Which Tier Is Your Relationship In Quiz?

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 144 | Updated: Mar 02, 2023
 Which Tier Is Your Relationship In Quiz?

Relationships can be tough to decipher. You might feel that you have reached a particular stage in your relationship, but your partner might not feel and reciprocate likewise. This could leave you uncertain about your relationship's current status and future.

But, don’t worry as here’s a quick and easy ‘Which Tier Is Your Relationship in Quiz’ for you to identify where your relationship presently stands.

Questions Excerpt

1. How well do you know each other?

A. We just met

B. I am not sure

C. Pretty well

D. Very well

2. Do you feel in seventh heaven when you are with your partner?

A. How do you know

B. Not anymore/Sometimes

C. I wouldn’t say that, but we are very comfortable together

D. We are very much in love, but we have long crossed the honeymoon stage

3. Do you understand each other’s emotions?

A. We haven’t reached that stage

B. Not always/Rarely

C. Mostly we do

D. We do

4. Do you respect each other?

A. Too early to say that

B. Not sure

C. Absolutely

D. I guess we do

5. Are you comfortable with each other?

A. Very much

B. Yes, we are and with every passing day, things are getting better

C. Not sure

D. Yes, this is why we are dating

6. Have you ever discussed the future of your relationship?

A. We can do that later

B. Not yet

C. We are trying to get there

D. Yes

7. Have you met each other’s friends or family?

A. Yes

B. We are in the process of meeting each other’s family

C. No

D. We can’t get enough of each other, so why should we waste our time on that

8. Do you support each other?

A. Too soon to answer

B. Not always/Sometimes

C. Yes, mostly we do

D. Always

9. How well do you two manage the differences in your relationship?

A. We haven’t come across any differences yet

B. Haven’t mastered the art yet

C. Pretty well

D. Very well

10. Can you imagine spending your whole life with each other?

A. Of course/We are already doing that

B. Can’t wait

C. I/We are not sure

D. We are living in this moment

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