Why Can't I Get A Girlfriend Quiz

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 2247 | Updated: Feb 27, 2024
Why Can't I Get a Girlfriend Quiz

Feeling puzzled about why you're still single? Take our 'Why Can't I Get a Girlfriend Quiz' to uncover potential reasons. This quiz offers insightful questions and reflections, helping you understand your dating dynamics better. It's a friendly, eye-opening journey towards improving your approach to relationships. Let's explore together!

Questions Excerpt

1. How many days a week do you work?

A. 5 days

B. 3 days

C. 4 days

D. 7 days

2. Are you natural when around women?

A. Yes

B. Not really

C. I try to but I don’t know if I am 100% authentic

D. No, not at all because I always try to impress them

3. Are you selfish when it comes to relationships?

A. Yes

B. It's possible

C. I’ve got no idea because I haven’t really gotten the chance to have a serious one

D. No

4. Have you sometimes been qualified as being too nice to people?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. I used to but not anymore

D. No, never

5. How long was your last relationship?

A. 1 month

B. 1 week

C. 1 year

D. The last person I dated spent only a day with mw and never called back since.

6. Do you feel like women take advantage of you, most of the time?

A. Yes

B. No

C. Sometimes

D. I don't know, maybe

7. Do you feel like you invest yourself more than the women you like when it comes to your relationships?

A. Yes, a bit too much

B. No, not enough

C. No, not at all

D. I’ve got no idea, I’ve never really thought about it

8. Are you the one being dumped most of the time?

A. Yes, certainly

B. Sometimes, but it’s more like a 50/50 thing

C. No, never

D. I don’t get dumped or dump anyone, the person just leaves and never calls back.

9. Do you feel like you would have enough time to dedicate to your lover?

A. Yes, of course

B. I am not sure

C. I'll try

D. Unfortunately, no

10. Do you think you are the sole reason why it’s hard for you to meet the right girl? Why?

A. Yes, because I never make enough time.

B. No, it’s certainly not my fault. It’s just that it’s a cruel world out there not fit for a modest guy.

C. Yes, because I don’t take myself seriously.

D. No, because it’s not my fault that women value money more than anything else.

11. How do you usually meet potential partners?

A. Through friends or social gatherings

B. Online dating apps

C. I don't actively try to meet anyone

D. At work or professional events

12. How do you feel about commitment?

A. I'm ready for a serious relationship

B. I'm not sure if I'm ready for that

C. I'm open to it, but it's not my top priority

D. I avoid it; I'm not into long-term commitments

13. How do you react when someone you're interested in doesn't respond to your messages?

A. I wait patiently and don't send another message

B. I get anxious and send multiple follow-ups

C. I move on quickly; there are plenty of other people

D. I feel upset and think they're missing out

14. How often do you go out to social events?

A. Rarely, I'm not much of a social butterfly

B. Occasionally, when I feel like it

C. Regularly, I try to keep an active social life

D. Almost never, I don't enjoy them

15. How do you describe your fashion sense and grooming habits?

A. I dress casually and don't focus much on grooming

B. I try to stay trendy and well-groomed

C. I'm not very concerned about my appearance

D. I dress well and take care of my appearance regularly

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