Marriage Quotes - Page 92

Read interesting quotes on marriage, love, relationships and more

Inspirational Marriage Quotes for Living Better

Relationship Quotes

"Being in love is the worst. I mean it’s the best, but it's

Divorce Quotes

"When two people decide to get a divorce, it isn’t a sign

I Love You Quotes

Love is not something you feel. it is something you do. David

Forgiveness Quotes

Forgiveness stands for giving up something for yourself not for the

Hurt Quotes

People who hurt do so as a result of their own pain. - Joel Osteen

True Love Quotes

“True love is the best thing in the world, except for cough

Relationship Quotes

"We are afraid to care too much, for fear that the other person does

New Year Quotes

Every New Year wish that I have ever made came true when I met you.

Kiss Quotes

“In one kiss, you know all I haven’t said.”

Relationship Quotes

"Ultimately the bond of all companionship, whether in marriage or in

Hurt Quotes

It hurts now but someday you’ll realize your struggles made

Forgiveness Quotes

Blame keeps wounds open. Forgiveness is the only healer