25 Best Ways to Make a Guy Regret Ghosting You

Do you want to know how to make a guy regret ghosting you? In this relationship guide, you will learn about 25 different ways to deal with a guy when he ghosts you.
Ghosting someone is a disrespectful way of ending a relationship. You can’t tell why someone you love will cut you off without any explanation or warning. It can shake your confidence and make you start blaming yourself for an offense you aren’t even aware of.
“Could it be how I introduced him to my friends last week?”
“Is it the hairstyle I made?”
“Why is he ghosting me?”
Probably my cooking was bad.”
These questions and many more begin to circulate in your head.
However, you must understand that someone ghosting you isn’t your fault. Quit the self-blame and focus on how to get someone to stop ghosting you or what to do when a guy ghosts you. So, do guys regret ghosting? Is being ghosted by a guy a bad thing?
Before we dive deeper into the topic, understanding the word ghosting someone might help.
What is ghosting?
Ghosting someone happens when you cut off all means of communication without explanation or tangible reasons. While many think ghosting someone only happens in romantic relationships, it occurs across all types of relationships. For instance, a lover suddenly stops talking to you, or a friend stops communicating with you.
What to do when a guy ghosts you?
When he ghosts you, your first reaction will be self-doubt. You feel the act of being ghosted by a guy must have been your fault. However, you only make matters worse this way. Understand that when a guy ghosts you, it is more about him than you.
Even if you cause it, you deserve some explanations or reasons. After all, suspected offenders are given a chance to prove themselves in a court of law. As such, it’s normal to seek what to do when a guy ghosts you. Others even go further on how to make a ghoster regret.
Ghosting someone is immature behavior. It is cowardice and irresponsible. Also, it shows that the ghoster lacks communication skills. So, when he ghosts you, the best you can do for yourself is to stay calm and don’t blame yourself.
“Why is he ghosting me?” There is no justifiable reason for ghosting anyone. If you have an issue with someone, you relay it to them. You might not change your mind about leaving the relationship, but the other person deserves some audience.
The best thing you can do when someone ghosts you is to seek a solution. Start by asking yourself, “Do I want this person back in my life?” “Is the relationship worth saving?” “Should I give this person a taste of their own medicine?”
If you intend to have a conversation, you should know what to say to someone who ghosted you. Some people often seek how to make a guy regret ghosting you. They strongly believe “two can play the game.” Whatever decision you take, you should have a plan.
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Do guys come back after ghosting you?
Do guys regret ghosting at all? The answer is yes and no. People with the wrong intention from the beginning of the relationship will generally not return after ghosting someone. For example, a playboy might never look back after leaving you.
On the other hand, some men will eventually see the fault in their behavior and try to come back into your life. Of course, they won’t show up out of the blue and demand that you continue the relationship. Instead, they will show signs like the following:
1. They are active on your social media platforms
One obvious sign that someone is trying to wiggle their way back into a relationship is their presence on social media. If they like and comment on your social posts consistently, they might want to come back after ghosting you. For example, their comments will often be written to elicit your response.
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2. They ask about you from your mutual
Do guys regret ghosting? Yes, if they have been asking about you lately from friends. If a guy wants to know about you without asking you directly, the most accessible place is from your mutual. This is usually done casually, but you can tell they have more to say. It’s now left for you to make him regret his initial action or forgive him.
3. They send an apology text
After being ghosted by a guy, an apology text is one tell-tale sign that he’s coming back. Apologizing also promotes forgiveness and it comes after the guy has tried all means to reach you. At this point, he has swallowed his pride and is ready to face the consequences, even if it means admitting that he was a coward for ghosting you.
4. They send a gift
When he ghosts you, sending a gift is a follow-up to an apology message. This action is to reassure you that they aren’t ready to give up and are genuinely sorry. It’s also a way to pacify you, especially if the gift is your favorite.
