What Is Wrong With My Marriage Quiz?

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15 Questions | Total Attempts: 2462 | Updated: Dec 06, 2022
 What Is Wrong With My Marriage Quiz?

To some, their marriage starts like in a fairy tale. Everything seems wonderful, with a spouse that respects them, ideas that flow and help them both flourish in their personal lives, and also in-laws that are the best people they’ve ever met in their lives. Then, something happens and all of a sudden, things seem to crumble around them. 

With that said, can you see what is currently wrong in your marriage? Take a few minutes to complete our ‘What is wrong with my marriage’ quiz and find out now.

Questions Excerpt

1. Do you say bad things about your spouse all the time?

A. No, why would I do that

B. There's really nothing bad to say about them

C. Yes, sometimes, but only because I am mad

D. Yes, all the time because I’m fed up with them

2. Do you think you have enough respect for your spouse?

A. Yes

B. I hope so

C. I have just enough respect they need

D. Not really

3. Are you happy with the way your spouse treats you in general?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. 50% of the time

D. No

4. Are you still sexually attracted to your spouse?

A. Yes, of course

B. Sometimes

C. Yes, but I wish things were more sensual in the bedroom

D. No, not at all

5. How many times a week do you have sex with your spouse?

A. One time

B. Three times

C. Five times

D. At least ten times

6. Do you go out to celebrate your love?

A. Yes, all the time

B. Sometimes

C. Only when there's a good reason to do so

D. Almost never

7. Do you like going away on vacation sometimes?

A. Yes

B. Sometimes

C. 30% of the time, because I don't like the hassle that come with it

D. No

8. How many times do you argue during the week?

A. At least 2 times

B. At least 3 times

C. At least 5 times

D. More than 5 times

9. Do you both agree on the way you think kids should be raised?

A. Yes, absolutely

B. 60% of the times, we do

C. Only 20% of the time

D. No, never

10. Are you happy with the roles you had at home once you got married?

A. Yes

B. I am happy with most of them

C. I am happy with only 10% of them

D. I’m happy with none of them

11. Does jealousy seep into your relationship often?

A. Yes, it does

B. No, not at all

C. Sometimes

D. In rare moments

12. Do you often feel misunderstood by your partner?

A. Yes, I do

B. Most of the time

C. Sometimes

D. No, not really

13. Do you like talking to your partner about your day?

A. Yes, absolutely

B. No, not at all

C. Most of the time

D. Sometimes

14. Is your partner a source of support and encouragement for you?

A. Yes, absolutely

B. No, not at all

C. Most of the time

D. Sometimes

15. Do you think your life has changed for the better because of your spouse?

A. Yes, absolutely

B. No, not at all

C. Most of the time

D. Sometimes

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