How to Know If You Like Someone: 30 Signs of Affection

Sometimes, love (and romantic feelings in general) can be complicated. When you have genuine feelings for someone, there are many signs that you would notice on your part.
Some of these signs you have feelings for someone are subtle, while others are intense and immediately noticeable.
Dionne Eleanor, Relationship & Empowerment Mentor, states,
Genuine love starts when we choose to embrace the small moments and see them as signs of something deeper unfolding.
This article will cover how to know if you like someone. This article will also equip you with practical strategies on how to express your feelings with someone you like so you can go on to build something worthwhile and a strong relationship.
How to know if you like someone
The thing about feelings is that they can be unpredictable at times. Here’s how to know if you like someone.
The next time you hang out with them, you will most likely try making an impression on them.
Hence, don’t be so scared if you find yourself spending extra time trying to fix your appearance or picking out the best dress to wear. Those aren’t bad. They’re your body’s way of telling you that there may be signs of affection.
In any case, this is how to tell if you like someone for sure.
Dionne Eleanor points out,
When you begin to focus on how you present yourself, it’s a reflection of the inner connection you wish to nurture with them.
Related Reading: How to Express your Love Through Words & Actions
30 signs you like someone
Here are some signs that will help you understand whether or not you like someone.
1. Everything reminds you of them
The short advert that pops up on your Instagram feed reminds you of the conversation you had with her yesterday. The suit your boss wears to work looks closely like the one he wore just a few days ago.
One of the clearest signs you like someone is that everything has a way of reminding you of them.
Dionne Eleanor says,
When love is budding, even the most mundane moments take on a deeper meaning, tethering you closer to them.
2. You spend a lot of time talking to them
When you aren’t talking to them physically, you are texting them, having a quick chat on social media, or face-timing.
If you find yourself spending an excessive amount of time every day talking with them, that may be one of the signs you are looking for.
3. You get excited when you are about to see them
All of us get excited when we meet some people in our lives. There’s nothing odd about it.
However, if there’s that one person in your life who, if you hear that they’re coming, you begin to feel flustered (and with butterflies in your stomach), that may be one sign that you have the hots for them.
4. And because you are excited, you go out of your way to make an impression on them
So, you find yourself spending more time getting dressed before they arrive or making a mad dash to the mall to pick out a new fragrance (because they promised to hang out at your place much later in the evening).
How do you know if you love someone or at least have feelings for them? Examine the amount of effort you put into making an impression on them.
Dionne Eleanor points out,
In relationships, effort is a powerful expression of how much we care, and it’s often through small acts that love truly shows itself.
Suggested video: 8 practical first impression techniques. How to impress your crush or a boss.
5. They suddenly become hilarious
You laugh at all their jokes, both the good ones and the bad ones. Sometimes, you don’t do this because you want to sound indulgent. You do this because you thoroughly like their jokes and sense of humor.
Have you ever found yourself constantly laughing at that one friend’s joke when everyone else thought that they were not funny? That may be one of the signs you have feelings for someone.
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6. You enjoy teasing them
Watching them get flustered and blushing heavily suddenly becomes one of your favorite pastimes.
If you always enjoy teasing someone, watching them smile, and doing it all over, it could be because you care about them much more than you would want to admit.
7. You are quick to reply to their messages
When you roll out of bed in the morning and decide that it’s time to sort through your emails from yesterday, you may end up seeing yourself opening their chats replying to them before anything else.
Then again, if you are quick to reply to their messages during the day, that may be how to know if you like someone.
8. They know all the important details about you
That’s not the exciting part. The exciting part is that they know all the important details about you; you aren’t quick to tell anyone.
This is usually because, over time, you may have come to like and trust them so profoundly that you feel comfortable telling them some things about yourself.
9. You also know all the things that matter to them
For some reason, you find out that (maybe in response to your opening up to them), they talk to you about the things that matter to them as well.
Take stock of the things you know about them. Do you know the tiny details like how they like their coffee, their favorite food/color, and some of the defining experiences they have had in life?
If you do, it could be because when you like someone, it is easier to pick up and remember details about them that you ordinarily wouldn’t have.
10. You begin to like the things you didn’t like
You’ve always been terrified of heights and speed, but you are suddenly taking an interest in ice skiing, mainly because they like the sport.
If you find yourself picking up new interests in sports, music, fashion, and lifestyle choices, it could be their influence rubbing off on you.
11. You are beginning to pay more attention to their physical features
You’ve known them forever, but you suddenly took notice of the small mole next to their nose or the way the sides of their eyes crumple when they laugh.
This could be because you are beginning to pay closer attention to them, and it could be a sign of affection.
