10 Emotional Needs Of A Man and How You Can Meet Them
When it comes to a man’s needs, it extends beyond regular physical desires. Men have emotional needs that they thrive on to remain committed in any relationship.
Anyone who knows how to identify the emotional needs of a man may understand how to love and care for them better. In this article, you will learn about some of a man’s emotional needs in a relationship and how to connect with them on an emotional level.
What are the common emotional needs of a man?
One of the ways that a man can feel fulfilled and happy is when his emotional needs are identified and met.
It is one of the primary reasons why some men may appear to have a more satisfying relationship than their counterparts. This is because their partners know their emotional needs, and they cater to them.
Some common emotional needs that men look forward to getting are respect, affection, sexual fulfillment, honesty, prioritization, etc.
Y Joel Wong and Aaron B. Rochlen worked on a research study that shed more light on men’s emotional behavior. This book is titled Demystifying Men‘s Emotional Behavior, which helps potential partners to learn more about their man.
10 essential emotional needs of a man
Every man has some feelings or conditions that they need to remain fulfilled or happy. If you are in a relationship or friendship with a man, you need to identify his emotional needs to help you relate better with him.
Here are some of the emotional needs of a man in a relationship.
1. Respect
Respect is one of the emotional needs of a man because it shows that you appreciate his efforts and recognize his place in your life. Additionally, respecting a man could also indicate that you admire and commend his achievements, worth, and character.
Any man who feels respected is more likely to have high self-esteem and a good dose of confidence. Hence, he is more likely to be sensitive and loving to your needs because you respect him.
He may also be more emotionally available, and his communication game could improve over time.
Watch this video on how to respect a man:
2. Acceptance
When it comes to men’s emotional needs in a relationship, being accepted is what they look forward to. No man may desire to be in a relationship where they are not accepted; it eliminates the idea of having a sense of belonging.
The essence of being accepted highlights the fact that the other party recognizes your crucial role in their lives. If you claim to accept a man, it is important to show it to boost their sense of belonging.
You can plan activities with them, introduce them to your loved ones, reach out to them for advice when making critical decisions, etc.
Related Reading: Developing Acceptance Skills in a Relationship
3. Trust
Trust is one of the key factors on which a successful and healthy relationship is built. If you trust someone, it means you are emotionally and physically vulnerable to them. Trust is one of the emotional needs of a man, as he needs to be sure that you have his interests at heart.
Therefore, while he tries to do things that will make you feel happy and safe, he also looks forward to gaining your trust. It is important to mention that trust doesn’t happen overnight, it is developed with time, but it can be lost instantly.
4. Affection
When you are in a relationship with someone, receiving affection is one of the things you look forward to. There are different ways of showing affection, like physical touch, words of affirmation, sexual intimacy, gifts, etc.
Knowing which example of affection appeals to a man goes a long way in satisfying his emotional needs and making him bond more with you. If a man complains that he’s not getting affection from you, it may be ideal for you to introspect and discuss how best he wants to be loved and cared for.
Related Reading: 13 Easy Ways to Show Your Affection in a Relationship
5. Sexual fulfillment
Many men in relationships crave sexual fulfillment with their partners. When some of them don’t get sufficient sex from their spouses, they might begin to feel unloved.
Additionally, when someone feels unloved, they may do unspeakable things. Generally, sex is a crucial emotional need that partners in a relationship crave.
Therefore, sexual fulfillment, one of the emotional needs in a relationship, might not be the exclusive reserve of one party. So, if a man wants to achieve premium sexual fulfillment, he needs to show his partner affection to get them in the mood. Doing this will make each sexual experience beautiful and worth it.
6. Honesty
When you are honest with your partner, it gives a profound sense of security. Honesty is one of the emotional needs of a man when he has a partner or close friend. When a man shares some deep secrets and thoughts with you, he expects you to reciprocate instead of keeping things from you.
Some men might feel bad and betrayed when they hear about things you should have told them initially. It might even get worse when they hear it from a third party instead of you- the primary source.
Related Reading: Why Honesty in a Relationship Is So Important
7. Family commitment
A family commitment is one of the biggest emotional needs that men look forward to getting from their partners. It is crucial to note that family commitment is not about raising children alone; it involves full participation in different familial activities.
This means that the man expects his partner to reach an agreement regarding steering the family in the right direction.
According to Maggie Martinez, a licensed clinical social worker:
You need to talk about family goals and planning. What timeline makes sense for you both?
Some important roles that may show good family commitment are planning trips together, teaching the children, having meals together, etc.
8. The need to feel physically desired
On the list of emotional needs in a relationship, the need to feel physically desired by one partner is a common inclusion. When a man doesn’t feel physically desired by his partner, he might become emotionally lonely or abandoned.
Most men want their partner to show they are still physically attracted to them. If they don’t get this from their partners, it can cause insecurity and doubt. Therefore, partners should be willing to remind their men in different ways that they still physically desire to be with them.
