20 Best Wedding Poems for Your Special Day

Love poems about marriage run the gambit of languages, cultures, and nationalities. Wedding poems help their authors fully express the power and potential of true love in a marriage.
As you peruse the offerings below, note that some texts are marriage poems while others are wedding poems. In all cases, the poems tell readers about the “ties that bind us together.”
20 best wedding poems for your special day
Love and marriage poems can be a charming reminder to a couple about how much they love each other, but they can also remind them what it means to be truly committed to each other.
Here are some meaningful poems to read at a wedding:
Touching love poems for wedding day
When choosing a love poem for a wedding ceremony, you can pick one that depicts the bride and groom’s specific dynamic. It will help them be moved by it.
Here are some meaningful wedding poems that can inspire the newly married couple:
- With This Ring – Unknown
In learning how to trust, you can only take so much,
till your brain lets go and your heart takes control.
You will always have me at you’re side,
for you are the one thing that brings me joy.
Know that as I stand next to you so tall,
that you were the one that brought me
up from my crawl.
I would fight for you forever,
or give up everything for just one more day.
With this I give you everything, knowing forever
that I will feel this way.
Through whatever life may bring,
know that all my love for you is shown with this ring.
Related Reading: 15 Ways to Buy a Promise Ring for Her
- Yes – Jamie Dugas
It’s been awhile since we spoke of marriage
Living together cherishing every moment
Loving each other like husband and wife
Taking trips seeing happy sights
Without no complaints and a single fight
As I take the stand asking you this question
while holding your hand
You look in my eyes seeing you about to cry
as I part my lips to say these words
you give me a kiss
before I even said a single word
- These I Can Promise – Unknown
I cannot promise you a life of sunshine;
I cannot promise riches, wealth, or gold;
I cannot promise you an easy pathway
That leads away from change or growing old.
But I can promise all my heart’s devotion;
A smile to chase away your tears of sorrow;
A love that’s ever true and ever growing;
A hand to hold in yours through each tomorrow.
Yes, I’ll Marry You
- An Angel’s Wedding – Unknown
Vows to take, and prayers to say
On that their blessed wedding day
The dream has been seen, and fantasies thought.
And the angels dress already bought.
Her little girl fantasy will come to life
When the two come together as man and wife.
That day the church will be filled with stars,
Coming from galaxies both near and far.
Tears will shed when exchanging the rings.
And kissing when on glasses there are clings.
She’ll look gorgeous before him in a gown of white
‘Cause an angel is such a wondrous sight.
They’ll dance on the softest clouds of gold
And begin the promise to have and to hold.
We’ll remember her veil, and the long matching train
And know how she looked when taking his name.
That day will be filled with joy and with love
And heaven sent blessings from God up above.
Sadly the day must come to an end.
But the angel now has a lover and friend.
If you think the story I tell is not true
Believe that it is. The next angel is you.
- Sonnet 116 – William Shakespeare
Let me not to the marriage of true minds
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Which alters when it alteration finds,
Or bends with the remover to remove.
O no, it is an ever-fixèd mark
That looks on tempests and is never shaken;
It is the star to every wandering bark,
Whose worth’s unknown, although his height be taken.
Love’s not time’s fool, though rosy lips and cheeks
Within his bending sickle’s compass come;
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
But bears it out even to the edge of doom.
If this be error and upon me proved,
I never writ, nor no man ever loved.
Sweet poems about marriage
Wedding poems can put things into perspective for a couple that might be taking the marital plunge. It can remind them of what love truly is and what they need to focus on, something that is specifically focused on during premarital counseling.
Here are some wedding poems we have curated to inspire you:
- A Marriage Prayer – Connie Cook
Lord, be in this marriage
In a special way,
May we feel Your presence
Each and every day.
Grant us both good humor
To surpass our coming years;
May there always be much laughter,
May there always be less tears.
Give us strength and courage
To follow in Your will,
To trust You in the valley
As we do upon the hill.
Give us both the eyes of love
So we’ll always see
The goodness in each other,
Secure us, Lord, in Thee.
Give us words of kindness, Lord,
Help us both to live
So our lips are ever quick
In saying, “I forgive.”
