When To Get Engaged Quiz?

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 913 | Updated: Dec 23, 2022
 When to Get Engaged Quiz?

Perhaps a lot of people dream of getting engaged to one they love or are dating. We wish for our lovers and dear ones to stay committed to us in the short and long term of our lives. In order to fulfill that desire, an important step towards making that happen is getting engaged and subsequently increasing the chances of marrying their loved ones. 

The engagement itself may be pretty simple, maybe easier compared to deciding when or the time to actually get engaged. This “ when to get engaged quiz” is carefully curated to at least try and advise you on when it’s appropriate to get engaged.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you plan on taking your loved one to the altar one day?

A. Yes, when we are planning a family together

B. When I can fully take care of myself

C. Yes, absolutely

2. How often do you two quarrel over monetary issues?

A. Not always

B. Very often

C. Barely

3. How long have you two been together?

A. About six months

B. Close to a year and half

C. About a year

4. What are your thoughts on having children?

A. They are the best thing in any marriage

B. As long as they can be taken care of, it’s fine

C. It’s a good thing to have children

5. Are you confident about your relationship’s sustainability?

A. A little bit

B. Sometimes

C. Yes, absolutely

6. Do you get along well with your partner?

A. Sometimes

B. A little bit

C. Always

7. What's the central theme of your relationship?

A. Children

B. Money

C. Love

8. Does your partner love and cherish you as much as you do?

A. I link to think so

B. Maybe

C. Yes, absolutely

9. Do you think your lover will say “yes” if you propose?

A. Maybe

B. Not fully convinced unless I broker a new deal

C. Yes, absolutely

10. Are you absolutely certain you’ll get engaged to your partner?

A. Yes, maybe

B. Yes, but other things have to fall into place

C. Yes absolutely

11. Do you get along very well with your partner?

A. Sometimes

B. Most of the time

C. Yes, all the time

12. Are you confident about your feelings when it comes to your lover?

A. Not really

B. Sometimes

C. Yes

13. Have you already been ring shopping?

A. I will soon

B. I am still thinking about it

C. No

14. Do you think you and your lover have the same goals in life?

A. I don't know

B. No

C. Yes

15. Do you and your lover trust each other?

A. Sometimes

B. More often than not

C. Yes

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