Which Zodiac Sign Better Defines You?

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 341 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Which Zodiac Sign Better Defines You?
Zodiac signs seem to define who we are.It tells us (supposedly) about our strengths, weaknesses, what we like to eat, and also who we should fall in love with. Some people claim that these predictions are accurate, others are skeptical. But, it is sure is fun to read what is said by our signs. So, are a frequent reader of the predictions made about your sign? Do you think they can read you accurately? If yes, take our quiz and have fun finding out about yourself.

Questions Excerpt

1. How early do you wake up in the morning?

A. Very early like around 5 am.

B. Around 7 am.

C. Around 10 am.

D. Quite late around 11 am.

2. What is your favorite hobby?

A. Crafting.

B. Playing video games.

C. Sculpting.

D. You have none.

3. What is your favorite month of the year?

A. January because of the cold.

B. June because it's beach time.

C. September because of the wind.

D. You don't have a favorite.

4. Are you currently in a relationship?

A. Yes.

B. No.

C. You've just broken up.

D. You have more than one relationship at the moment.

5. How would you describe your behavior toward your partner?

A. Very emotional.

B. Very abusive.

C. Quite authoritarian.

D. Very understanding.

6. How would you describe your behavior with your friend?

A. Leaning towards misleading them.

B. Very funny.

C. Leaning towards leading them.

D. Leaning towards distracting them.

7. What is your favorite color?

A. Blue.

B. Orange.

C. White.

D. Black.

8. What is your favorite cake?

A. Cheesecakes.

B. The Black Forrest

C. Chocolate cake with no icing.

D. You are not really into sweet stuff.

9. What is your favorite drink?

A. Strawberry milkshake.

B. Fruit smoothies.

C. Champagne.

D. Beer.

10. What is your favorite drink?

A. Strawberry milkshake.

B. Fruit smoothies.

C. Champagne.

D. Beer.

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