9. Security
Some people opine that security is one of the emotional needs in a relationship for women. However, most men crave a need to feel secure with their partners. He wants to be sure that he is the only person who matters the most to you.
Also, a man may need to feel like he can depend on his partner for his emotional and physical needs. He needs to be certain that his partner will be there for him when things are not going as he wants. So, he wants to ensure that you will not leave him when things look unfavorable.
10. Prioritization
Most men may want their partners to make them a priority; they need to be assured that they come first in their lives before others. When a man does not feel like he’s a priority in your life, he may begin to think that you don’t value his presence.
Some might consider leaving the relationship because their partner does not recognize their worth and presence.
Eight sure ways how to connect with a man on an emotional level
When it comes to how to deal with an emotional man, one of the things you need to learn how to do is connect with him. Knowing how to emotionally support a man will go a long way in ensuring his full participation in a relationship.
Here are some practical ways to get started
1. Compliment him
One way to meet a man’s emotional needs is to make him feel good. You can achieve this by complimenting him. Everyone loves to receive a good compliment, and it gets better when it comes from someone who has a crucial position in your life.
When you compliment a man from time to time, it helps you connect with him on an emotional level. You may also need to be careful when timing your compliments so that he doesn’t begin to think it isn’t genuine.
2. Show commitment
Another way to connect with the emotional needs of a man is to show commitment to the relationship. You need to show the man that you’re not interested in anyone except him.
Therefore, if you are still getting requests from other potential partners, you will clarify that you’re not interested in their offers. When a man sees that you are committed to staying with him and sustaining the relationship, he will feel more comfortable connecting with you.
3. Show interest in his hobbies
Taking an interest in his hobbies is a great way to bond with the emotional needs of a man. Even though his hobbies don’t appeal to you, you can support them instead of not allowing them to engage in their hobbies.
You can encourage him to discuss his interests and hobbies more, so you can know where to fit in. When a man sees that you’re showing genuine interest in what he likes doing, he may easily bond emotionally with you.
4. Be thoughtful when relating to him
You can connect emotionally with a man when you show him that you care about him. The hack is not to plan anything big for him. However, you can listen to what a man needs and work towards meeting some of them.
It could be as little as getting him a ticket to see a much-anticipated movie, a cup of coffee in the morning, etc. When he observes your attentiveness to his needs, he will be encouraged to do the same, which helps to establish an emotional bond between you.
5. Learn to listen to him
Listening to a man involves something other than hearing what he says. To listen effectively, you need to pay more attention to some important details in his statement. For example, if he is trying to explain something, you must figure out the main point of everything he is saying.
When he is speaking, you can hold yourself back from commenting or speaking till he is done. At this point, be careful not to judge or advise them.
Related Reading: What Happens When There Is Lack of Attention in a Relationship?
6. Show your independence
Many men love it when their partners are independent to a good extent. So, while you try to be there for them at all times, you may need to show them that you have other aspects of your life going on for you.
When you own up to your individuality, it helps to provide a balance. Also, you can leverage your independence to build a healthy and solid emotional attachment.
7. Don’t talk down on how he shows his emotions
One of the mistakes that some people make is trying to dictate how their partner should express their emotions. When a man acts in a particular way that you might not be comfortable or familiar with, it is advisable not to try to change them. It would help if you remembered that people have different ways of expressing themselves.
8. Allow him to know more about you
Sometimes when we are with someone, we may not want to show some aspects of ourselves because we want them to keep unraveling. However, you can try to relax before him so he can see you for who you are. Doing this makes it easier to create an emotional attraction with him.
To learn more about how to connect with a guy emotionally, check out this book by Matthew Hussey titled Get the Guy. This book contains some essential tips for finding your ideal man and keeping him.
Here are some frequently asked questions about the emotional needs of a man in a relationship.
1. What are the examples of emotional needs?
Examples of emotional needs are validation, trust, acceptance, prioritization, affection, attention, and connection.
2. How to meet a man’s emotional needs
Some of the ways to meet a man’s emotional needs are to communicate openly with him, compliment him regularly, flirt with him, listen to him, etc.
As Maggies Martinez explains:
Don’t be afraid to ask them how you can meet their emotional needs!
The takeaway
With the points mentioned in this piece, you now know some of the emotional needs of a man and how to connect with a man on an emotional level.
To learn more about how to understand the emotional needs of a man, you can see premarital counseling for additional insights.
In Simon Schuster’s book titled The Will to Change, you will learn everything about the emotional needs of men. Also, you will understand how men view love and how they want to receive affection.
What can you do when your husband does not communicate his emotional needs?
Jennifer Jacobsen Schulz
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Expert Answer
Sit down with him at a time when he is calm and happy. Share with him your concerns about the lack of communication. Remind him that you are there to support him, and invite him to share what he's feeling with you. Be sure to be validating and non-judgmental, so he feels safe opening up to you.
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