What Type Of Bride Are You Quiz

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10 Questions | Total Attempts: 288 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
What Type of Bride Are You Quiz
Whether you're getting married in the next month or the next ten years, it's never too late to start thinking about your wedding. It's so important to preplan everything about your wedding, especially your bridal look. You must figure out everything before you start writing your vows. What do you imagine your wedding to be like? What type of bride are you going to be quirky, romantic, or zen? So what have you thought? Do you have everything in your mind, or do you need help figuring out some things? Take this quiz to find out what kind of bride are you!

Questions Excerpt

1. What does your wedding dress look like?

A. It’s super detailed, white, long and flowing. Like a princess gown

B. It’s modern, stylish and straight from vogue. A fun, sexy color and modern accessories

C. Comfort over fashion anyday. If I’m gonna be in it all day I better be cozy

2. What’s the ideal wedding location?

A. Outside in nature with flowers and pretty arches

B. Any place that’s not a church- someplace the guests will definitely remember

C. I don’t really have one in mind, and I'm not picky about it

3. What are your bridesmaids wearing?

A. Ugly dresses, for sure. It’s basically tradition at this point

B. I’m going to leave it up to them

C. Something that compliments my own dress. Aesthetic matters, people

4. What’s the theme going to be?

A. White and beige

B. Some bold colors contrasting neutral colors

C. Color scheme matters?

5. What’s the size of the wedding?

A. It’s going to be a big wedding

B. A small group, for sure

C. As long as the people I care about are present, I don't care who else is there

6. Are you going to be…

A. Checking in with the guests and making sure they’re having a good time

B. Getting drunk and having a fun time

C. Hogging the food line

7. Are you…

A. Hiring a professional wedding planner

B. Doing all the planning yourself

C. Letting your family/ maid of honor figure out the details

8. What do you think of weddings?

A. They’re so romantic!

B. They can be cool if done in good taste

C. They’re more of a pain than anything else, honestly

9. How long are you going to plan your wedding?

A. Since childhood up until I get married

B. Maybe a couple of months or years?

C. I think a month of plan is more than I can handle

10. How would your fiance propose to you ideally?

A. A romantic dinner date

B. At the top of a ferris wheel

C. I haven’t really given it much thought- I’ll be happy no matter how they do it

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