Who’s The Toxic One In Your Relationship Quiz?

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 113 | Updated: Mar 11, 2022
 Who’s the Toxic One in Your Relationship Quiz?
Relationships can be very daunting. Primarily because they involve two people, who will have to make compromises and sacrifices to ensure a successful partnership. In toxic relationships, people are reluctant to compromise on their positions, thereby forcing their partners to be the only ones always compromising, which may be draining and pretty unhealthy. The interesting bit is, many people do not realize they’re putting pressure on their partners by employing an uncompromising stand. ‘Who’s the toxic one in the relationship?’ quiz will inform you of the toxic one in your relationship.

Questions Excerpt

1. What’s the most common theme in your conversations with your partner?

A. Sarcasm and contempt from my partner

B. Toxicity dressed like complaints

C. Kindness

2. Does your partner ask where you are all the time?

A. My partner becomes angry when I don’t respond immediately

B. We both tend to exhibit controlling tendencies

C. They understand that I can’t be with them all the time

3. Does your partner ask where you are all the time?

A. My partner becomes angry when I don’t respond immediately

B. We both tend to exhibit controlling tendencies

C. They understand that I can’t be with them all the time

4. Have you been forced to constantly make up lies about your whereabouts?

A. Yes, anytime I go out

B. I think we’re both guilty of this

C. Something like this has never happened

5. Does your partner ignore your pressing needs?

A. Yes, my partner does that often

B. Sometimes we both ignore our needs

C. This is not us

6. Is there a lack of self-care in the relationship?

A. I try my best but my partner doesn’t put in the effort

B. It seems like we could both benefit from changes

C. No, there isn’t

7. Has your partner made you stop spending time with their loved ones?

A. Yes, this happen all the time

B. We have both agreed to regulate our time with others

C. No, they’re still free to see them when they want

8. Do you support your partner’s dream and goals?

A. I do but I doubt my partner does

B. We hardly care about each other’s goals

C. Yes, their goals are just as important as mine

9. Do you engage in intimate moments with your partner?

A. No, my partner is usually selfish

B. Often we’re both selfish

C. It’s difficult to keep my hands to myself

10. How often do you profess love to each other?

A. My partner rarely does that

B. We both rarely do that

C. We constantly profess our love to each other

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