Give us hearts that beat as one,
Bind us ever near;
May our love grow deeper, Lord,
With each passing year.
Lord, be in this marriage,
Keep our love brand new;
May we love each other, Lord,
The same way that *You* do.
“What therefore God hath joined together,
let not man put asunder.”
Related Reading: Prayers for Marriage Problems
- Past and Future – Sarojini Naidu
The new hath come and now the old retires:
And so the past becomes a mountain cell,
Where lone, apart, old hermit-memories dwell
In consecrated calm, forgotten yet
Of the keen heart that hastens to forget
Old longings in fulfilling new desires.
And now the soul stands in a vague, intense
Expectancy and anguish of suspense,
On the dim chamber-threshold.
Lo! he sees
Like a strange, fated bride as yet unknown,
His timid future shrinking there alone,
Beneath her marriage-veil of mysteries.
- How Do I Love Thee? – Elizabeth Barrett Browning
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
My soul can reach when feeling out of sight
For the ends of Being and ideal Grace.
I love thee to the level of everyday’s
Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight.
I love thee freely, as men strive for Right;
I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise.
I love with a passion put to use
In my old griefs, and with my childhood’s faith.
I love thee with a love I seemed to lose
With my lost saints. I love thee with the breath,
Smiles, tears, of all my life; and, if God choose,
I shall but love thee better after death.
- This Marriage – Rumi
May these vows and this marriage be blessed.
May it be sweet milk,
this marriage, like wine and halvah.
May this marriage offer fruit and shade
like the date palm.
May this marriage be full of laughter,
our every day a day in paradise.
May this marriage be a sign of compassion,
a seal of happiness here and hereafter.
May this marriage have a fair face and a good name,
an omen as welcomes the moon in a clear blue sky.
I am out of words to describe
how spirit mingles in this marriage.
- The Gift – Pam Brown
In you are flowers and firelight,
stars and songbirds,
the scent of summer,
the stillness just before dawn.
I love you today,
dressed in glory.
I will love you always-
dancing, singing, reading, making, planning, arguing.
I will love you cantankerous, and tired,
courageous and in terror,
joyful, fearful and triumphant.
I will love you through all weathers and all change.
For all you are is precious to me.
And every day I live with you
and share your love
is a gift to me.
Related Reading: 25 Most Practical Gift Ideas For Men
Heartfelt wedding poems about love
Looking for some perfect wedding poems? Here are some charming examples that showcase what is the true meaning of love and marital bliss:
- Our Souls Are Mirrors – Rupi Kaur
god must have kneaded you and i
from the same dough
rolled us out as one on the baking sheet
must have suddenly realized
how unfair it was
to put that much magic in one person
and sadly split that dough in two
how else is it that
when I look in the mirror
I am looking at you
when you breathe
my own lungs fill with air
that we just met but we
have known each other our whole lives
if we were not made as one to begin with
Related Reading: 11 Signs Your Soulmate Is Thinking of You
- To Be One With Each Other – George Eliot
What greater thing is there for two human souls
than to feel that they are joined together to strengthen
each other in all labor, to minister to each other in all sorrow,
to share with each other in all gladness,
to be one with each other in the
silent unspoken memories?
- New Beginnings – Barbara Crooker
“May this be a day of new beginnings
the sun, like a fragrant apple; the summer air,
soft on your hands as the kiss of a child.
May berries melt like honey on your tongue.
May your heart rise in wonder
at the clouds drifting across the sky.
May the trails under your boots
be covered in pine quills,
let the leaves rain down
like memories
in the autumn of your heart.
May the snow beneath your skis
run as fast as watered silk,
may the cold air kiss your cheeks,
turn them red as summer’s roses.
May the rivers always flow
with their unexpected beauty,
the first freshets of snowmelt,
the rush of early spring. May you always walk in gladness
through whatever path or highway;
may you always walk within the golden circle of your love.”
- The New Beginning – Olufunke Kolapo
“Like the warmth of the morning sun,
So do thoughts of you embrace me,
Revealing how alive I am
A glorious light of the new day,
so is your presence in my life,
relieving it of its shadows,
and marking the start of a new beginning.”