Related Reading: 5 Gift Ideas to Strengthen Your Relationship
25 best ways to make a guy regret ghosting you
While many people will forgive a ghoster after a few apology texts and gifts, others continue to seek how to make a guy regret ghosting you or how to make a ghoster regret. Thankfully, there are many ways to make a guy regret ghosting you and what to say to someone who ghosted you. Learn more in the following tips:
1. Don’t take it personal
How to get back at someone who ghosted you? Don’t make a big deal out of it. Being ghosted by a guy you thought was your world stings. And it’s normal to want to call him out and let him know how much he hurts you.
However, you only empower him more with your frustration. To make him regret his action, act like it’s no big deal by not posting how men are scums on your WhatsApp, writing posts to insult him, or complaining daily to anyone who cares to listen.
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2. Don’t contact him
What do you do when a guy ghosts you? Don’t make any contact. Once you’ve established that someone is ghosting you, try to stay as far away as possible. Stop yourself from texting him or checking his social media feeds. He ghosted you because he doesn’t want to talk. Reaching out to him after making it clear he doesn’t want you will only make you desperate.
3. Ghost him
How to make a ghoster regret? Ghost him too. If he can act like a child, you can surely reciprocate. If he blocked you on WhatsApp, block him on Instagram, Facebook, and other social platforms you use. The guy who ghosts you is probably waiting for your call. Don’t give him that satisfaction. Instead, let him wonder how his ghosting isn’t affecting you.
4. Check yourself
Again, being ghosted by a guy isn’t your fault, but his. Nonetheless, it may help to do an honest self-evaluation. Have you done something recently that could warrant such behavior? Did he warn you about something, and you repeated it? People are different, and someone ghosting you might be their best way of reacting.
5. Be kind to yourself
Self-loathe is easy to come by when a guy ghosts you. It’s hard to see yourself as worthy when someone doesn’t regard you enough to converse before taking off. However, you can’t hold yourself responsible. Even if you made him ghost you, you are human and are allowed to make mistakes.
6. Focus on yourself
When he ghosts you, it hurts. However, don’t dwell on the matter for long. Anyone who ghosts you wants to wreck you emotionally. You shouldn’t make it easy for them. Instead, focus on your goals and aspirations. Whether it’s career or financial goals, start working on them. Focus on getting better, and you will be amazed at your transformation.
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7. Step out
How to make a guy regret ghosting you? Go out more. Whatever you do when a guy ghosts you, don’t stay indoors. Get some fresh air. Visit a restaurant nearby to relax or go to the beach. If you don’t feel like going anywhere far, try taking a long walk within your vicinity. This action will help you meditate and get your thoughts in check.
8. Take care of yourself
One of the best ways to make someone regret ghosting you is to improve your physical look. Pamper yourself by making new hair and buying some new clothes. New clothes make you feel confident and ready to face the world. It is also a way to reassure yourself that you matter. Besides, improving your physical attractiveness helps to boost your self-esteem and personality.
9. Act normally when you see him
If you want to know how to make a guy regret ghosting you, act unbothered when you see each other. There are chances that you will meet if you stay in the same town. To avoid an awkward moment:
- Greet him like any other person around.
- If he avoids you, walk up to him and ask how he’s doing.
- Keep it moving.
10. Be fun on social media
When he ghosts you, the guy’s first reaction will be to keep up with your social media feeds. Considering how he left without explanation, social media is the best place to know how you feel. Therefore, feed him by highlighting some of your best moments on these channels, but don’t overdo it. This will make him know you don’t care about his behavior.
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11. Don’t try too hard
Whatever you do to make him regret his action, don’t try too hard. That means limiting your presence on social media, posting minimal things to make him jealous, or not emptying the bank to buy the latest clothes to make him jealous.
12. Get over him
It might sound impossible, but the best way to make him regret ghosting you is to get over him. Indeed, he was your soul mate or a potentially perfect partner. But since he left without saying a word, you have to see it as a blessing in disguise.
