What's Your Conflict Style In A Relationship Quiz?

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20 Questions | Total Attempts: 3392 | Updated: Aug 14, 2023
 What's Your Conflict Style in a Relationship Quiz?

The stability of a relationship is usually dependent on a give-and-take between you and your partner. Moments of joy are as significant as moments of struggle and conflict. Both situations influence how you act in a relationship, as well as how you treat your partner. 

Our quiz “What’s your conflict style in a relationship?” can help you understand your conflict style and how you communicate with your partner. Answer the quiz, and you may gain a better perspective for yourself and your relationship.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you prefer cooling off before addressing a pressing issue?

A. Yes, totally

B. I prefer avoiding things for as long as possible

C. I end up having a fight about it immediately

D. Yes, I think you can resolve things peacefully this way

2. How do you approach resolving conflicts about personal boundaries or privacy?

A. We discuss and establish boundaries that both of us are comfortable with

B. We negotiate and find a compromise that respects each other's privacy

C. I avoid discussing personal boundaries and prefer to keep things private

D. I tend to disregard their need for privacy and invade their personal space

3. How do you respond when your partner brings up something that bothers them about your behavior?

A. I take their concerns seriously and try to change my behavior

B. I listen to their concerns, but I may not always agree with them

C. I get defensive and may not address the issue at all

D. I dismiss their concerns and may even criticize their own behavior

4. How do you handle conflicts about spending time with friends or family?

A. We usually find a way to balance both our social lives

B. We compromise and take turns spending time with each other's friends and family

C. I often avoid discussing it and make excuses to avoid gatherings

D. I insist on spending time with my friends or family, even if it upsets my partner

5. When your partner expresses their feelings, how do you respond?

A. I listen carefully and try to understand their perspective

B. I try to find a solution to their problem

C. I don't pay much attention to their feelings

D. I often dismiss their feelings as irrelevant or overly sensitive

6. How do you handle disagreements over household chores or responsibilities?

A. I try to find a fair division of tasks that works for both of us

B. We often have disagreements about chores, but we eventually resolve them

C. I avoid talking about it, and sometimes the chores just don't get done

D. I insist on my way of doing things, even if it causes tension

7. Is it important that a couple keeps working on their relationship?

A. Yes, that is very true

B. Yes, constant adjustments can make the relationship even better

C. Sometimes, but this can be hard

D. No, it is better not to disturb the equation between a couple

8. Are you very careful about the words that you use?

A. Yes, words can have an immense impact on people

B. Yes, clarity is always better for relationships

C. Sometimes

D. I tend to say extreme things when I’m angry

9. What is an ideal relationship for you?

A. One that is full of understanding

B. One where you can depend on your partner completely

C. One where you are given space

D. I’m not sure

10. Is it hard for you to empathize with someone?

A. Yes, it is hard for me

B. No, not at all

C. I empathize with the ones I like

D. I try not to

11. Is your rule “my way or the highway”?

A. Not at all!

B. No, I like to work towards a compromise

C. Occasionally, I feel that way

D. Always, I don’t compromise

12. Do you give your partner space when they need it?

A. I try to, but sometimes I want to reach some sort of common ground first

B. No, we need to resolve the conflict, not walkaway

C. Yes, I give them their space to collect themselves

D. Not really, I prefer to be around them until the conflict is resolved naturally

13. Do you fight with your partner constantly?

A. Yes, we are always fighting

B. It is not constant, but it is often

C. No, we do not fight as we prefer long discussions instead

D. We fight, but it feels like a regular amount of conflict

14. Do you tell your partner to “Shut up?”

A. Yes, it’s the only way I can get my point across

B. I have yelled that at them, but only once or twice

C. I feel like yelling but I try not to

D. No, I have never done that

15. Do you use your phone to end an argument or ignore your partner?

A. I have done that. I but I try not to

B. I do it often but not all the time

C. I never do that. I am focused on the situation at hand

D. I use my phone to avoid difficult conversations with my partner

16. Do you walk away from your partner during an argument?

A. It’s easier to leave them than to fight

B. No, I would rather stay and argue

C. It depends. At home, I will walk away. In public, I will stay

D. It happens, I don’t always want to listen to what they have to say

17. Do you go to bed angry?

A. No, we always talk it out before we go to sleep

B. Yes, we usually don’t talk when we go to bed

C. It has happened, but I don’t prefer it

D. It happens, but isn’t it supposed to?

18. Do you make your partner cry?

A. Sometimes, we both cry

B. No, I have never made them cry

C. Occasionally, one of us will get hurt and cry

D. Yes, they always cry

19. Do you and your partner fight over money?

A. We always argue about money

B. We have our finances in order and do not fight about it

C. It has come up before

D. We usually communicate well 

20. Do you yell at your partner?

A. Yes, it’s a pretty regular occurrence

B. Sometimes, I lose my temper

C. No, I do not raise my voice at them

D. It has happened but not often

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