Bible Verses About Forgiving Your Spouse

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If you are reading this article, perhaps you are having a difficult time forgiving your spouse or that special someone in your life.
It is even possible that you are finding it hard to forgive yourself for some reason, so you are seeking bible verses about forgiveness.
So, what does the bible say about forgiveness in marriage?
Before we talk about bible verses on forgiveness, let us try to understand what the bible says about marriage and what does the Bible say about relationships.
Marriage in the bible is referred to as an indissoluble relationship except on the highest grounds – Matthew 19:9.
The relationship is fruitful – Genesis 1:28.
So, as per the Bible verses about marriage, marriage is a devoted and complementing unification between a man and a woman.
In this union, the two become one physically, in the whole of life, as per the Bible verses on marriage, and the Bible verses for married couples.
The Biblical context of forgiveness in marriage
Joy has been married for five years now. Her husband has cheated on her.
Although it has happened for the first time, Joy cannot forgive him for what he did. He is remorseful, but Joy is not able to get over the pain of infidelity.
She has tried to visit all the marriage counselors around her. Her husband does not see it as an issue.
She has gone back to her parent’s time and again, but the man keeps coming back, asking for forgiveness.
Joy believes that her husband is cheating on her again. But, she doesn’t have any tangible proof to affirm her belief.
As a Christian wife, she is in a catch 22 situation. She no longer knows what the Bible says about forgiveness. She is caught in between forgiveness and the act of infidelity.
As a Christian and a wife, what does forgiveness mean to her and her marriage according to the Bible?
Forgiveness in the Bible
Forgiveness is the act of wiping away, pardoning, or forgoing a debt.
As per the Bible verses about forgiveness, if we forgive, it means we forgo the hurt we underwent caused by someone and start the relationship afresh.
Forgiveness isn’t granted because the person deserves it, but it is an act of mercy and grace covered by love.
Human beings are naturally sinful. The first people Adam and Eve disobeyed God right in front of him in the garden of Eden. Since then, people have been sinning.
According to Roman 3:23, “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” This verse tells us that a human being is born sinners. In marriages, couples will sin against each other.
What kind of crimes do people in marriages commit? Adultery, drunkenness, lust, among others. Are these sins forgivable?
In Ephesians 4:32, the Bible says to be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.
From that scripture on forgiveness, the Bible just uses Christ as a reference in mercy. In marriage, we should aim at being kind-hearted to partners that have wronged us. We should focus on forgiving their mistakes.
Additionally, forgiveness in marriage allows for God’s intervention in helping to solve the issue at hand. It prevents the urge for revenge among couples, stipulated well in Romans 12:19-21.
Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.”
On the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing, you will heap burning coals on his head.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
The Bible verses about forgiveness also pave the way for forgiving each other in the marriage, such that one will not look at the other person as a sinner but as a person requiring forgiveness.
A few forgiveness Bible verses
The Bible verses about forgiveness help in viewing the other person as a human being requiring grace and not scolding. Apart from that, it also allows God to forgive your sins.
The book of Matthew 6:14-15 says, “If you forgive others their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you, but if you do not forgive others their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”
Forgiveness allows for mediation between man and God. Once someone sins against the other, sin opens up their mind, and they realize they have sinned against the other person, as was the case with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
Adam realized he had sinned once he bit that fruit. What this did was he felt some sense of shame, and for the first time, he realized he was naked. Adam immediately seeks God.
Asking for forgiveness tames you down, and you want to ask for forgiveness. Even in marriages, couples who go that route understand what comes along with sinning.
Forgiveness will bring you back to God. Just like it did to Adam and Eve after God graciously forgave them as in Genesis 3:15.
It is against the will of God for marriages to end up in divorces, as in Matthew 19:8. Why do divorces happen?
Simply because couples are not ready to forgive each other!
The reason being, they have forgotten how forgiveness feels and the repercussions of forgiveness—given a chance, forgiveness breeds redemption among people, just as John 3:16 tells us.
Thus, as per the Bible verses about forgiveness, a marriage can flourish if you are able to forgive your spouse from your heart. If you are able to do that, you can free yourself from the misery of suffering more than your spouse.
You can watch the video given below for more Bible verses about forgiveness.
The Bible stipulates the power of forgiveness in all our relationships. Especially in marriages, forgiveness plays a significant role in ensuring their togetherness, love, and grace.
As per the Bible verses about forgiveness, Joy needs to consider forgiving the husband even though she has been through hell. Forgiving her spouse can end her suffering.
It is even possible that her spouse feels remorse and evolves to be a better husband. There is a possibility that their marriage can turn out to be more healthy and fulfilling than before.
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