What Type Of Lover Are You Quiz?

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 2439 | Updated: Jul 21, 2022
 What Type Of Lover Are You Quiz?

Have you ever wondered what your partner thought about you? If you were an annoying, productive, or even intimidating one? It is very easy to judge others, but can you judge yourself? 

Also, have you ever thought of asking your partner what they thought about you? Are they satisfied with you, or did you think they were not being truthful? If you want a real evaluation of your behavior as a partner, take our What Type Of Lover Are You quiz and find out.

Questions Excerpt

1. How many friends do you have?

A. Only a few ones

B. Two

C. More than six

D. You have no true friends, just people you know.

2. How many times a week do you call your siblings?

A. More than once

B. At least 5 times

C. Once

D. You call them sometimes

3. How many relationships have you had so far?

A. Only a few ones

B. Just one

C. Less than ten

D. Less than ten

4. Have you ever been into conflict with people?

A. Yes

B. Yes, but it wasn't your fault

C. Yes, but you have great diplomatic skills, so everything turned out okay.

D. No, because you are quite shy

5. Do you feel you often take people for granted?

A. Yes.

B. Yes, and it makes you feel sad.

C. Yes, but that's life.

D. No, you are too humble to do that.

6. Do you feel you are taken for granted by people?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Yes, and it's because you are the nicest person around

C. No.

D. No, you don't allow people to take you for granted

7. Do you make time for the people you love?

A. Yes, at least once a week

B. Yes, at least once a month

C. Yes, at least a few times a year

D. Not really

8. Do people love you because of your personality?

A. Yes, definitely

B. Sometimes

C. Most of the times

D. No, because you are horrible

9. Do people love you because of your looks?

A. Of course, they do

B. Yes, but your personality makes them love you more

C. Maybe

D. You've got no idea

10. Do people think you are harsh with them?

A. Yes, and normally call you the "B" word

B. Yes, and you like being the bad guy

C. Yes, and that's why they respect you

D. No

11. What does a perfect date look like?

A. A romantic candlelight dinner

B. A lot of talking. The place doesn’t matter

C. However my partner plans

D. Haven’t really thought about it

12. What do you need from a relationship?

A. Compassion

B. Someone to listen to me

C. Support

D. Excitement

13. Where do you usually meet your partners?

A. Different places

B. Through friends

C. While shopping

D. At the gym

14. What do your exes say about you?

A. That I am a die-hard romantic

B. That I am dominating

C. That I am perfect

D. That I am crazy

15. When it comes to relationships, what scares you the most?

A. The potential heartbreak

B. The loss of independence

C. Nothing

D. Commitment

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