Dionne Eleanor states,
True affection is reflected in how deeply we see others, noticing the beautiful intricacies that make them who they are.
Related Reading: 30 Signs of Attraction: How Do I Know if Someone Is Attracted to Me
12. More often than not, you talk about them to others
If you find out that you constantly bring them up when in conversation with others and talk about them with fondness, it may be because you like them.
This is one of the things that happens when you like someone; you find the slightest opportunity to talk to others about them.
13. Strangers think you are a thing
Have you ever been out with them (maybe for a drink in the evening or to chill) and had a random stranger comment about how both of you make a cute couple?
If this has happened to you, it is most likely because they saw something you haven’t yet admitted to yourself. It could be that the stranger noticed how you look at yourself or was comfortable with each other.
In any case, when strangers comment about how both of you are perfect for yourselves, it could be because they picked up some signs of affection between you two.
14. Somehow, a close friend or family member has mentioned it to you
You were having a conversation a while ago with a close friend, and you mentioned something about the person you have feelings for.
The friend you talked to paused and commented about how you have got the hots for them.
Or, a family member stopped you in your tracks one day and asked you exactly what you were doing with them.
If these things have happened to you, it could be because the people in your life are beginning to see how you feel and are reacting to the not-relationship you have.
When this happens, there’s every possibility that you would reply with a strong rebuttal. However, what if you took a minute to honestly ask them what they saw that made them assume you are a thing? This is how to know if you like someone.
15. No day passes without talking to them
Even when you are halfway across the country, you may find out that if a day passes without talking to them, you may not be able to sleep peacefully at night.
When you like someone like a friend, you don’t feel the need to talk to them every day.
However, if you find yourself communicating with them daily, even via a short line of text or a lengthy phone call, maybe you like them.
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16. Their opinions matter to you
If you were a person of your own before, this would even be harder to miss.
When you like someone, their opinions become more powerful in shaping the decisions you make. When making any decision in your life, you would first consult with them to ensure that they approve of it.
Even if you don’t present it as ‘seeking approval,’ the truth is that deep down within, part of the reasons why you talked to them about it may be because you seek their approval or evaluation on the matter.
If you discover that their opinions suddenly mean a lot to you, you may want to take a step back and figure out precisely what you feel about them.
Dionne Eleanor highlights,
When you genuinely like someone, their perspective becomes a mirror through which you discover more of yourself.
17. You call them a name different from everyone else
It doesn’t have to be an endearment like ‘darling’ and ‘sweetheart.’ However, when you have feelings for someone, there’s every possibility that you would find a way to make the experience of calling their name unique even for yourself.
On the flip side, if they have feelings for you, they would accept the name-calling with everything in them.
Someone who would ordinarily frown at it when someone else calls that name wouldn’t mind when it comes from you because they may just like you as well. This is one of the things that happen when you like someone.
17. You tremble (in a cute way) when you talk to them
Please take note of how your body reacts when you talk to them. It could give you cues about the things you are yet to accept with your mind.
Some everyday things you may find yourself doing when you talk to them may include licking your lips, fondling or touching your hair (if you have long hair that falls over your shoulders), or playing around with your fingers.
In any case, how do you know if you like someone? Please pay special attention to how your body reacts when talking to them.
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18. You are beginning to speak and sound like them
This is directly traceable to the fact that you have spent a lot of time communicating with them.
One sign of affection is that you may find yourself picking up on all their quotes and even completing their sentences when they start talking.
Mirroring tends to happen to us when we often start interacting with people we like.
19. You catch yourself imagining a future with them
Even if you haven’t thought about settling down all this time, how to know if you like someone is if you find yourself imagining or mentally creating the picture of a future with them in it.
Do you think of getting married, starting a family, vacationing, or even just moving in together at some point?
Newsflash! You have something for them, in that case.
20. You feel more alive when you are with them
For some inexplicable reason, it feels as though they bring color and flavor to your life.
When you are with them, everything comes alive. You find yourself in tune with your environment and enjoying every subtle thing that happens around you.
Do you suddenly think that the weather is brighter than usual? Are you noticing how beautiful the songs of the birds are? It may not just be that these things feel more intense than usual. It could be that you are more attuned to your world, but because of the person you are with at the moment.
21. Getting to know them also qualifies to be called a ‘get-to-know-myself’ project
As you spend all that time together, one thing you will notice is that you are also getting to know yourself better with each passing day.
You discover new parts of yourself that you never knew existed, affecting how you interact with life and others in general.
