15 Best Pieces of Marriage Advice for Men

Many men have a natural tendency to try and solve problems, fix issues, and resolve mishaps. As soon as they see a problem, they leap into action.
This characteristic may serve well in everyday activities, but within a marriage, it might not lead to the desired results. This is where guidance in building a strong marriage or looking for marriage advice online comes into play.
If you need marriage advice for men, you are in the right place. Check out our 15 marriage tips for men and choose what best suits your relationship.
1. Communicate without rushing to a solution
An aspect of any quality relationship or marriage is high levels of communication. Communication is a two way street of both listening and speaking.
Since many males tend to be problem solvers, once a problem arises, they may have a tendency to skip past the communication stage and jump right to solving the issue.
If your partner comes home from work and needs to vent about a co-worker or their boss, let them do so without offering any counseling advice.
Listen up!
Best marriage help for men is hidden in a simple truth – let your spouse get it off of their chest, then ask the simple question, “How can I help?”
If she needs you to offer advice or just be a sounding board, they’ll let you know.
2. Acknowledge the emotions
If you disagree with your spouse about something, hear their point of view before trying to offer yours.
You may try to provide a solution before either of you know what the real problem is. Take a step back and allow them to tell you how they feel.
Most of the time, it is about recognizing the emotions behind the words and showing they are welcome in the conversation. Once they realize that their feelings are acknowledged, they will figure out a solution and involve you where needed.
3. Own your side of the solution
When you understand the problem, don’t commit to solving the problem for both parties.
By doing that, you’re taking away from your spouse’s responsibility and preventing them from growing from the challenge. Furthermore, if you take all the problem solving upon yourself, you will become exhausted and stressed.
Focus on your role in the solution of the problem, while allowing them to do the same.
4. Listen intently
One thing you notice about men before and after marriage is the improvement in their listening skills. If you wonder how to build a strong marriage, start working on active listening.
Take it from The Dalai Lama:
‘When you talk, you are only repeating what you already know. But if you listen, you may learn something new.’
5. Remember the important dates
There are many ways to show you care. One of them is remembering important dates like birthdays, anniversaries, or dates specific to your partner, like the anniversary of opening their business.
This is not just new marriage advice; it goes for people who have been married for years.
You don’t have to make a big celebration to show you recall the event, but a small gesture will get you far. Additionally, with modern technology, you can now set a reminder and not worry about forgetting.
6. Actively participate in domestic chores
How to build a better marriage, you ask?
Contribute daily in household activities and never underestimate the power of saying, “I can take care of that for you.” If you go away with just one of these fifteen tips for a strong marriage, we hope it will be this one.
Take this marital advice and build a partnership in which domestic labor is something you share as well.
7. Prep the stage before sex
Tips for a better marriage include understanding the differences in needs for physical intimacy and the speed of erotic arousal.
Some say that when it comes to the speed of sex arousal, men are like hairdryers while women are like clothing irons. Of course, this is a major oversimplification. However, we can make use of the metaphor.
Imagine those two as opposite ends of the same spectrum. Where would you place yourself, and where would your partner be?
When you mark those two dots on the spectrum line, ask your partner to do the same. You might be surprised by the difference in answers.
Anyhow, be mindful of the fact that a great sex life starts outside of bedroom doors, and there might be important steps to prepare the stage for a great night in bed.
8. Hold onto your time alone & with friends
Some think that independent men and marriage don’t mix. Somehow, marriage is going to take away their freedom. This can be true for anyone if you allow it.
The best marriage advice for men is to remind them that no one can force you to become someone you don’t want to be unless you help them in that endeavor.
Most people feel suffocated when they lose the time they spend with their friends or alone. If this social time is important to you, negotiate with your partner on how to keep it while being committed to the marriage.
Also, when you are happy, you will be a better partner to your spouse.
9. Understand how your partner needs to be loved
We all have certain expectations about the way we need to feel loved, appreciated, and wanted. What does your partner need when they feel sad or unwanted?
According to Christiana Njoku LPC,
When your partner understands how you want to be loved, it becomes easier for them to express love in a way that you will feel respected.
How do they like to be cuddled? What makes them smile when they think they failed?
You might already know the answers to these questions; however, keep them in mind and check in from time to time.
10. Share your inner world
Being quiet or withdrawn is normal and happens to all of us. However, when you started dating, you shared more of your stories and experiences.
Your partner fell in love with who you are and the readiness to be open and vulnerable. When we expose our inner feelings and thoughts, we help the other person get to know us, and it increases the emotional connection.
Marriage advice for men – don’t underestimate the power of sharing, as it might make your partner fall in love with you all over again.
11. Learn to apologize and make up
There is no way to avoid fights, but there is a way to prevent prolonged negativity after them. Some of the best marital advice reminds us of the importance of saying “sorry.”
“Apologizing doesn’t always mean that you are wrong and the other person is right. It just means that you value your relationship more than your ego.”
12. Keep dating each other
Anything good requires work and investment, and so does building a better marriage. If you stop flirting or dating her, she will think you are taking them for granted.
Christiana Njoku LPC adds,
You just have to keep expressing your love for your partner as a way to keep rekindling the flame of love in your relationship.
When we fall in love, we don’t just fall in love with the other person, but with how they make us feel and think of ourselves. When we stop putting effort into seducing our partners, they might feel undesirable.
Consider this excellent marriage advice, and you will always have a smiling partner next to you.
13. Don’t let yourself go
Were you looking for the best marriage tips to build a long, happy marriage? Then, consider this marriage advice for men.
When we are in a long term relationship, it is easy to slip into not caring about our appearances. Both men and women do this.
Focus on self-care by taking care of your mind and body. If you are kind to yourself, you can be good to others.
14. Don’t run away when things get hard
When your partner is upset, confused, or heartbroken, what do you do? How do you comfort them?
Learning how to be there for others while maintaining your own boundaries is one of the toughest lessons to learn. Explore those limits together, so you don’t end up overwhelmed and needing to pull away.
15. Have fun and share laughter
Are you in need of marriage advice for men? We encourage you to be silly, fun and to make your partner laugh.
If you are able to laugh together, you will be able to overcome challenges in life easier and potentially prevent fights from escalating.
Research supports the significance of humor in relationships and shows a relationship between marital satisfaction and perception of the partner’s humor.
Explore marriage advice for men and women together
What does it take to build a strong marriage? There are many marriage tips and advice out there. The best you can do is try out these tips and figure out what works for you.
The bottom line, loving someone means being there for them in times of hardship, sharing daily workloads, making them laugh, and knowing how they like to receive love.
To achieve marital bliss, you need to communicate and listen intently.
Instead of offering a solution, provide a sympathetic ear. Try out different marriage advice for men until you find the right mix of what works in your marriage.
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