Who Wears The Pants In The Relationship Quiz?

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 1958 | Updated: Jul 29, 2022
 Who Wears the Pants in the Relationship Quiz?

It is not a secret that relationships will always require a lot of hard work. Some people would be fighting all the time. At times, one would be considered more dominant. This may be the person who will start the fights. 

This may also be the person who will have the power to end the fights. Between you and your partner, who wears the pants in the relationship? This is something that you have to think about. Who makes the decisions in the relationship? The more you know, the better you will be able to make your relationship work. Take this  Who Wears the Pants in the Relationship quiz, which will provide you with the details you are searching for.

Questions Excerpt

1. Who usually picks the place to eat?

A. Me

B. My partner

C. We alternate

2. Who manages the money in the household?

A. I do.

B. My partner does this.

C. We have a joint account, but we keep separate accounts as well.

3. Who drives usually?

A. I do.

B. My partner.

C. We have our own separate cars.

4. Who normally gets to pick the places for vacations?

A. I do.

B. My partner.

C. It would depend on the circumstance.

5. Who is given the time to take a bath first?

A. I do.

B. My partner.

C. It depends on who wakes up first.

6. Who decides where to go on weekends?

A. I do.

B. My partner.

C. We have different choices, and we mutually pick

7. Who made the decision on where to live?

A. I do.

B. My partner.

C. We chose something that is close to where we both used to live.

8. Who apologizes first?

A. My partner apologizes first.

B. I apologize first.

C. It depends on who we think is wrong.

9. Who is the person who initiated being committed?

A. My partner.

B. I did.

C. We just realized that we do not want to date other people anymore.

10. Who normally sees their friends more?

A. I do

B. My partner does.

C. We both decide to meet up with our groups of friends.

11. Who is more controlling on bed?

A. We switch up

B. My partner

C. I am

12. Who makes future plans and goals?

A. We decide together

B. My partner

C. I do

13. Who talks with the attendants when you are out for dinner?

A. We both do

B. My partner

C. I do

14. Whose family do you both see more?

A. We see both families equally

B. My partner's

C. Mine

15. Who is more pampered in the relationship?

A. We both are

B. My partner

C. I am

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