Which Bible Couple Is Me And My Spouse Quiz?

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 1069 | Updated: Mar 28, 2023
 Which Bible Couple Is Me and My Spouse Quiz?

Have you ever thought that the Bible can teach you a lot about relationships and love? If you read the holy book, you will likely discover many characters who experience romance in its purest form and learn a lot about love and commitment. Take this quiz to find out which Bible couple you and your spouse are!

Questions Excerpt

1. How did you meet your spouse?

A. Our friends or families have introduced us

B. By chance - it was love at first sight

C. We can't remember- we've known each other for ages

D. We have met at church

2. What was your first impression of your partner?

A. I really liked him or her, but I was wondering what friends would think

B. That he or she will make me very happy

C. That we'll get into trouble at some point, but work it out eventually

D. That we are meant to be together, regardless of any difficulty

3. What do you do as a couple when you are dealing with a difficult situation?

A. We pray together

B. We disagree at first and even fight, but we eventually compromise

C. We ask other people

D. We face it together, no matter what it is

4. What do you do when you have the whole day just for the two of you?

A. We spend the day at home and feel cozy

B. We go hiking and have a picnic afterward

C. We have a romantic dinner and even go dancing

D. We go out to a coffee and discuss important matters

5. How often do you get into arguments?

A. Almost never - we are a very calm and balanced couple

B. Often, but we forget quickly

C. Rarely, but when we fight, it's usually serious

D. Occasionally, over minor things

6. How do you best serve your community?

A. We work behind the scenes, doing stuff like repairs or cooking meals

B. We help other couples going through marriage challenges

C. We work together on an important project in the community

D. We do administrative work because we are good at managing details

7. What is the most difficult thing to deal with in your relationship?

A. Accepting that life is not what we had expected

B. Keeping our sense of adventure intact despite the routine

C. Going over one major mistake we made in the past

D. Having patience until all our plans become reality

8. What is your couple’s personality?

A. Romantic and resilient

B. Impulsive and funny

C. Native and youthful

D. Wise and patient

9. What would a child be for your marriage?

A. A gift from God

B. Hard work, but a reason to be happy after all

C. Something natural

D. The purpose of our lives

10. Are you influenced by others when it comes to your marriage?

A. Sometimes, but we get over it

B. Never - my spouse is the most important person in the world

C. Unfortunately, yes

D. Just slightly

11. How well do you think you know your spouse?

A. Pretty well

B. Decently enough

C. Not much when it comes to details

D. Very much

12. How do you resolve your issues?

A. Through praying and seeking the lord’s blessings

B. Through constant discussing

C. We seek advice of family and friends

D. We wait for the right time

13. What do you feel about attraction in marriage?

A. It's important

B. It keeps the passion alive

C. Attraction can be deceiving

D. Marriage is more than just attraction

14. What’s the most important value to look for in a partner?

A. Commitment

B. Romance

C. Trust

D. Respect

15. Do you seek each other’s agreement before making a crucial decision?

A. Yes, always

B. Sometimes

C. Whenever I think it’s important to ask

D. There’s no need to ask. We’re always on the same page

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