Is He A Good Guy Quiz Editorial Team
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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 1017 | Updated: Jan 13, 2025
Is He a Good Guy Quiz

People can be deceptive and it is a task to find the ones with good intentions. But it is not impossible at all. You just have to strengthen your criteria for filtering the bad seeds out. Be around people who are genuine to you, care about you, and listen to you when you need them. 

There are guys who have become sensitive towards women’s issues or empathize with different aspects of their lives. You have the option of being with them rather than being with someone who does not treat you well.

Are you with a good guy that will be loving and caring towards you? Take our ‘Is he a good guy’ quiz and find out.

Questions Excerpt

1. How well do you know the guy of your interest?

A. I don’t know much about him

B. Every day is a discovery with him

C. He does not share a lot

2. Do you know his friends?

A. He doesn’t have a lot of friends

B. No, I don’t

C. Yes, I know most of them

3. Are you a talker or a listener?

A. Listener

B. Talker

C. Both

4. Have you met or know about his family yet?

A. Yes, I have met them

B. Yes, but I have never met them

C. No, I don’t know much about his family-

5. No, I don’t know much about his family-

A. Rarely

B. Sometimes

C. We both cook together

6. Has he ever been extremely rude or aggressive with you?

A. Rude, yes, but never aggressive

B. He is pretty aggressive

C. He is quite mellow

7. Do you share feelings with each other?

A. I do, but they don’t

B. Yes, sometimes

C. No, we don’t

8. What are you looking for with him?

A. I just like being with him

B. Trust

C. Commitment

9. Is he a burden on you financially?

A. Yes, extremely

B. No, he doesn’t ask for money

C. We share our bills

10. How do you imagine the way in which he could break up with you?

A. I think he will be a gentleman about it

B. I think he will stop calling me

C. He will talk and cry for hours

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