Will My Next Relationship Be My Last Quiz

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 41 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Will My Next Relationship Be My Last Quiz
You might have found the one, but you’re not sure if your next relationship will be the last one. Finding “the one” and ending the dating game is exciting if you know what you’re looking for. However, finding a soulmate doesn’t come around easy, you have to know it in your heart. Look for the right signs that will guide you to know if you have found the one or not, else, you will keep wondering,”will my next relationship be my last or not”. This quiz will help you decide if the person you are falling in love with is your soulmate or you need to keep looking for “the one”

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you two listen to each other?

A. Yeah, a lot

B. No, we ignore some parts

C. Sometimes we struggle with it

2. Do you feel you can talk about anything?

A. Yeah, for sure!

B. Sometimes there are roadblocks, but not all the time

C. It gets hard to communicate

3. Do you feel comfy around one another?

A. Yeah, I try

B. Sometimes there are some tension

C. I can’t be myself around them

4. Do you try to be the best you can be for them?

A. Yeah, I try

B. Sometimes I hide my true potential

C. Not all the time

5. Are you two supportive of each other?

A. Yeah!

B. Not really

C. Sometimes, I feel we can be better

6. Do you celebrate your partner’s accomplishments?

A. Yeah we do!

B. Sometimes; we do when we talk about it

C. No, we usually don’t

7. Do you apologize after you both have a fight?

A. Yeah we try to work things out

B. Sometimes we do

C. We normally don’t, until much later

8. Do you share common life goals?

A. Yeah we share them

B. We don’t always see eye to eye but there's some commonalities

C. Not really

9. Have you made any future plans?

A. Yes, we did

B. No, not yet

C. Sometimes we talk about it

10. Have you met with each other’s families?

A. No, we didn’t

B. Yes, we have

C. We haven’t had the chance yet

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