Learn how to get over your ex in this video:
13. Move on
After getting over him, you must move on. That means forgetting everything about him and the pain he caused you. That may require focusing on a new hobby or anything that will make you forget being in a relationship with a ghoster.
14. Meet new people
Breathe in some fresh air by meeting new people. Attend community service, visit new places, or mingle with more people at work. Be open to new opportunities by making yourself available. That could be on the internet or in the real world.
15. Don’t rush to date
One of the mistakes many people make when someone ghosts them is to rush into a new relationship. However, this is a wrong move. Rushing into a relationship to make another person jealous will only leave you miserable. Date only when you are ready.
16. Don’t stop having fun
Go out with your friends or continue having your weekend cinema experience. Being ghosted by a guy doesn’t mean you should stop having fun; it’s the time to increase it.
17. Go on vacation
If someone ghosting you hurts that much, go on a trip to a new place. It’s a way to get over your ex quickly, but to him, you look unbothered. It will further infuriate him to see you living your life when he just left you without any explanation.
Research also proves that a vacation is good for your heart.
18. Give another guy a chance
How to make a guy regret ghosting you? Date another person. It’s normal to stay clear of the dating pool and ignore other guys. However, you shouldn’t make others pay for your ex’s sin. Give yourself the chance to feel love again. You deserve it!
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19. Don’t text back
Do you know what to say to someone who ghosted you? The answer is nothing. This is a way of giving your ghoster a taste of their medicine. Probably they regretted their actions and wanted to come back. Good for them, but don’t make it easy by replying.
20. Don’t be available
Don’t make yourself available if he contacts you and asks that you meet. Even if you are less busy, tell him you have some things to do. This isn’t playing hard to get, but an attempt to make him regret his action.
21. Talk to your friends
When he ghosts you, ensure you don’t transfer aggression to others, especially your friends. Friends have a way of lifting your spirit when you are emotionally down. So make use of that opportunity to be with them.
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22. Be confident
When someone ghosts you, it might affect your self-confidence and self-esteem. As such, you begin to think you aren’t worthy of love. Well, that’s a lie. There is someone better than your ghoster, but you must believe it. Boost your confidence by accepting you dodged a bullet.
23. Show off your new lover
When you eventually find someone who loves you genuinely, show them off. While this is to make your ex-lover regret their action, it is also a way to celebrate your newly-found love.
24. Tell him how you feel
Don’t hesitate to let him know your feelings if you give him a chance to come back. State it precisely as it happened without mincing words. If you want to flare up, you have a right to do so. That will make him regret ghosting you.
25. Talk to a professional
If you have tried everything to make a ghoster regret his action and nothing works, it’s best to speak with a professional. Relationship experts and coaches can give you specific advice tailored to your current situation.
Related Reading: How Seeing a Therapist Can Improve Your Life
In a nutshell
If you want to know how to make a guy regret ghosting you, you must act strong and unbothered. Ghosting someone is cowardice and childish, so if you decide to let them have a taste of their own medicine, you aren’t breaking any rule. Notably, you should focus on making yourself happy. Nobody is worth your happiness and peace of mind.
He ghosted me, but strange enough, I don't feel broken or anything. Is that normal?

Anne Duvaux
Expert Answer
The whole range of emotions, including feeling nothing, are all perfectly normal and there is never a right or wrong. Sometimes though, we feel a slight mental discord because, on the one hand, we believe we should feel something but on the other hand, we seem perfectly content to move on. To reflect on this, you might want to explore what belief you hold about yourself in this situation and test if it serves you or if it needs to be reframed. Another option is to explore if there are any hidden emotions you are pushing aside and ignoring. A good way to do this is to journal about the experience and simply see what comes up for you as you do. Most importantly, be kind to yourself and try not to bring any judgment. Emotions are there for a reason, even a lack of emotion is an experience, and it's perfectly ok to simply sit with the experience and then let it go in order to move on.
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