What Will Your Child Look Like Quiz

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 603 | Updated: Jun 12, 2024
What Will Your Child Look Like Quiz

It is common for parents to debate over what their kid would look like, what they will be like when they grow up, and also how smart they are. Most of these perceptions come from what a parent or sibling could have said after hearing the good news. Nevertheless, it is mostly after the baby is born, and after a few months, especially when they start showing some abilities that one should be able to tell who they mostly look like. But parents will always be parents and will always anticipate when it comes to things like that. So, do you think you know how your baby will look like, once they are born? Take our quiz and find out.

Questions Excerpt

1. Who is the toughest between you and your spouse?

A. You

B. Your spouse

C. None of you

D. Your mother sees you to be stronger than everyone right now

2. Who reads more to the baby?

A. You

B. Your spouse

C. You both read to the baby

D. Your parents read to the baby most of the time

3. Who is more excited about the baby kicking in the stomach?

A. The father

B. The mother

C. Both parents

D. Your brothers and sisters

4. Who talks about the baby all the time?

A. The mother

B. The father

C. Both parents do

D. Your parents do

5. Who makes plans for the baby most of the time?

A. The mother

B. The father

C. You both do

D. Their aunties and uncles do

6. To whom does the baby react more to, when they speak?

A. To you

B. Your spouse

C. To both of you

D. To everybody else but the parents

7. Who has had more mood swings during this pregnancy?

A. The mother

B. The father

C. You both have

D. None of you have

8. Has this pregnancy made the person who is pregnant smarter or less motivated?

A. Yes, it has

B. You don't see anything different

C. No, it hasn't

D. It has made her very tired

9. Who speaks more to the baby while in the womb?

A. You

B. Your spouse

C. Both of you

D. Your parents

10. Who seems to pretend to speak on behalf of the baby all the time?

A. The mother

B. The father

C. Both of the parents

D. None of you does that but your mother

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