Which Romantic Movie Couple Are You?

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 1966 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
Which Romantic Movie Couple Are You?
Are you in a relationship? Do you like to watch movies? Take this quiz and find out which romantic movie couple you are!

Questions Excerpt

1. How often do you watch movies with your partner?

A. Every day

B. Every few days

C. Every week

D. Every month

2. Do you enjoy each other’s company?

A. Absolutely

B. Probably

C. Maybe

D. No

3. What genre of a movie do you prefer?

A. Romance

B. Adventure

C. Comedy

D. Horror

4. You enjoy watching a movie with him?

A. 1 (strongly agree)

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4 (strongly disagree)

5. What’s a typical Friday night for you and your partner?

A. Going for dinner, followed by the movie

B. Grabing drinks at your favorite bar

C. Road-tripping for a weekend getaway

D. Spending a relaxed, low-key night at his place

6. How long have you been together?

A. Six months

B. Two years

C. Three weeks

D. Five years and counting

7. How did you meet?

A. At work

B. Through mutual friends

C. At a bar

D. On a dating website

8. What do you fight about the most?

A. He was with a girl last night and that wasn't you

B. He forgot it was Valentine's day

C. Being behind on rent

D. Walking the dog

9. Do you think you will marry him?

A. I don't see it happening

B. Yes we're engaged actually

C. I've never actually thought about it

D. We are married

10. What’s the best gift your significant other has given you?

A. His love

B. A Miami vacation

C. Tickets to a Beyonce concert

D. Your favorite necklace that you never take off

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