How to Discuss Relationship Problems Without Fighting: 15 Tips

You and your partner are stronger together. You two love each other and share your relationship burdens with ease.
But, like every relationship, you two often fight. The aftermath is awkward. You want to solve the issue but are looking for tips on how to discuss relationship problems without fighting.
After all, you already have fought and do not want to fight more. The distance caused by the fighting has made you two awkward, and you want to be back in your usual relationship.
So, is there any effective method that teaches how to discuss relationship problems without fighting? Fortunately, a few methods can help couples prevent conflict and solve any underlying issue causing the fight.
A relationship without a fight- myth or really possible?
Well, there is no relationship without a few minor conflicts. After all, you two are different individuals and have different values and beliefs.
Dionne Eleanor, a Relationship & Empowerment Expert, points out,
It’s often once we’ve experienced a fight that we realize, we never wanted to fight at all; we just wanted to be seen or heard on something that felt important.
If you look for successful couples with years and decades of marriage and commitment, you will find that they have the best solution on how to discuss relationship problems without fighting.
They can have conflicts but promptly solve each to ensure such incidents never happen again. You may need to make a few extra efforts for this.
How to communicate without any fruitless argument?
The main question among many couples is how to discuss relationship problems without fighting. The answer is through talking and discussing things that are bothering you two.
There are different methods to communicate. But you two must avoid communication methods that can cause more conflict.
Here are some ideas on how to discuss relationship problems without fighting-
- Be a good and considerate listener
- Understand that your partner is hurt and acknowledge it
- Be patient while talking
- Always protect the feelings of your partner
- Never talk in anger
- Do not push your opinions on your partner
- Do not indulge in the blame game
- Talk only when you two feel comfortable
If you still feel you need some help, you can ask your family members or friends how to discuss relationship problems without fighting.
How to discuss relationship problems without fighting: 15 tips
As you can now realize, there are ways to communicate in a relationship without arguments or fights. If you have some problems or have other things to discuss in a relationship, take a step forward.
Here are the top 15 ideas on how to discuss relationship problems without fighting:
1. Stop trying to push for your opinions only
Often, people face problems in communication with spouse due to simple issues. They are always hell-bent on proving their points are right and pushing for the opinion only.
This causes more problems than solving one. So, if you are really keen on solving issues, try to be a little considerate. Stop pushing only your beliefs and ideas.
2. Understand their point of views
The best tip on how to discuss relationship problems without fighting is to become an understanding person. Your partner also has their own views and beliefs. Try to understand what they are saying. Probably, they can offer a solution!
Related Reading: How Seeing Things From Your Partner’s Perspective Can Boost Your Love
3. Listen first
Do you often fight with your spouse? Then probably you are not listening to them.
Instead of fighting, try to listen to their points first. Being a listener is the best way to solve any conflict. Instead of fighting a losing battle relationship, try to give importance to what they want to convey. This will decrease the communication gap between you two and help to reconcile.
Related Reading: The Importance of Art of Listening in a Relationship
4. Keep your emotion in check
So, how to talk to your partner about relationship problems? The answer is by keeping your emotions in check.
Often, while fighting, you start to go with your emotions instead of logical reasons. When you are angry or sad, you cannot hear what your partner says. Instead, you only focus on your emotions.
So, try to remain calm and composed. This will allow you to think logically. On top of that, this also prevents unnecessary conflicts!
Related Reading: 14 Tips on How to Control Your Emotions in a Relationship
5. Be open-minded
Often people resort to not talking about problems in a relationship due to being close-minded. They think that the demands of their spouse or partner are childish or meaningless. But this may not be true.
You are probably closing the doors of your mind so that you cannot see what they want to convey.
Hence, it is better to remain open-minded and check all the possibilities together. Understanding your partner can also be right sometimes.
We all have bad past experiences where we tried something unfamiliar and it didn’t work out. The trick is to see past the negative experiences and keep an open mind. This video discuss exactly that:
6. Never use past incidents as examples to prove your point
You are probably right. But, never use past experiences or incidents as an example to prove your opinion.
Your questions will appear as a way of questioning your partner’s self-worth. This, in turn, will create more misunderstandings. Hence, while you plan to talk to someone about relationship problems, keep the past in the past and give logical reasons.