- I’ll Be There For You – Louise Cuddon
I’ll be there my darling, through thick and through thin
When your mind’s in a mess and your head’s in a spin
When your plane’s been delayed, and you’ve missed the last train.
When life is just threatening to drive you insane
When your thrilling whodunit has lost its last page
When somebody tells you, you’re looking your age
When your coffee’s too cool, and your wine is too warm
When the forecast said “Fine,” but you’re out in a storm
When your quick break hotel, turns into a slum
And your holiday photos show only your thumb
When you park for five minutes in a resident’s bay
And return to discover you’ve been towed away
When the jeans that you bought in hope or in haste
Just stick on your hips and don’t reach round your waist
When the food you most like brings you out in red rashes
When as soon as you boot up the bloody thing crashes
So my darling, my sweetheart, my dear…
When you break a rule, when you act the fool
When you’ve got the flu when you’re in a stew
When you’re last in the queue, don’t feel blue ’cause
I’m telling you, I’ll be there.
Watch this video to learn more about the power of words:
Poem for the bride and groom
Weddings can be a stressful time that makes the bride feel overwhelmed by conflicting emotions. But reliable and heartfelt words of wedding poems can remind them of what truly matters to them.
Here are some wedding poems that you can read to give a strong foundation to your marriage:
- Marriage – Anonymous
Marriage is about giving and taking
And forging and forsaking
Kissing and loving and pushing and shoving
Caring and Sharing and screaming and swearing
About being together whatever the weather
About being driven to the end of your tether
About sweetness and kindness
And wisdom and blindness
It’s about being strong when you’re feeling quite weak
It’s about saying nothing when you’re dying to speak
It’s about being wrong when you know you are right
It’s about giving in, before there’s a fight
It’s about you two living as cheaply as one
(you can give us a call if you know how that’s done!)
Never heeding advice that was always well meant
Never counting the cost until it’s all spent
And for you two today it’s about to begin
And for all that the two of you had to put in
Some days filled with joy, and some days with sadness
Too late you’ll discover that marriage is madness.
- True Love – Anonymous
True love is a sacred flame
That burns eternally
And none can dim its special glow
Or chance grits destiny
True love speaks in tender tones
And hears with gentle ear
True love gives with an open heart
And true love conquers fear
True love makes no harsh demands
It neither rules nor binds
And true love holds with gentle hands
The heart that intent wines
Related Reading: How to Find True Love: 15 Ways
- Doves – Anonymous
Two doves meeting in the sky
Two loves hand in hand, eye to eye
Two parts of a loving whole
Two hearts and a single soul
Two stars shining big and bright
Two fires bringing warm than light
Two songs played in perfect tune
Two flowers growing into bloom
Two doves gliding in the air
Two loves free without a care
Two parts of a loving whole
Two hearts and a single soul
Two dreams found before too late
Two lives together bound by fate
Two people cling to one another
Two people in love with each other
Two doves, can you see them soar?
Two loves – who could ask for more?
Two parts of a loving whole
Two hearts and a single soul
- I Carry Your Heart With Me – E. E. Cummings
I carry your heart with me (I carry it in
my heart) I am never without it (anywhere
I go you go, my dear; and whatever is done
by only me is your doing, my darling)
I fear
no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) I want
no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true)
and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart
I carry your heart (I carry it in my heart)
Related Reading: 151 Cute Love Poems for Her From the Heart
- If I Never Knew You – Pocahontas
If I never knew you
If I never felt this love
I would have no inkling of
How precious life can be
And if I never held you
I would never have a clue
How at last I’d find in you
The missing part of me
If I never knew you
I’d be safe but half as real
Never knowing I could feel
A love so strong and true
I’m so grateful to you
I’d have lived my whole life through
Lost forever
If I never knew you
Final thoughts
Now that you have had the opportunity to hear multiple voices express their thoughts on love and marriage, perhaps it is time for you to ponder where your voice fits into the conversation.
What sorts of ponderings about love, weddings, and marriage are you equipped to contribute to the blissful chorus? What is your experience of love, and how does your experience shape your goings and comings, your struggles and your joys?
Sing, friends, sing. Look to your beloved and express the depth of your emotion and admiration. Write some verses, give thanks, and then write some more verses. The world will be better for your contributions.
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