Would My Crush And I Be A Good Couple Quiz

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 198 | Updated: Nov 30, 2023
Would My Crush and I Be a Good Couple Quiz

Crushes can be exciting, but the question remains: Would me and my crush be a good couple? Our quiz is here to help you assess the compatibility between you and your crush, looking beyond the initial attraction to see if there's real potential for a meaningful relationship. 

Keep in mind that relationships are complex, and this ‘Would my crush and I be a good couple quiz’ is just a fun way to explore the dynamics between you two. Let's find out if you and your crush could make a great couple!

Questions Excerpt

1. What is your communication like with your crush?

A. We have deep and meaningful conversations, and we both actively listen

B. We communicate casually, but we don't delve into personal topics often

C. Our conversations are sporadic, and there's not much depth

2. How well do you and your crush share common interests and hobbies?

A. We share numerous interests and enjoy doing activities together

B. We have a few shared interests but also pursue individual hobbies

C. We have very few common interests, and our hobbies are mostly different

3. How does your crush react when you share your goals and dreams?

A. They are supportive and enthusiastic about helping me achieve my goals

B. They are generally interested but may not always offer active support

C. They don't seem very interested or supportive of my aspirations

4. Do you and your crush have similar values and life priorities?

A. Yes, our values and life priorities align quite well

B. We share some values but have differences in certain areas

C. Our values and priorities are often at odds with each other

5. How often do you and your crush have conflicts or disagreements, and how do you handle them?

A. Rarely, and when we do, we resolve them through open and respectful discussions

B. Occasionally, we have conflicts, and we work through them, but it can be challenging

C. Frequently, and we struggle to find common ground or resolve issues

6. How does your crush react when you spend time with friends or family without them?

A. They encourage you to maintain your social connections and respect your independence

B. They may feel a bit jealous or uneasy but generally trust your judgment

C. They often become possessive or make you feel guilty for spending time with others

7. How often do you and your crush make an effort to surprise or do something special for each other?

A. We frequently surprise each other and make an effort to show appreciation

B. We occasionally do something special but not on a regular basis

C. We rarely make an effort to surprise each other or show appreciation

8. How do you and your crush handle disagreements about future plans or goals as a couple?

A. We discuss our future plans openly and work together to find common goals

B. We sometimes have disagreements but try to compromise and find a middle ground

C. We often disagree about our future and have difficulty finding common goals

9. How does your crush respond when you express your feelings, both positive and negative?

A. They are receptive and supportive, whether it's joy or sadness

B. They may sometimes struggle with handling strong emotions but generally try to be understanding

C. They often dismiss or invalidate your feelings, making you hesitant to share

10. What's the level of trust and mutual respect in your relationship with your crush?

A. We trust and respect each other deeply, which forms the foundation of our connection

B. We have some trust and respect, but there are moments of doubt and tension

C. Trust and respect are consistently lacking in our interactions

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