Husband Infidelity Signs: How to Know If Your Man Is Cheating

Do you suspect that your husband is unfaithful to you? Do you happen to see any husband infidelity signs of late?
Cheating is hurtful and detrimental to a marriage. The act of intimate betrayal in a marriage can take decades to recover from it if you choose to stay together at all.
If your heart is telling you that your husband is unfaithful, you should start listening. You’ll also want to learn about husband infidelity signs and what to do about them.
Contrary to popular belief, not all men are cheaters. If you suspect your man is unfaithful, don’t give in to unfounded jealousy.
So, is he cheating? And, how to tell if he’s cheating?
Well, here are the standard husband infidelity signs to keep a lookout for before confronting your partner.
He has a different schedule
After being together for some time now, you know your husband’s routine. You know when he’s tired, happy, excited, and what his patterns are.
If you notice a distinct shift in his everyday behavior with no real reason behind it (such as troubles with his family, friends, or work), then these could be the signs that he is cheating.
And, these are the husband infidelity signs, especially if he does not have an explanation for this shift in behavior!
He wants more alone time
One of the big husband infidelity signs is that he wants more time alone. This is especially troublesome if you are living together.
While we all need time to ourselves to practice our hobbies, meditate, and be with friends, spending too much time apart from your mate can be damaging to your relationship. If this is out of the norm behavior for him, consider this as a sign of a cheating husband.
If your husband is not verbally requesting more time away or making more plans with “friends,” you may simply notice he disappears more often. His bathroom trips may get longer, he spends more time at work, or he goes on long “drives” or jogs.
Change in sexual style or preference
A change in sexual appetite can go one way or the other if your husband is having an affair. Some men experience a rush of testosterone while they are having affairs, leading to an increased sex drive, with both you and the other person.
Other men may display a lack of interest in having sex with you due to guilt, or simply because he is fascinated with someone else.
Whatever his reaction, if you notice a severe change in sexual appetite or style during sex, you should keep your eyes peeled for other physical signs he’s cheating.
His cell is under lock and key
You may not have “spied” on your husband by checking his phone, but odds are you have probably played on his phone one time or another.
So, how to know he is cheating?
If you have both had an open policy with your devices and now he seems to be reneging on the deal, then there may be trouble afoot.
If he is taking phone calls in private and is no longer comfortable with you checking his texts, photos, or social media on his devices, there is a strong possibility he is doing something you wouldn’t approve of.
Watch out for these husband infidelity signs, and get enough proofs before rushing to any conclusion.
He’s experiencing mood swings
Even at the slightest hint that you want an explanation for his behavior or whereabouts, he snaps at you, and suddenly, you are arguing about the smallest things.
When men are under pressure or are experiencing guilt, they may pick a fight with you for seemingly no reason at all. This is also a sign that he has grown annoyed with you, possibly because his affections are being showered on someone else.
On the other hand, if your husband is overly nice out of the blue, you may be experiencing a different side of his guilty conscience.
In either case, you need to be watchful. After all, these are the possible signs, and your husband is having an affair.
His spending has changed
Have you noticed a drop in funds, as of late? If your husband is seeing someone else, he may be showering the person with meals, gifts, hotel expenses, and events.
So, how to find out if he is cheating?
If your husband can’t identify where X amount of money has gone, it may be because he has given it to someone else.
Also, watch the following video on rethinking infidelity for deeper insights into the complex emotions.
He can’t keep track of details
One of the glaring husband infidelity signs is when he can no longer seem to keep track of his lies. He told you he was going to the store to pick up some groceries but comes back with nothing.
The other day he said he was spending time with a friend, but later says he hasn’t seen that friend in forever.
Another example of husband infidelity signs is- if he begins to remember things wrong. If he is cheating, he will start to get events and schedules mixed up between you and his lover.
Is he chuckling about a hilarious movie you “watched together” when you know for sure you weren’t at the theater with him? Is he asking you about a doctor’s appointment or work ordeal that doesn’t apply to you?
Keep your ears perked, because these are some of the typical infidelity signs in a man.
Lies build-up, and some men simply can’t keep track of the: who, what, when, where, and fake how’s. If your husband can’t let you know with certainty where he was or what he was doing in recent weeks, it may be because he was spending his time with someone else.
He’s taking extra good care of himself
When singles are looking to attract a mate, they naturally put a little more effort into their looks. You probably noticed this with your husband when you first began dating. However, after some time, the two of you grew comfortable with one another and stopped trying so hard.
If your husband is looking to attract someone new, you may find he is heading to the gym more often, has changed his posture, lost weight, and has made a commitment to eating better. While getting healthy does not inherently mean that he is cheating, it is, unfortunately, one of the common husband infidelity signs.
No matter how long or short of a time you’ve been married, cheating is a painful experience that can be emotionally scarring. While there are always exceptions to the rules, may these infidelity signs open your eyes to all that is going on in your marriage.
But yes, all these are suggestive husband infidelity signs that have been commonly observed in several infidelity cases. While you get on the mission of looking out for these husband infidelity signs in your case, don’t get paranoid about it.
Your husband could be showing any of these signs for other possible reasons as well. So, use your judgment and gather enough proof before you decide to lash out at your husband.
I confronted my husband and he said that he wasn’t having an affair. However, he was not even a little mad. Could he be having an affair?

Anne Duvaux
Expert Answer
Trying to interpret other people's responses is a very difficult game and there are many reasons he might not be mad. Perhaps he could sense you've been wanting to ask that for a while. Sometimes our thoughts can be seen by others through our demeanour even before we voice them and especially by our partners who know us well. He might also not be mad because it is so far from his reality that it doesn't even register as something to be annoyed about. If he was having an affair, he might actually be more likely to be mad as a way to cover it up. Essentially, we have no idea what is going on in someone's mind which is why we need to communicate and reflect on ourselves. So, what is motivating you to bring up the question of an affair? What are you really worried about? What is it within you that you think you need to change so that you don't even need to worry about affairs? Often we have to start by reflecting on our self-esteem and internal anxieties but I encourage you to do that both alone and as a couple. Share your fears and your needs, not as a confrontation but as a suffering human sharing their experience with another suffering human. We all have fears and anxieties and it's a couple's strength to openly talk about them and work through them together. It's perfectly normal to worry about things at times but if you rely on guesswork, it will start poisoning your mind and your couple. Instead, communicate and problem solve together such that you can both feel grounded and confident.So, for example, are you looking for reassurance that you're safe? Perhaps you're simply trying to connect to feel loved and supported. Or are you looking for validation that you're in control of your fears? Or maybe you're looking for guidance on how to transform your fears into success (in cases of injustice, for instance). Once you understand what need or desire is behind your fear, you can then problem-solve how to meet that need. In other words, define the right guidance and habits that will enable you to build your inner validation.
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