7. Never bring a third person in the first talk
You may want to engage your family members while talking with your partner about solving any issue you two are facing. But, this often becomes disastrous!
The person you are asking to be a moderator may have a totally different opinion on how to discuss relationship issues. They may make things more complicated with their opinions.
Hence, try to have a one-on-one talk with your partner first. If nothing goes right, you can ask someone. But, before that, ensure that the person who is going to work as a moderator is close to both of you.
8. Take time to talk
The best method for how to talk about problems in a relationship is to plan properly. If you two feel uneasy about communicating after a big fight, give time to yourself.
Your spouse may also need some time to get through the experience. As time passes, you two will become less angry and keener to solve the issue. This will allow you two to navigate smoothly through the problem towards the solution.
9. Give each other enough time
The best method for talking about relationship problems with others is to give the other party enough time to talk. You two are trying to find a solution, not fighting to prove each other’s point.
Hence, give your partner enough time to convey their feelings, including their logic and opinions. On top of that, do not intervene while they are saying. Instead, listen and try to understand each point closely.
To ensure the talk is successful, you both need to give each other enough chances.
10. Keep other distractions at bay
So, how to have a discussion without arguing? The answer is creating a space where there is no distraction bothering you two!
During a serious talk, people often become distracted by other factors like their cell phone, an office call, etc. So, if you are keen on solving the problem, keep these distractions at bay.
Keep your children in other rooms or under the care of a babysitter or a family member. If you have cell phones, make sure to keep them silent or “do not disturb” mode during the talk.
This increases your focus on the problem and, in turn, allows you two to talk without any more fights. The research points out the importance of quality time in a relationship.
11. Protect the feelings of your partner
While talking, you often ignore the feelings of your partner. Here is a suggestion for talking about problems in a relationship, – Try being protective and considerate.
Your partner also shares the equal responsibilities of the relationship. Hence, instead of pushing your opinion, try to protect your feelings first.
This can help your partner realize what they did wrong and how you two can avert such mistakes in the future!
12. Admit if you are wrong
Probably the best solution how to discuss relationship problems without fighting is to admit your mistake openly.
If you have made a mistake, admit it. Confess that you are sorry and do not intend to make the same mistake again. This will prove that you are sincere about mending the gap and want to make things right.
Dionne Eleanor highlights,
Humility goes a long way, both for your heart and the other people involved, it can save a lot of pain.
13. Choose the right place and time to talk
The best tip on how to talk to your partner about relationship problems is to find the right place. While talking, the place matters a lot.
The best choice is a neutral ground that is peaceful. On top of that, find a time when you two will not be exhausted to disturbed by other issues.
A lazy evening during the weekends when you two do not have anyone around is a great time for having “The Talk”. On top of that, try to talk inside a calming and peaceful room to ensure you can concentrate on the talking only.
14. Reaffirm your love
Instead of taking a long talk with an awkward start, go for a brief one. After all, the two of you are trying your heart and soul to get past the problem. So, keeping this g brief and short will help to reconcile faster.
While talking, be sure about your needs and emotional rapport. Remember that you love your partner and will continue to do so.
This will assure your partner that you are keen on solving the issue rather than stretching it.
Related Reading: How to Rekindle the Love Back Into Your Relationship
15. Give a few intimate moments
This tip may sound odd, but it is an effective one. One of the quirkiest solutions on how to discuss relationship problems without fighting is to give them small intimate gestures during the talk.
Never shy away from holding their hands while talking. This physical connection will make your bond stronger again, and you two will feel calm instantly.
You can also give your partner a warm and brief hug. After all, a hug tells more than you can imagine!
A relationship without frequent arguments or bigger fights is possible. The truth is there are different methods for how to discuss relationship problems without fighting.
Dionne Eleanor, Relationship and Empowerment Mentor, notes,
When facing conflict and arguments in love, a good method is to try and reflect on your end goal for your relationship. For many people, for example, there is a desire for deep, long-lasting connection. When you let this intention sit in your heart, you will certainly argue differently.
You have to find the best method and task as a level-headed person, do not use your emotions blindly and try to think logically to discuss problems to get the best solution.
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All tips are reviewed before the publishing.
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