What Movie Will You Watch This Valentines Day?

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8 Questions | Total Attempts: 55 | Updated: Feb 24, 2022
What Movie Will You Watch This Valentines Day?
Are you going watch a romantic movie either alone or with your love ones this Valentine's day? There are several romantic movies that will surely inspire you to be in-love. Take this quiz and find out the best movie for you to watch!

Questions Excerpt

1. What is your favorite movie genre?

A. Suspense thriller.

B. Horror flicks.

C. Romantic comedy.

D. Action movies.

2. You love watching alone or with someone?

A. Alone because I want to watch without distraction.

B. With friends or siblings.

C. I don't watch movies.

D. Sometimes alone and sometimes with random people.

3. Do you get scared easily?

A. During the night.

B. When I am taken by surprise.

C. I am the bravest.

D. No. I am not jumpy.

4. Do you watch movies inside your bedroom or in your living room?

A. Inside my room.

B. It varies.

C. In the living room with whole family.

D. I watch movies in theatres.

5. What is your usual snack during a movie marathon?

A. All sweets.

B. Usually pasta

C. The popular, popcorn and sodas.

D. I am strictly on a diet.

6. What is your favorite romantic movie?

A. Sassy girl.

B. James Bond.

C. If Only.

D. Fifty Shades of Grey.

7. Do you have a movie buddy?

A. I don't have any.

B. My close friends during slumber parties.

C. My family especially my mom.

D. My lover.

8. At what time do you usually watch movies?

A. During weekends.

B. One movie before I sleep.

C. I don't have a fix time.

D. Once a year.

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