This allows the relationship to develop naturally.
5. Define the relationship
Have a conversation about the nature of your relationship. Discuss your expectations, boundaries, and what you both want from the connection. Clarifying these aspects can help avoid misunderstandings and ensure that you’re on the same page.
Remember that every relationship is unique, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. It’s essential to be genuine, communicate openly, and enjoy the journey of building a connection with someone you like.
Here are the answers to some pressing questions that can help you understand the signs that a guy like you or not:
How do you know if a guy likes you, or is he just being nice?
Understanding a guy’s intentions can be tricky. Look for consistent signs like prolonged eye contact, engaged conversations, and personal interest in your life. If he goes out of his way to spend time with you and shows genuine enthusiasm, it’s likely he likes you.
How do I respond if I realize that a guy likes me but I’m not interested in him romantically?
Honesty is crucial. Communicate your feelings respectfully. Express gratitude for his interest, but make it clear that you see him as a friend. Open communication fosters understanding.
How can I approach a guy and start a conversation to determine whether he likes me or not?
Initiate a friendly conversation about shared interests or current topics. Observe his body language; genuine interest will be evident through eye contact, active listening, and engaging responses.
What kind of questions will a guy ask if he likes me?
A guy interested in you will inquire about your life, preferences, and future plans. Questions may range from your hobbies to your relationship status, signaling a desire to know you better.
How can I differentiate between friendliness and romantic interest in his actions?
Pay attention to subtle cues like prolonged physical contact, compliments, and personalized attention. If he goes beyond typical friendly gestures and shows consistent signs of admiration, there may be a romantic interest.
Summing up
Figuring out whether a guy likes you or not can get confusing. But if you pick on the subtle signs that a guy likes you, you can move things forward with confidence and awareness.
These tips are just some signs that a man may be interested in you by being attentive and indulgent towards you. And if you are interested as well, consider asking him out!
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