An Eye-Opening Decision – How Can a Fat Mom Raise a Healthy Kid?

In our fast-paced lives, it’s great to have ways to make everything easier, right from transportation, communication, to our food choices.
You wake up and realize you’re already running late and you have to find the best alternative into having a filling meal. Days, months and years would past by and this becomes our lifestyle.
A lot of us now are certainly guilty about having poor diet choices and we know sooner; we’ll have to pay for it but what if you’re a parent? What if you are a mom, who wants nothing more than to be able to raise a healthy kid, but you’re also struggling about your health?
Is this even possible?
Poor lifestyle choices of parents – an eye-opening realization
As we watch our children grow, we also want to be sure that they grow kind, respectful, and of course healthy, but what if we see them getting bigger and unhealthy?
It’s a fact that what becomes of our children is the result of how we are as a parent and this is something that can hit us hard. Along with our lifestyle choices, our kids will either benefit or suffer.
If we already know that we are living with poor lifestyle choices such as fast food, junk food, soda, and sweets – we ought to also know that this will also be the lifestyle that our children will grow up to.
Good thing that today, with the use of social media, more and more advocacies aim to make us – the parents, realize how important health is. If we want to be able to raise a healthy kid, it should definitely start with us. Maybe it’s time to realize what’s wrong and know that it’s time to make a change.
Just think of it this way, we certainly don’t want to be sick and weak as parents because we need to be strong and healthy so we can watch over our kids, right? We also don’t want our children growing up thinking that being sedentary and relying on bad food choices is okay.
So how do we start changing our way of life for the better?
How can a fat mom raise a healthy kid?
How can unhealthy parents start raising a healthy kid?
It may sound harsh for some to be called fat or obese but you know what? This can lead to great self-realization that we, as parents need to do better.
1. The wakeup call…
There can be many reasons why we can be overweight, there can be medical conditions such as thyroid problems and even PCOS but we’re not here to justify why we can’t be healthy.
We’re here to think about the many ways that we can. Believe it or not, no matter what your circumstances are, there is always a way to live a healthier lifestyle.
Don’t just do it so you can raise a healthy kid – do it for yourself too so you can live a long life to watch over your children.
2. Making changes…
As they say, change starts with us but we also know how hard this can be especially if you were used to a certain lifestyle. But nothing is impossible for us Moms, right?
The first thing that you’ll need to do is to commit yourself to the change because there will be times where you’ll get tired of preparing healthy foods and just want to jump back to ordering that cheesy pizza – hold that thought and remember your goals.
3. Lifestyle changes – start with the basics
Changing lifestyles can be challenging but it’s not impossible.
So, let’s start with the basic steps and go from there. Here are some things you can start –
- Remove junk food – If you want to raise a healthy kid, start with removing all junk food, sodas, sweets, and all the food that you know are bad for you and your family. Replace them with fruits and vegetables, without easy access to the bad stuff. You can appreciate the healthy alternatives.
- Pack healthy snacks for kids – Pack snacks for your children that are healthy and not junk foods. It’s understandable how busy you are, that it’s easier to just put cake slices and chips for school snacks. But if you are able to do research, you’ll find many recipes that aren’t just easy but healthy too. Plus, the effort of making your kid’s lunch or snack will surely be appreciated by your child.
- Do your research – You don’t necessarily need to become too stressed out on what to cook. In fact, there can be many resources where you can find delicious but healthy meals. There are also so many alternatives that we can choose for our family and kids.
- Exercise – This can actually be easier than you think. Instead of spending the afternoon lying down and playing with your gadgets, go ahead and play outside. Go to the park and be active. Allow your kids to find their passion and let them choose a sport that they want. Simple household chores can also be a form of exercise.
- Teach kids about health – Teach your children about health and you’ll see how much you’ll learn too. Learning about health can help you raise a healthy kid. Don’t let them think that eating fast food and junk foods is a form of a reward of some sort. Instead, let them know that what we intake will determine our health. Again, there can be many resources that we can use to assist us in this process.
- Love that you are doing – It can only become tiring, challenging, and hard if we don’t want what we are doing and if we are not motivated. So, make sure that you know your goals, stay motivated and love the changes that you are doing. Remember, this is for a better you and a better life for your kids.
Raising a healthy kid isn’t that hard
It is not hard to raise a healthy kid, but It may challenge you in the beginning. Though, sooner you’ll see just how right you are in making the decision to change to a healthier lifestyle.
Get the help that you can get, seek proper advises and most of all – enjoy your journey. The greatest reward that we can get is seeing our kids grow up healthy and strong.
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