What Kind Of First Impression Do You Make On Guys Quiz?

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 137 | Updated: Mar 15, 2022
 What Kind of First Impression Do You Make on Guys Quiz?
Have you been dating guys recently and doing your best to give the best first impression? First impressions are probably the most critical aspect of entering a relationship. Great first impressions make long-lasting feelings of your partner pleasant, while wrong first impressions can be a huge turn-off. Even if we have slip-ups during our first dates, there are plenty of things you can do to redeem them. Having a great attitude, warming personality, kind demeanor, and physical presence is essential for making the best first impression. What kind of first impression do you make on guys? Take this quiz to see.

Questions Excerpt

1. What's your attitude like?

A. Relaxed, happy, creative

B. Neutral

C. Unhappy, bored

2. Is respect important for fluid connection?

A. Absolutely

B. Depends

C. No

3. Is physical presence something to consider when making a first impression?

A. Of course

B. It depends

C. Not really

4. What is your speaking tone?

A. Normal, clear, positive

B. Sometimes loud, but normal

C. Loud and interrupting

5. What's the most important thing for a first impression?

A. Being a positive human being

B. Looking nice

C. Being there

6. What is your typical body language?

A. Relaxed and open

B. Closed off, but relaxed

C. Nervous and closed off

7. Is flirting necessary?

A. Of course

B. It depends

C. No

8. Are you punctual and on time?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. No

9. Do you listen to the guy's words?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. Not really

10. Do you put an effort into making the first impression good?

A. Absolutely

B. Somewhat

C. Not really

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