22. A part of you wishes that your friends who don’t like them would try harder
Hence, you may find yourself playing ‘mediator.’ If a friend says something wrong about them, you may launch into a long lecture about how they can try harder to be less critical and more accepting of people.
This might not be a problem if you were that way by default. However, a quick examination into this can reveal that you may be defensive of the person you are beginning to catch feelings for.
23. You can’t wait for the weekend
Because nothing will get in the way of the fun if you have planned out for the weekend, you may find yourself planning weekend treats for yourselves, and these treats would largely exclude everyone else.
This is most likely because you are still in your exclusive bubble, and you want to spend as much time as possible together.
24. Every other romantic prospect goes out the back door
Before these feelings began to well up inside you, you may have had all these people who liked you and wanted to have something romantic to do with you.
However, suppose you suddenly discover that every other romantic prospect paled and lost their allure for no apparent reason. In that case, it could be because you now have genuine feelings for someone else.
25. The sex…
Is explosive!
If you have an active sex life, you would agree that every other sexual partner you have had may not be able to hold a torch to the one you have feelings for.
This may not be the truth in reality, but the feelings you have for them, most likely, have amplified your sex life and made it feel like the best thing you can think of.
Related Reading: The Secret for a Healthy Sex Life? Cultivate Desire
26. You have lost interest in all those dating apps
Before they came into your life, you had a habit of visiting dating sites at least once every day. Now? Think about the last time you checked your unread Tinder messages. Has it been that long?
This is how to know if you like someone, you lose interest in meeting other romantic interests via dating sites, simply because they are in the picture.
27. You feel infinitely energetic when you are with them
That explains why you are always excited when they walk right through the door. When they are around you, it feels as though you have been infused with a great deal of strength, and that’s a good thing.
28. You can see when their mood shifts
Something about the connection you share with them is becoming borderline psychic. They don’t need to talk for you to know that they either approve or disapprove of something.
If you are suddenly in tune with their emotions that much, it could be a sign that you have some feelings for them.
29. You see their favorite movies and read their favorite books.
You do it because you want something else that can connect between yourself and them.
30. You like them for who they are
For some reason, you’ve seen them at their lowest point, but that hasn’t watered down the feelings you have had for them. If anything, seeing them like this has lit a fire of passion in your heart.
If you like them for who they are and not who they can become, it could be a sign of true affection.
5 questions to ask yourself
After noticing these signs, there are 5 pertinent questions you must ask yourself.
1. What exactly do I like about them?
It is possible and even expected to be confused about the exact thing you like about someone. Ask yourself this question to sort through your emotions and know for sure if you should be pursuing that relationship with them.
2. Do they value me enough to seek a commitment?
This goes beyond having mind-blowing sex or admitting that they make you feel butterflies in your belly. If they don’t value you enough, the relationship will struggle.
3. What do I dislike about them?
The truth is, it can’t be all roses and sunshine every time. Make a list of all the things you don’t like, and compare this list against the things you like.
Which one outweighs the other? When defining how you feel about someone, you must weigh their strengths against their weaknesses.
4. Do I see the relationship working out?
How do you know you love someone for real? Take some time to consider what you think about the relationship. Sometimes, you should do this in the company of a competent and trusted friend.
Healthy relationships need more than just feelings to thrive. They need work, commitment, and the willingness to adapt/change with your partner.
Take a critical look at your strengths, personalities, weaknesses, and past. Can you honestly see this relationship working out? This is why you may need an unbiased 3rd party to help you out.
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5. Do I need time to figure myself out?
Sometimes, as emotions begin to well up in you, you may need to take a step back and reevaluate what is happening to you. Do you need to take a break from being around them? If you feel it is necessary, by all means, go for it.
How to express your feelings when you like someone
When you like someone, the next thing you must do is figure out how to express your feelings to them.
1. Come clean
This may not be easy, but if you have observed them over time and discovered that they have returned these signs you feel, you may want to come clean about your feelings toward them.
Communication is key when you want to express your feelings to someone you like.
2. Give them some space
Sometimes, dropping the bombshell of your feelings on someone can be overwhelming on their part. To ensure they don’t feel spooked, give them some space to sort through their heads.
3. Leave the communication lines open and let them know
When you have come clean to them and given them the needed space to figure themselves out, let them understand that it is up to them to make things happen.
By letting them know how you feel for them, you permit them to initiate the first step toward a more permanent relationship.
Related Reading: How to Express Deep Love for Someone
Figuring out how to know if you like someone is one of the first steps you must take if you want a steady relationship. This article has covered 30 distinct signs that you like someone and 5 critical questions you must ask yourself.
Let these serve as a guiding light to you on your journey to deciding if you have genuine feelings for someone.
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